Austrian U.N. Troops Begin Pullout from Golan Heights

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Austrian troops in the U.N. monitoring force on the Golan Heights began withdrawing on Wednesday, days after Vienna decided to quit the mission over security concerns, an Agence France Presse photographer said.

A group of 20 soldiers entered the Israeli side of the strategic plateau through the Quneitra Crossing, the only direct passage between Israel and Syria, the photographer said.

The troops arrived in jeeps accompanied by armored vehicles before crossing through Syrian and Israeli controls.

About 50 other soldiers of the 378-strong Austrian contingent were to be withdrawn during the day, sources on the ground said.

Austria, which has been a cornerstone of the U.N. force monitoring a ceasefire between Syria and Israel since 1974, announced on Thursday that it would withdraw its peacekeepers because of deteriorating security on the Golan Heights.

Defense Minister Gerald Klug said the pullout of Austria's soldiers on the Golan would take between two and four weeks.

A top Israeli government official told AFP Tuesday that several dozen Austrian troops had already left the mission's headquarters. Israeli public radio said they were administrative staff.

"But the majority of soldiers will remain in place until the U.N. has found a country that can send troops to replace the Austrian ones," said the Israeli official, who asked not to be named.

The U.N. is trying to persuade Austria to slow down its withdrawal.

Japan and Croatia have also withdrawn in recent months as battles between Syrian government and opposition forces spill into the ceasefire zone.

Comments 2
Thumb lebnanfirst 12 June 2013, 08:52

This does not bode well for the future. It was said that if the Austrians withdraw, that means a decision has already been made to start arming the Syrian revolution seriously. Geneva 2 is now a big question mark as well. Hope things do not get out of hand and cooler heads prevail.

Missing Liberation 12 June 2013, 10:50

I second your thoughts and hope to God that you're right!!! We definitely need cooler heads, but I don't believe that the issue would be solved with cooler heads. This is a world wide game and the players are all the big gorillas in the room. When it comes to global war decisions, it's labeled as a POLICY. Civilians that get caught up in the cross fire are called casualties of war. Unfortunately I don't see a way out of this at the time being.