Scuffle at U.N. Council as N. Korea Rejects 'Fabricated' Report


A scuffle broke out Monday in the U.N. Human Rights Council and a man was detained by security after a North Korean diplomat said a critical report by an independent expert had been fabricated.

North Korea said it "roundly rejects this useless interpretation" which it said was "fabricated by hostile elements" and it called on the council not to renew the mandate of the special rapporteur on human rights Marzuki Darusman.

As the North Korean delegate was leaving the hall a scuffle ensued and a man was held by U.N. security officials before being later released.

The dispute erupted when council members took note of a report by Darusman, the U.N. Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in North Korea.

The report covers the period from September 2011 to January 2012, when the situation "continued to deteriorate" said Darusman's report.

After the report was presented, several representatives took the floor, led by North Korea, followed by the European Union and Japan.

While the Japanese representative was about to finish his speech, the North Korean diplomat stood up to leave and the scuffle broke out.

The report said the human rights and humanitarian situation in North Korea has deteriorated in recent months, while adding that the leadership transition following Kim Jong-Il's death in December was an opportunity for reform.

"The current transition may be a window of opportunity for the country to adopt a reform process and address all questions and concerns in relation to human rights," said Darusman.

Kim Jong-Un took over as leader of the North Korean regime after his father Kim Jong-Il's death on December 17 from a heart attack at the age of 69.

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