Geagea: Syrian Regime Cannot Implement Arab League Initiative

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Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea noted on Thursday that the Syrian regime cannot go ahead with the Arab League proposal even though it had announced its acceptance of the initiative “without reservations.”

He added: “The regime has only made a political maneuver and it cannot withdraw its troops from the streets and it will not allow the media and rights groups to enter Syria.”

Addressing parliament’s approval of a law allowing Lebanese who fled to Israel to return to their country, he noted: “If only parliament had adopted the Phalange Party bloc’s proposal on this matter, which presents a radical solution to this matter, while the new suggestion does not offer a resolution to it.”

“What was presented at parliament on Wednesday does not differ from what is taking place on the ground as investigations are made with women and children refugees, while the men are sent to trial,” he explained.

“Shouldn’t the case of Lebanese in Israel be resolved after ten years of the liberation of southern Lebanon?” wondered the LF leader.

“How come families are allowed to demonstrate and block roads demanding amnesty for drug dealers while Lebanese in Israel are not allowed to return to their homeland?” asked Geagea.

Furthermore, he said that the Lebanese Forces MPs had presented in 2008 a draft law on granting compensations to the families of Lebanese prisoners in Syrian jails, but the Change and Reform bloc MPs dismissed the matter and instead presented a draft law on the issue to Speaker Nabih Berri who is their ally.

“It has turned out that the law they proposed does not meet the necessary conditions … and it will be merged with the LF MPs’ proposal …. If only the law on the Lebanese refugees would have been dealt with in the same way,” he added.

“The current Lebanese government does not have the necessary elements to sustain itself and it never really had them to begin with,” he continued.

“Each day this government is in power harms Lebanon,” Geagea stressed.

“The Lebanese citizen is being disregarded and therefore it is best that the government resign,” he stated.

Parliament had approved on Wednesday a law allowing Lebanese refugees in Israel the right to return to Lebanon.

The law was initially proposed by Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun and amended by Speaker Nabih Berri.

Parliament also rejected granting families of Lebanese prisoners in Syrian jails compensations, citing a lack of funds.

Comments 13
Missing jabal 03 November 2011, 16:46

"How come families are allowed to demonstrate and block roads demanding amnesty for drug dealers while Lebanese in Israel are not allowed to return to their homeland?” asked Geagea.

With all my due respects, is he really comparing drug dealers with people who committed treason??

yes they should all return home, but without any investigation or conditions?? it's not like they went to israel for tourism!

Default-user-icon WhyAskWhy (Guest) 03 November 2011, 17:12

Treason in this country is a point of view.... Karam of the fpm gets 2 years for treason while others get get the death penalty. He might even get off after his appeal later on this month. Our national security, our justice system, our ethics have all become a point of view. In civilized countries these fundamentals are absolutes, here in Lebanon they are "variables".

Default-user-icon maan (Guest) 03 November 2011, 17:22

خلص دورك يا جعجوعة انضب ع جنب وخلي غيرك يشتغل . جربتوا سبع سنين وفشلتوا خرسوا واتفرجوا ،

Thumb cedar 03 November 2011, 17:38

He is right the Kataeb solution was better then the current one

Thumb chrisrushlau 03 November 2011, 18:28

I think that any guy who wears a sport coat and open-necked shirt (no neck-tie!!) is proving that he's adequately hooked up with the White House. And any guy who keeps five cell-phones in front of him is adequately hooked up with everyplace else. This guy is a serious player! What does it matter what he actually says?
There is no actual Lebanon. It is only a matter of interpretation. These people who insist that there is an actual place which we should call Lebanon are trying to destabilize the ideal Lebanon that it is the duty of every true Lebanese to cultivate in his or her head and pretend is thereby immune from the laws of nature, such as the definition of "democracy" requiring majority rule with minority protections. Lebanese, pretend forever!

Missing realist 03 November 2011, 19:01

Jabal, with all due respect, your hizzie government sentenced the top israeli spy FAYEZ KARAM to only two years in jail..just two years for committing TREASON! so spare me.. you are all hypocrites. Your hizbustan is blocking the promotion of hasan who was responsible for the apprehension of scores of israeli spy networks so spare me again. The real enemy for you is not israel it is us the rest of the lebanese who happen to not be shee3a ie second class.

Missing jabal 03 November 2011, 19:47

realist, before labeling me with any party and answering me offensively, please note that if i'm not agreeing with one thing Mr. Geagea said doesn`t mean i agree with what Aoun or Hizbullah says, a wise mind should stand on his own and not follow like their leaders with whatever they say.
Unfortunately that's all what i see on this blog.. you're either march 8 or march 14... I might be a dreamer but i'm waiting for a real leader to emerge and really kill all this hatred in the country.
To come back to the comment, i don't agree with everything the government does, or the spying issue with Mr. Karam.. i'm just commenting within the limits of this article.. whenever there`s an article about Karam, let`s comment about him...

Default-user-icon Ancien Aounist (Guest) 03 November 2011, 20:46

Get out of Jail like I did ... You deserve freedom of mind , stop hiding behind a centrist position you Vitamin C you are ...

I was there trust me.

Default-user-icon Dreamer (Guest) 03 November 2011, 20:59

Dear Jabal,
I actually agree with you. I also find too much hatred between March 8 and March 14.
I am tired of all the anger, hatred, planning and plotting against each other. I am tired of having to be on one side or another, of having to hate your own brother because he belongs to the other side. I am tired of seeing this country divided. Why does one have to be a slave under one ruler or another? Why can't we hold our own rulers accountable? Why can't we stop them from getting fatter and richer, of twisting the rules for their own good, and seeing our country get poorer and poorer? Enough with this injustice!
There is a need for all Lebanese to join hands for the sake of all who live in Lebanon. Enough interference from U.S. and their allies, enough interference from Iran and their allies, enough interference from Saudi Arabia and their allies. It's time to fight prejudice, hatred and division in Lebanon.
It's time to build a country for everyone in Lebanon.
It's time to live.

Thumb Bandoul 03 November 2011, 21:18

M8 forced us to take sides. They took our freedom and our right to choose our destiny when they pointed theirs guns at our heads. You can't negotiate with gunmen when the only weapon you have his your right to free speech. GUN WINS the conversation every time. Shame on you M8.

Default-user-icon Jnoubi but not m8 (nor m14) (Guest) 03 November 2011, 21:24

It was aoun, not geagea who took it upon himself to bring home these satanic criminals. If geagea cared such much, then why didnt he himself do something about it? Secondly, protesting for you imprisoned family member to get better treatment in jail is not the same as what those sla thugs who raped, murdered and mutiliated for the sake of israel did so why is geagea using this comparision? And besides who is he trying to convince, his allies in mustaqal? cuz obviously hezballah must have agreed to it otherwise their puppet aoun wouldnt have dared to propose it. I hope they return and get back what they did to the south. They are already treated like dogs in "israel" and complain of not feeling at home, not being treated well (for being non-jewish), living in poverty etc. But thats not punishment enough really. Hezballah has prooven themselves to be double faced. Aoun has prooven himself to be a puppet. Geagea has prooven himself to be weak.

Default-user-icon + OUA NABKA + (Guest) 03 November 2011, 21:32

freedom and rights can be taken by arms but worse if they were bought by money

Thumb mrbrain 03 November 2011, 23:19

it takes one to know one..i agree with Mr Geagea...