Geagea: Assad Depicted Status Quo that Has Nothing to Do with Reality

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Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea criticized on Tuesday Syrian President Bashar Assad’s speech earlier in the day, saying that he addressed everything but the country’s crisis.

He said before reporters in Maarab: “Assad depicted a status quo that has nothing to do with the reality on the ground.”

He stated that Assad spoke of a conspiracy against his country, “but I don’t understand how a conspiracy can mobilize hundreds of thousands of protesters since the beginning of the revolt.”

“How can over 10,000 Syrians be killed just because they are alleged foreign agents?” he wondered.

“If the developments in Syria truly are a conspiracy, then it could have been resolved simply by holding a poll, under the United Nations’ supervision, to determine whether the people support Assad or not,” Geagea remarked.

“Only then can Assad’s claims of a conspiracy be verified,” he stressed.

“Should the regime be overthrown, then Hizbullah’s position in Lebanon would change … and I hope the party would act in a manner that best suits that current regional situation,” he noted.

Addressing U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon’s upcoming visit to Lebanon on Friday and some sides’ statements that he is not welcome in the country, he said: “Only the official authorities have the right to state who is welcome in the country or not.”

“Such statements completely disregard and undermine the government, president, people, and official institutions,” noted the LF leader.

“Can Lebanon only support Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi and Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem?” he asked.

“The sides behind the statements are presenting the ugliest image of Lebanon after their allies presented another bad image by claiming that the al-Qaida terrorist group had infiltrated the country,” Geagea said.

“Speaker Nabih Berri statements that Ban can help Lebanon in several issues are comments by a true man of state because he is seeking to achieve the country’s interests,” he added.

Hizbullah had stated over the weekend that Ban is not welcome in Lebanon.

Senior party official Mohammed Yazbek slammed the visit, saying: “Ban, (U.N. Special Envoy) Terri Rod Larson, and the messenger of evil and conspiracy’s (U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs) Jeffrey Feltman are unwelcomed in Lebanon.”

Comments 28
Thumb shab 10 January 2012, 15:05

Again he is speaking as a true Lebanese. Lebanese Amel will survive the downfall of Assad and outlive the filthy Iranian militia.

Default-user-icon Kalamando (Guest) 10 January 2012, 15:15

tamakhada al7imar fashahnaqa

Default-user-icon ya retard (Guest) 10 January 2012, 15:29

mowaten of iran: thanks for explaining how it works, you arrogant piece of work!

Default-user-icon Minx (Guest) 10 January 2012, 15:38

Mowaten: Give me your straight answer on the below:

Why your leader Hassouni support Bahraini's to rebel against minority ruling the country and reject the same situation in Syria?

(Please do not give me the BS that hassouni regugitate in every speach)

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (Guest) 10 January 2012, 15:45

mr jeajea how long have u been head of lebanese forces ? since before bachar
how u became leader of the lebanese forces ? elected democratically ?!!!
alkl leaders or head of state or party leaders in all arab countries should go same time as bachar cause all of them are dictators like him

Default-user-icon Tratebka (Guest) 10 January 2012, 15:47

Whether Geagea is correct or not is not the issue.
What really counts is what WE think as free lebanese citizens.
Was Assad convincing ??? no. Did he bring to the table something new ? no.
Did he repeat the same old tune that we are fed up with, namely the Orouba fallacy ??? yes. Did he recognize that the Syrian people want change ? no.
Similarly to other dictators, here and elsewhere, Assad is doomed to exit History through its smallest door.

Thumb educatedlebanese 10 January 2012, 15:58

mowaten, change your profile pic to hizb flag or iranian flag, but not the lebanese flag.

clearly there are people who have had enough of bashar's rule, the syrians want to vote for people who represent them and he wont give them that right.

It doesnt matter how many people protested, it is beyond protesting now, there is violence involved and people are dying, and he clearly cant control the security of the country. This alone is enough to prove he has failed.

Default-user-icon Mowatennnn (Guest) 10 January 2012, 16:19

Mowaten,you are stupid. You are lying to yourself. Why? Are you afraid of the truth? Do you think the truth will not exist if you deny it? Really, im fasinated by people like you. I dont belivie anyone can be so stupid, so tell the real purpose, why?????

Thumb thepatriot 10 January 2012, 16:23

Enough now with your 7 policemen junk!
You always come back with this pathetic excuse. Where have you read that anyway?!

Default-user-icon Minx (Guest) 10 January 2012, 16:38

Mowaten: Do you truly believe that the violence in Syria is the work of the protestors?? Come on man..Give me a break, we all know what the Syrian regime is capable of!! We experienced this for 30 years..And Bashar have already said it (breaking the country)Where have you been?

Missing peace 10 January 2012, 16:47

it is only a matter of time before the fall of this terrorist regime and its supporters here to cry.....

