Samir Geagea
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Geagea: Syria’s Lebanese Allies Living in State of Confusion over Syrian Events

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea stated on Sunday that Syria’s Lebanese allies are sensing that the Syrian regime will be overthrown, and they are therefore now, contrary to their usual practices, calling for dialogue.

He said: “They are living in a state of confusion and are trying to take all possible measures to save themselves should the regime be toppled.

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Geagea: Govt. Seems to Have Forgotten that There are Three Other Borders to Demarcate

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea noted on Thursday that the Lebanese government is doing all it can to demarcate the Lebanese-Israeli border, overlooking that fact that Lebanon is also bordered by Syria and Cyprus.

He said before a delegation of Zahle bloc MPs that the government should completely maintain the people’s interests by demarcating those borders as well and not simply direct its attention to one side “because of ideological reasons.”

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Opposition Leaders Meet to Coordinate Stances

March 14 led-opposition leaders have held a meeting at Center House to discuss the local situation and to coordinate their stances concerning the upcoming stage, An Nahar newspaper reported on Thursday.

The meeting was held on Tuesday in the presence of Phalange Party leader Amin Gemayel, head of the Mustaqbal bloc former Prime Minister Fouad Saniora, Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea and MPs Butros Harb and Marwan Hmadah and March 14 General Secretariat Coordinator Fares Soaid, the daily said.

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Aoun: Seeing as Miqati is so Rich, Why Doesn’t he Fund STL?

Aoun renewed on Tuesday his opposition to the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, rejecting attempts to fund it.

He said after the Change and Reform bloc’s weekly meeting: “Seeing as Prime Minister Najib Miqati and his brothers have amassed billions of dollars, then he can provide the $35 million Lebanon is obligated to pay to fund the tribunal.”

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March 14 Lauds Geagea’s ‘Brave’ Speech

The opposition has described Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea’s words on Saturday as “brave” and a “March 14 speech par excellence.”

March 14 general-secretariat coordinator Fares Soaid told An Nahar daily on Sunday that through the presence of former Maronite Patriarch Nasrallah Sfeir in the commemoration of the fallen members of the party, the “LF is now in the stage that characterizes the moral and political responsibility taken by the LF and the Maronite church to move Lebanon from civil war to civil peace in 1989.”

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Sfeir Won’t Address Political Situation during LF Mass

Former Maronite Patriarch Nasrallah Sfeir will not address the political situation in Lebanon during the Saturday’s mass commemorating the fallen members of the Lebanese Forces, revealed information obtained by Naharnet on Friday.

Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi will be unable to attend, but he will send his deputy Roland Abu Jaoude who will deliver a speech on the patriarch’s behalf.

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Maronite Meeting: Electoral Law Will Revitalize Christian Role in Lebanon

A meeting for Maronite leaders stressed on Friday the importance of the electoral law in revitalizing the role of Christians in Lebanon.

The statement, read by the Patriarchate spokesman Walid Ghayyath, said: “The Christians believe in the Lebanese state and its institutions and they believe that an electoral law is the correct way to revitalize their role in the country.”

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Geagea Speech Saturday to Tackle Conditions of Christians, Latest Developments

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea stated on Thursday that his speech following Saturday’s mass commemorating the fallen members of the party will tackle regional developments and their effect on Christians.

He told Free Lebanon radio that it will also focus on internal Lebanese developments.

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Geagea to Attend Bkirki Meeting After Controversy of Passing Cloud

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea will attend a meeting of Maronite political leaders scheduled to be held in Bkirki later this month after the storm sparked by the controversial statements of Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi subsided, high-ranking LF sources said.

“There will be no problem in our participation at the Bkirki meeting on Sept. 23 after the ‘summer cloud’ that al-Rahi’s remarks created have passed,” the sources told An Nahar newspaper published Friday.

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Geagea: Cloud of Uncertainty on al-Rahi’s Statements Has Passed

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea on Wednesday expressed relief at Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi’s confirmation that his statements on Syria and Hizbullah’s arms were taken out of context.

In remarks to Free Lebanon radio, Geagea said that he faced “uncertainty” when he heard al-Rahi’s remarks during his visit to Paris. “I know well the church’s stance and al-Rahi’s stand from humanitarian principles, core values, human rights, humanitarian dignity, the freedom of people, democracy and the right of self-determination.”

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