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Raad: Attack against Army is an Attack against Resistance

The head of the Loyalty to the Resistance bloc MP Mohammed Raad accused on Sunday the opposition of seeking to create unrest in Lebanon through executing a foreign agenda in Lebanon.

He said: “The opposition is still delusional in thinking that it can strip the Resistance of its arms.”

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Hizbullah, Iran Won’t Take ‘Suicidal’ Stand in Defending Syria

Hizbullah and Iran will not go out of their way in defending the Syrian regime given the international pressure it is being subject to and the likelihood that it will soon be overthrown, diplomatic sources told the daily An Nahar in remarks published on Sunday.

They added that the international pressure on Syria to halt its crackdown against anti-regime protests is also weighing on its allies in Lebanon, especially Hizbullah.

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Miqati’s Pledge to Fund STL to Create New Govt. Crisis

Prime Minister Najib Miqati’s recent statements that Lebanon will continue on funding the Special Tribunal for Lebanon will likely cause a governmental crisis given that Free Patriotic Movement ministers believe that such a decision cannot be taken by the premier, but by the ministers themselves, the majority of which oppose the tribunal, reported the pan-Arab daily Al-Hayat on Sunday.

Ministerial sources told the daily that Lebanon is obligated to fund 49 percent of the tribunal’s funds according to United Nations Security Council 1757.

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ISF, Hizbullah Clash Over Spy Networks

The Internal Security Forces leadership snapped back at Hizbullah mouthpiece al-Manar TV station over accusations that the Intelligence Branch had neglected its duties in arresting Mossad agents.

Without naming al-Manar, the ISF general directorate said in a communiqué on Friday that unlike the TV report that no spying network was arrested in the past year, the Intelligence Branch had arrested 4 rings, the latest in June 2001.

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MP Gemayel Hints Hizbullah Hiding 4 Suspects, Slams Party’s Arms and Ideology

MP Sami Gemayel hinted on Thursday that Hizbullah is aware of the whereabouts of the four suspects in ex-Premier Rafik Hariri’s assassination case but is not helping Lebanese authorities in finding them.

In a press conference he held at the Phalange party headquarters in Saifi, Gemayel said: “Hizbullah said that the TIME magazine interview didn’t take place meaning it called the suspects and asked if they gave the interview.”

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March 14: Hizbullah is in a State of Confusion over Syria

March 14 general-secretariat coordinator Fares Soaid said Wednesday that Hizbullah is in a crisis and would put itself in a confrontation with the whole world if it continues to support the Assad regime.

“The Syrian regime is choking,” Soaid told LBC TV network. “The international community is sending signals that the regime in Syria has collapsed.”

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Phalange: Govt. Distracting People with its Disputes instead of Tackling Citizens’ Concerns

The Phalange Party criticized on Monday the government’s performance, saying that the officials are acting as if the country does not have its daily challenges and problems.

It said in a statement after its weekly meeting: “The officials are on an unjustified political holiday, cabinet sessions are pointless, parliament has been obstructed, and vacuum has taken over the administrations.”

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Geagea Slams Nasrallah’s Speech, Warns of Meddling in Syria’s Affairs

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea slammed on Saturday Hizbullah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, saying he can’t impose his policy and ideology pertaining to the situation in Syria.

“Nasrallah can express his political and ideological opinion on Syria but he can’t impose it on the Lebanese state or any other team locally,” Geagea told the Central News Agency.

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Nasrallah: We're Counting on Public Opinion to Overcome STL Conspiracy

Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah noted Friday that his party is “counting on the public opinion’s support for the Resistance” to overcome “the conspiracy of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon and its threat.”

“Day after day we are discovering how much the tribunal is politicized and why it was established … When I or some of my brothers (in Hizbullah) make explanations and clarifications (on the STL), we are not trying to convince the U.S. administration, (STL Prosecutor Danielle) Bellemare, (STL President Antonio) Cassese or some figure in Lebanon … we are rather trying to appeal to the public opinion,” said Nasrallah.

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March 14 Rejects Turning Parliament into Anti-STL Platform

The March 14-led opposition rejected turning the parliament and constitutional institutions into platforms from which Hizbullah launches campaigns against the international tribunal, the coalition’s sources said.

The sources told An Nahar daily published Friday that Hizbullah was using the state institutions to defend the four suspects that the Special Tribunal for Lebanon indicted in ex-Premier Rafik Hariri’s Feb. 2005 assassination.

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