Sweden, Poland Warn Solving Syria Crisis Will Take 'Decades'

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Sweden and Poland warned against knee-jerk reactions to the crisis in Syria on Saturday, saying that any international effort to solve it will require a commitment "for decades to come".

Speaking at a regional NATO conference in the Latvian capital, Riga, Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt said the West was being short-sighted regarding the instability sweeping the Middle East.

"Let's be realistic. We have an escalating civil war in the entire Levant...the only thing I can say that would have a reasonable chance of success would be to go in with armies and stay there for 30 years and try to do some real nation building. Appetite for that? Non existent," Bildt said.

"It is an immensely complex problem. There is not a simple solution. We will have, on the European side, to stay engaged with this part of the world for decades to come in every single respect," Bildt added.

Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski pointed to previous Western interventions in Libya and Iraq as a reason for caution.

"Do you really want us to do another Iraq? Was that really such a good idea? Was it worth the [spoils of war] and the blood that was expended there?" Sikorski asked an audience consisting chiefly of foreign policy experts, urging them to "think about the consequences before we plunge in".

Sikorski said U.S. President Barack Obama had "done the right thing" in referring the matter of military action against the Assad regime to Congress, but had strong words for the United Nations Security Council, accusing it of failing its obligation to act as "the voice of all humanity".

"The Security Council is simply not doing what it is supposed to be doing, which is not to be a place where selfish nations look after their interests... I can't think of a better case where the voice of humanity should be heard other than to protest against the use of these (chemical) weapons," Sikorski said.

China and Syrian ally Russia have repeatedly used their veto power on the U.N. Security Council to block both military action and international criminal proceedings against Syrian President Bashar Assad.

European Union nations Saturday called for a "strong" response in the Syria crisis but stopped short of endorsing possible military action by the United States over the alleged use of chemical weapons by Damascus.

The EU also urged the Security Council "to fulfill its responsibilities", a reference to Russia and China's refusal to sanction Assad.

A staunch U.S. ally in both the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, Poland has ruled out taking part in any military intervention in Syria.

Sweden has said it would only support military action if it were backed by a U.N. mandate.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Saturday made clear that Washington had not decided to postpone a decision on military action until the release of the U.N. report on who was behind the deadly August chemical weapons attack on a Damascus suburb.

Comments 3
Thumb bustany 07 September 2013, 21:53

People: Its not about Chemical weapon; it is about supporting the backwarded culture about the progressive. It is about supporting Saudi Arabia's woman culture against the freedom of women in Baath Syria. Its about supporting the selective education for the rich in most Arabic countries against the free-obligatory education for every kids in Baath Syria. Its about supporting the God-will culture of Saudis against the God-and-science will of Baath Syria

Missing VINCENT 08 September 2013, 05:55

Fair enough. You have my blessing so long as the "Baath Syria" you refer to is in no way shape or form connected to the Iranian agenda which is to establish a strong (religious) axis of Shiite presence for Iran's own interest vis-a-vis the Sunni, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan, etc. which, in my opinion, both these sides, Iran and Saudi, are only thinking of their pockets, prosperity and longevity. I do vehemently believe that the Arab Shiites must have a strong and meaningful presence in all aspects Arab political, economic, cultural freedom unfettered by Iranian and/or Saudi hindrance, interference and oppression. Funny, why is it that neither Iran, Saudi Arabia or Israel have such deadly division within their respective countries while Syria and Lebanon does?

Missing hb9z 07 September 2013, 23:14

not really , blow up assad find another alawite instead that will make a deal, put a UNIFIL force around the alawite area and thats half of it...right there can be done in 6 Months