Geagea: Govt. Must Send Strongly-Worded Complaint to Syria over Army Infiltration

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Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea criticized on Wednesday the Syrian army’s infiltration of Lebanese territory on Tuesday, describing the action as being a military one.

He said after holding talks with French Ambassador to Lebanon Denis Pietton: “The Lebanese government should send a strongly-worded complaint to Syria over the matter.”

“The Lebanese army has long maintained good ties with its Syrian counterpart,” he noted.

Geagea added however that the army should take its precautions and set up centers along the areas that the Syrian army uses to enter Lebanon.

On Tuesday, Syrian tanks crossed the Lebanese border and headed towards the region of Arsal in the Bekaa where they fired at an abandoned battery factory.

They also attacked the house of two Lebanese citizens, Zahri and Abdel Aziz al-Jabawi.

Addressing the threats against United Nations buildings in Lebanon, Geagea asked: “Why are regional disputes being settled on Lebanese land? Why should Lebanon always remain unsafe?”

“Who is causing this?” he wondered.

On the funding of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, the LF leader remarked: “To whoever is demanding that Prime Minister Najib Miqati and President Michel Suleiman fund it, I would like to remind them that the tribunal concerns all Lebanese because it will achieve justice for all the martyrs who were killed in Lebanon in the past 30 years.”

He made his statement in reference to FPM leader MP Michel Aoun who on Tuesday reiterated his objection to the funding of the tribunal, demanding that the premier and president handle the matter.

Comments 7
Default-user-icon Muhamad (Guest) 05 October 2011, 16:43

Geagea is talking like the mouse who is afraid of the cat, The UN is the place where to complain about the Syrian violation Mr., if you were a real Lebanese and have no Lebanese blood on your hands, you will talk like a man not like a mouse.

Thumb thepatriot 05 October 2011, 16:46

The problem is that our government IS Syrian! They cannot complain to papa...

Thumb geha 05 October 2011, 17:41

all the masks are unveilled:
- hizbushaitan is not a resistance, it is a tools for the syro/iranian goons
- our president and its government are traitors for being silent against these acts.
- Aoun and other hizbushaitan followers are traitors.
they should be judged for high traison.

Thumb ado.australia 05 October 2011, 20:26

Ya hakim, will the tribunal decide who killed rashid karami? Will it decide on who killed Danny Chamoun? Will it decide on who killed elie Hoboika? Will it decide on who killed sheik bashir?

Ya hakim... What is your response to the mustaqbul attack on our batrak el Rahi?

Default-user-icon Reader (Guest) 05 October 2011, 21:17

Are you guys retarded? You have no criticism of what he actually said just babbling. If he were to ask for more, such as sending the border, you'd say he wants war.

Thumb jabalamel 06 October 2011, 10:55

the filthy zionist information war department saw their colaborator saying something and they went from melancholia to excitation, writing some stupidities....

oh i see some patriotic people here.
don't argue with them...let them babble here, will be good material for some psychiatric research

Thumb jabalamel 06 October 2011, 12:23

only now i found time to read the whole article and i found this:

“...I would like to remind them that the tribunal concerns all Lebanese because it will achieve justice for all the martyrs who were killed in Lebanon in the past 30 years.”

they key is 30 years. why 30 and not 40? because if it was 40 it would be 70-is. and we know who did the most massacres in 70-is.

even if he may be right in some points, the very fact he is actually saying something outside of prison is a tragedy for lebanon