Default-user-icon Minx (Guest) 10 January 2012, 16:48

I have to admit that I was no fan of Geagea during the civil war, but this guy paid for his sins in 11 years of jail, whatever he says nowadays makes a lot of sense, unlike some thugs who are still out on the Lebanese arena causing havoc all over the place...Headed by Aoun the nutcase, Jumblat the chamelion and Berri the snake

Thumb profile 10 January 2012, 17:00

mowaten: An arrogant blogger whose belief is "the more I post, the more credible I am".

Thumb hakawati 10 January 2012, 17:01

I'm a killer you know what I mean
And I’ve done my killings with the gun, the machine
Yeah here in Beirut here in Beirut yeah
And I'm too sexy for a diploma
Too sexy for a diploma
I’m a killer you know what I mean
And I’m the Lebanese killers Dean.

Default-user-icon Ayyoub (Guest) 10 January 2012, 17:01

It is only matter of time.. patience is a virtue, and the downfall doesn't happen overnight. We all remember the information minister in Iraq at the News Conference with US forces two streets away. Or Sayf el Islam declaring victory as Tripoli fell. What is amazing how many non-syrians are pushing for Bashar to stay, while the real syrians want him out... last I checked, mowatan, habal, jambon(sorry martadella)did not say they were syrians...

Default-user-icon Arturo (Guest) 10 January 2012, 17:01

If there were no quaida or salafi extremists in Lebanon then why does the USA warn its citizens about visiting Lebanon? Thank you Mr Ghosn for telling the truth and not hide behind your finger like others do. Wake up people and smell the filth coming from some section of tripoli or saida.

Thumb profile 10 January 2012, 17:33

mowaten: An authority on categorizing people as "israeli" and "lebanese".

Missing peace 10 January 2012, 17:35

i guess torturing a 5 month old baby in front of his parents is an act of heroism to fight so called salafis conspiring against the democratic regime of syria....

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (Guest) 10 January 2012, 18:02

Aragon u just hit the right point, all our actual leaders who run our daily lives have blood on their hands in the past future present , they got blood on their hands

Default-user-icon Arturo (Guest) 10 January 2012, 18:04

If there were no qaida or salafi terrorists groups in Lebanon then why does the USA warn its citizens about visiting Lebanon? Thank you Mr Ghosn for telling the truth rather than hide behind your fingers. Wake up people and smell the filth coming from Tripoli, Akkar and Saida.

Thumb thepatriot 10 January 2012, 18:18

Still waiting for that link about the 7 policemen...unless the sandwich has it!?

Thumb jabalamel 10 January 2012, 21:23

the hallucinatory ex convict and permanent war criminal is convinced that assad is far from reality.

should we trust him? after all he is the expert of being far from reality. light years far

Thumb jabalamel 10 January 2012, 21:27

the filthy zionist information war department, coupled with several domestic radical lady gaga fans has put all efforts to support everything lady gaga has said and also, to repeat all the stupidities that they always repeat

it's really to pinpoint one or 2 stupidites because there are so many of them...

Default-user-icon mich.el (Guest) 11 January 2012, 06:26

Haters gonna hate..this man has been saying the truth for awhile now.

Yet no one addresses his statements but only his past. He is NO BETTER NOR WORSE than any of the rest, including aoun who was not legal no matter what aounis say. His mission was to organize elections, not wage 2 destructive wars.
As for hassan, he is the head of a military organization in times of peace..much worse than during the war if you ask me..some call it resistance, others a militia, the fact is weapons were used to intimidate and kill people in may 7

On a final point, when israel was invading lebanon until 2000, we didnt need any missiles..only after syrians left lebanon their tails between their legs did we come to need missiles..i dont see an explanation to that

I dare any m8 follower to LOGICALLY debate my points. I know you cant and wont simply cause HATERS GONNA HATE

Thumb adam 11 January 2012, 06:31

Syria is the BEST country! Bashar AlAssad turned Syria into HEAVEN! He is the BEST President. I have visited Syria 3 times, and it was PARADISE! Everyone respected everyone! I agree with Assad that these problems have occurred from outside countries. It is Europe, America, and even the Arab countries bordering Syria that are doing this. Assad will never step down, and one message to everyone, you’re only jealous of what Syria has that you can't imagine. I support Syria all the way!

Thumb jabalamel 11 January 2012, 16:55

the filthy zionist information war department wants someone to logicaly debate with their twisted view of the truth.

it's simply not possible.

Default-user-icon LebExile (Guest) 11 January 2012, 18:44

Mich.el - debate over before it begins.. they all ran and hid in their proverbial RAT HOLE just like their turbinator leader hassouna!

Thumb jabalamel 11 January 2012, 22:16

the filthy zionist information war department still halucinate about some debate