U.S. Says Assad 'Disconnected from Reality' or 'Crazy'

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The United States said Wednesday that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was either disconnected from reality or "crazy" after he argued he was not responsible for killing thousands of protesters.

State Department spokesman Mark Toner reiterated the U.S. view that Assad has lost legitimacy and should step down after the Syrian leader said in a rare interview that "only a crazy person" would kill his own people.

"It either says that he's completely lost any power that he had within Syria, that he's simply a tool or that he's completely disconnected with reality," Toner told reporters.

"It's either disconnection, disregard or, as he said, crazy. I don't know," Toner said.

"What we insist is that he has lost all credibility in the eyes of his people and needs to step down," he said.

Toner challenged the Syrian strongman to allow in international monitors to verify his assertions. The Arab League, which has suspended Syria, has been pushing to send in observers.

"Just taking at face value his denial that there's anything going on there," Toner said, "why not let international monitors, human rights monitors -- which is what the Arab League is proposing -- into Syria as well as international media and allow them to report transparently on what's happening there?"

Toner said there was "a clear campaign against peaceful protesters" and "accountability with that ultimately rests on Assad and his cronies."

White House spokesman Jay Carney earlier said that Assad's views were "not credible."

Assad said in an interview with ABC News that no government in the world would kill its people "unless it's led by a crazy person" and said he did not "own" the security forces carrying out the violence.

Assad said Syria's security forces belonged to "the government" and not him personally.

"I don't own them. I'm president. I don't own the country. So they are not my forces," he said.

On Tuesday, Toner sharply criticized Assad over the interview.

"I find it ludicrous that he is attempting to hide behind some sort of shell game but also some sort of claim that he doesn't exercise authority in his own country," Toner told reporters.

"There's just no indication that he's doing anything other than cracking down in the most brutal fashion on a peaceful opposition movement," he said.

But the Syrian foreign ministry hit back, saying Damascus was astonished by Toner’s comments which it said "distorted" the views expressed by Assad in the interview.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Jihad Maqdisi said: "We regret and express our astonishment at the remarks by U.S. State Department spokesman Mark Toner, who mocked the comments made by President Assad by distorting them."

He told a news conference that Assad had not been seeking to shirk his responsibilities as head of state by telling ABC News that Syrian security forces did not belong to him personally.

Activists say that more than 100 people have been killed in Syria since Saturday, and the United Nations estimates that at least 4,000 have died since mid-March when anti-regime protests first erupted.

Comments 9
Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 07 December 2011, 22:56

Assad uses the same dis-logic and confounding lies as the Hezz do. It worked in the small world of Iran, Lebanon, and Syria.....but the whole world knows these lies and it doesn't work where people have tongues and big guns too.

Psychotic interviews like this will only highlight that he needs to be gotten rid of and put on trial by the families of those he killed and tortured.

Default-user-icon Jamil Jamayel (Guest) 07 December 2011, 23:09

Maybe. But then show just one leader, especially in the Arab world, who isn't. Who are you kidding?

Default-user-icon mazen (Guest) 07 December 2011, 23:18

I don't see why he can't be both.

Missing youssefhaddad 08 December 2011, 00:05

Dictators live in denial and create false realities based on the flatterring of those who surround them. To be a dictator requires brain damage and assad sure does have it in his genes!

Default-user-icon Eli in Aus (Guest) 08 December 2011, 00:41

Bashar has messed up badly in this interview. He is in the the same league as all the doomed dictators of the past. The sooner he steps down, the better it is for everyone. Lots of lives will be saved.

Thumb arzz 08 December 2011, 04:36

The US foreign policy is also disconnected or turns a blind eye to what the israeli's have been doing to the palestinains for the past 60+ years.

So in 1 word: hypocrites

Default-user-icon Le PheneChien (Guest) 08 December 2011, 05:14

Go public week, yesterday the rat was out of its hole to speak to the media live on TV in Lebanon and today we have the liar not the dreamer or illusion man waste people's time to buy time.

Thumb chrisrushlau 08 December 2011, 05:15

It was courageous of Mr. Assad to confirm what some had suggested: that he is not the boss. I wonder if Mr. Obama would make such an admission.
Apparently nobody is the boss of Lebanon (because Israel, France, and the US cannot agree what to do with it). So Hezbollah is the only state in "Lebanon".
The interesting question is about who is the boss of Israel.
If you take "Israel" to include both the colony in Palestine and its supporters in governments in Europe and the US, you have a state with a unique character. Not only is it without a boss, but it has no laws. It is a state without a state. "All dressed up and nowhere to go." It has one mission imperative: to avoid wondering what it is doing. So everyone in this wider Israel is in charge (in a very democratic manner) of this job of avoiding wondering what it is for. Security? Try secularism, law, and equality. Heritage? The same. Escapism? There are cheaper ways. Revenge? On whom?
Syria now mirrors Israel.

Thumb joesikemrex 08 December 2011, 12:28

Just a criminal buying more time, time to relocate to a sewer