Samir Geagea
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Geagea: Hizbullah Not Even Willing to Let Allies Take Part in Strategic Decisions

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea on Sunday accused the Hizbullah-led camp of “practicing hegemony over the State’s strategic decisions,” noting that “Hizbullah is not even willing to let its allies take part in these decisions.”

On the second day of his visit to Zahle and the Central Bekaa region, Geagea added: “Why would we engage in (national) dialogue if the other camp is insisting on its point of view regarding the issue of the strategic decisions.”

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Bassil Hits Back at Geagea: Who Allowed You to Renounce Our Rights

Energy and Water Minister Jebran Bassil on Friday hit back at Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea, without naming him, over remarks made by the latter earlier in the day on the issue of Lebanon’s maritime resources.

“Who allowed him (Geagea) to renounce our rights and jeopardize Lebanon’s borders, sovereignty and resources?” Bassil asked rhetorically.

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Geagea Accuses Nasrallah of Abusing Power: Army’s Role Should No Longer Be Undermined

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea accused on Friday Hizbullah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah of abusing power, slamming his recent speech in which he declared that the party will exploit the gas and oil wealth of any side that exploit’s Lebanon’s.

He said during a press conference on Lebanon’s offshore wealth: “We cannot remain silent over such a dangerous announcement.”

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Jumblat Meets al-Rahi: We Hope Maronite Meetings Will Lead to Comprehensive National Dialogue

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat hoped on Thursday that Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi would succeed in uniting Maronite ranks in Lebanon.

He said after meeting with al-Rahi and former Patriarch Nasrallah Sfeir in Diman: “We hope that this step would be followed by a comprehensive and constructive national dialogue” that would include all parties in Lebanon.

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Geagea: Situation Can Never Turn to Normal under Magical Equation of Army, People, Resistance

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea condemned on Wednesday the attacks against the French unit in the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon that took place near Sidon on Tuesday, thanking the French government for all its support for Lebanon.

He noted: “The security situation can never turn to normal as long as there are hundreds of thousands of unofficial security apparatuses.”

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Aoun: Rifi’s Numerous Violations Makes him Ineligible to Remain in his Position

Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun stated on Tuesday that Internal Security Force chief Major General Ashraf Rifi’s several violations “make him ineligible to remain in his position in office.”

He said after the Change and Reform bloc’s weekly meeting: “His statement that he was born out of the March 14 camp’s womb is one of his violations because this is not part of the ISF law.”

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Geagea Says He’d Think Twice before Meeting with Rival Maronite Leaders Again

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea said he would think twice before attending another meeting of the country’s Maronite leaders at the seat of the patriarchate in Bkirki.

In an interview with al-Joumhouria daily published Monday, Geagea said: “The first experience wasn’t encouraging.”

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Geagea Denies Baabda Palace Rebuke

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea denied that he had received a phone call from Baabda palace admonishing him for a stance that he had made lately.

In remarks to An Nahar daily from southern France, where he is vacationing with his wife, Geagea said that such a phone conversation did not take place.

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Suleiman Marks al-Rahi’s Visit to Jbeil with Dinner in his Honor

President Michel Suleiman is throwing a dinner banquet on Saturday in Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi’s honor on the occasion of his visit of the region of Jbeil, reported the daily An Nahar Saturday.

Speaker Nabih Berri, his deputy Farid Makari, Prime Minister Najib Miqati his deputy Samir Moqbel, Papal Ambassador Gabriele Caccia, and a number of ministers, MPs, and heads of Christian parties, including Phalange Party leader Amin Gemayel, Marada Movement leader MP Suleiman Franjieh, and FPM leader MP Michel Aoun are also invited.

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Geagea: We Back Demarcation of Maritime Borders Away from Exploitation of Regional Events

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea voiced on Monday his support for the government’s efforts to demarcate the maritime borders.

He pointed out however that “demanding this right is one thing, while exploiting this issue for greater regional interests is another.”

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