Raad: We Seek Justice, But STL is Politicized and it Won’t Uncover the Truth

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The head of the Loyalty to the Resistance bloc MP Mohammed Raad stated on Thursday that the government and opposition should work together to maintain Lebanon’s national principles, despite their political differences.

He said during the parliament session aimed at discussing the cabinet policy statement: “The government is concerned with implementing the constitution and abiding by the law to resolve political disputes and address the people’s needs.”

“This is the first Lebanese government that was formed without foreign intervention and it is not a one-sided cabinet,” he stressed.

“It will be capable of presenting a national productive performance,” he declared.

“Whoever announced his boycott of the cabinet is conspiring against Lebanon,” he announced.

Addressing the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, Raad said: “It has become a tool in the hands of American-Zionist imperialism aimed at destroying the Resistance.”

“The greatest deception is linking justice to the tribunal. Whoever wants justice does not want this tribunal,” the MP stated.

“We all seek the truth, justice, and stability, but the STL will not uncover the truth and it will not achieve justice in Lebanon,” he emphasized.

“The Resistance is ready to defend the nation and wage any possible war,” Raad added.

“The equation of the army, people, and resistance fortified Lebanon’s unity and thwarted plans to take over the country,” he stressed.

Moreover, Lebanon’s diversity allows it to overcome crises and maintain national principles that are at the heart of the Lebanese system, he noted.

The MP ended his statement by granting the cabinet confidence on behalf of his parliamentary bloc.

  • 07 July 2011, 13:39

    Raad: The Loyalty to the Resistance bloc grants the cabinet confidence.

  • 07 July 2011, 13:36

    Raad: Strife between Sunnis and Shiites and Muslims and Christians will not erupt in Lebanon.

  • 07 July 2011, 13:33

    Raad: The STL is politicized and it lacks credibility. It is a political tool in the hands of American-Zionist imperialism aimed at destroying the Resistance.

  • 07 July 2011, 13:31

    Raad: We all seek the truth, justice, and stability, but the STL will not uncover the truth and it will not achieve justice in Lebanon. The greatest deception is linking justice to this court. . Whoever wants justice does not want this tribunal.

  • 07 July 2011, 13:26

    Raad: The world does not care about Lebanon except when it has certain interests to achieve, incurring suffering on our people as a result.

  • 07 July 2011, 13:25

    Raad: It’s unfortunate that the STL has been employed as a strategy against the Resistance. Some sides are accomplices in this plan and we should not fall for it.

  • 07 July 2011, 13:21

    Raad: This cabinet commits to the equation of the army, people, and resistance, which is the appropriate way to defend Lebanon.

  • 07 July 2011, 13:17

    Raad: This is the only government that was formed without foreign intervention.

  • 07 July 2011, 13:17

    Raad: We are satisfied with Miqati’s work and this government brings together several Lebanese factions and it does not belong to Hizbullah nor is it one-sided.

  • 07 July 2011, 13:16

    Raad: We call on the government to work as a unified team in order to achieve its goals.

  • 07 July 2011, 13:14

    Head of the Loyalty to Resistance bloc MP Mohammed Raad: We are confident that the cabinet is capable of presenting a productive national performance.

Comments 11
Thumb thepatriot 07 July 2011, 13:31

"This is the only government that was formed without foreign intervention"...hahaha...yeah right!
Well...so...why were you in the previous one??

Default-user-icon Kevork (Guest) 07 July 2011, 13:37

I'm not with March 14, especially after the Turkish visit in Lebanon but I consider this guy as just a fat pig that will lead the country into a tatar state.
Their militia will dominate the country by the use of their weapons and will make it hostage of Iranian politic that serves only Iran and the illiterate tatars in Lebanon of the Hizb.

Default-user-icon Jajo (Guest) 07 July 2011, 13:41

Only Dumb idiots like all his followers can believe this crap.
In fact, hey they have to believe or else they will stop feeding them.
If some new party arises and pays money to all the Hezb followers they will all leave them. This how they followed the Hezb and they let go Berry (#1 Shia leader at that time in Lebanon) for money...

Default-user-icon Lena (Guest) 07 July 2011, 13:49

Wlak zionist here zionist there, traitor here traitor there. Sick and tired of this propaganda speech.
Just if you want to say no to the hizb then you are a traitor zionist ally of the ultimate evil complot to reverse the world.
Shut up for god's sake.
If there are guilty people in the Hizb then they should go to tribunal and that's it. If there are guilty people in 14 march then same thing.
You are so making the country behave like iran and all the Lebanese bi.ches politics like raad, nasrallah, aoun, bassil, kanso are just the low level shit asses that are being the tools for this.
To hell with you and your Hizb and your Israel, your Iran, your USA and Syria. To hell with you all, we want to live in Lebanon free of all of you shitters.
Leave us alone.

Missing peace 07 July 2011, 14:30

hezb wants a tribunal led by ahmedinejad so that their justice would be implemented!

and doesn t he know that "resistance" does not belong to a party? who does he think he is? resistance belongs the the whole people of lebanon, it is not to a party to tell what is wrong and what is right...

Default-user-icon Leb (Guest) 07 July 2011, 15:09

The real resistance is the LEBANESE RESISTANCE and not the Islamic resistance.... This country is called Lebanon not islam...

Default-user-icon Mehdi (Guest) 07 July 2011, 15:43

PM Mikati keeps saying that the government's statement clearly supports the STL. Hassan and his militiamen say the exact opposite. Did we change into an Iranian style Islamic republic with a supreme leader that decrees binding policies contrary to the regular government's policies?

Missing allouchi 07 July 2011, 17:23

Get a life Raad…we don’t believe you…Hizb is accused of killing our Martyrs and should be put on trial and if convicted should be dissolved as an entity..from top to bottom..Hassan Nisrallah should be put on trial also…Hey a CEO of a company should know all and being the top dog should be held responsible. HIZB get some good lawyers or pack and move to IRAN.

Thumb Marc 07 July 2011, 17:56

The 4 accused members shall still face the court and not run away from it. Running away is an admittance of guilt

Default-user-icon Pancrazio (Guest) 07 July 2011, 18:23

"The Resistance is ready to... wage any possible war" ... scusi signore Flatulenza, but shouldn't waging war be a national decision?

Unless you can guaranty that only Shiites will be killed and Shiite homes will be destroyed and Shiite businesses will suffer then OK go wage your wars with your Shiite weapons. But please this time protect the Shiite civilians supporting your resistance like you keep promising them you do, we don't want to see them loitering around here scared and crying and stinking up the joint and begging for food for their children, thank you.

Thumb shab 07 July 2011, 23:59

Is it a coincidence but are all member of the Shiite mafia militia have the typical inbreed appearance. unkempt and shabby looking with some kind of facial skin diseases or discoloring?