Geagea: Lebanon Facing Struggle between Rule of State and that of Statelet

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea stated on Tuesday that Lebanon is facing a struggle over asserting the role of the state in controlling the country and combating attempts to impose the role of the “statelet” over it.

He said before a delegation of NDU students: “It is a battle between two different points of view, one that calls for the rule of the state institutions and army and the other that does not believe in the state and that opposes the Arab and international communities.”

The March 14-led opposition believes in democracy and freedom, whereas the March 8 camp still adheres to obsolete regimes, he added.

The LF leader urged the students to make the choice between the ideology of the state and that of the “statelet”.

They should also chose between the rule of force and that of the law and between the state that respects international agreements and one that wants to wage a confrontation with the international community, Geagea stressed.

Comments 6
Default-user-icon mazen (Guest) 22 November 2011, 11:18

and the mass murderer keeps talking.. pol pot belongs in the hague!!!

Default-user-icon Fredo (Guest) 22 November 2011, 12:50

Nopw that one idiot by the name of Saad Hariri za7at, Lebanon is better off with the other remaining idiot by the name of Geagea to also yza7et

Default-user-icon Beiruti (Guest) 22 November 2011, 15:35

Geagea is the only consistent political voice in Lebanon speaking truth to power. He is building his LF for the future by addressing issues that are cross-confessional so that the appeal of the LF is not limited only to Maronites from Besharre, but to Sunni's in Tripoli and Lebanese Nationalists everywhere.

The Christians of Lebanon are in a demographic minority if political affiliation is defined by confessional identity politics. Christians, as a demographic element of Lebanon will never again be a majority. Some Christians, have reacted to this reality with fear and trepidation.

But the LF has taken an intelligent response. The only way for Lebanon is to break out of identity confessionalist politics. Coalitions must be built that merge one confessional group with another that share common economic or political interests that transcend confessional identity.
In politics, adherence to Christian religious doctrine is not as important as Christian political ideals.

Thumb geha 22 November 2011, 17:59

what happened in Arsal confirms what Geagea is saying: we have a hizbushaitan roaming around the country freely doing taking over the state.
this is inadmissible, and they will surrender their weapons and return to their farms when the time is right.

Thumb shab 22 November 2011, 21:42

Screw religion, Lebnen u bas

Default-user-icon Le PheneChien (Guest) 22 November 2011, 22:26

Firstly in 2006 GeaGea did not destroy the entire infrastructure of the Country but Hizb el salah did under the slogan fighting Israel, This so called resistance is paid by Iran and a robot for Syria to attack a neighboring country which if we have a peace treaty with then they will withdraw from sheb3a farms just like Jordan and Egypt have those treaties. You just can't dream about wiping Israel fromthe face of the earth as your short Iranian master says because whether you like it or not they already have a nuclear bomb but your party of Saleh undermines the Lebanese state and your leader should be thrown in Jail for accepting "reshwa" from Iran to act as a robot and destroy our Country.