West Fears Syrian Crisis Might Spill into Lebanon

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

The West fears that the popular uprising that erupted in Syria might affect the Lebanese local situation, as the Lebanese officials are divided over their responses to the revolt against President Bashar Assad.

“Any new European sanctions will target the financial sector in Syria,” western diplomatic sources told An Nahar newspaper on Tuesday.

Security sources warned from the Syrian infiltration into the Lebanese territories.

“Damascus doesn’t need its army to track down the opposition members that fled to Lebanon since it has enough agents in Lebanon ready to implement the orders given by the (regime),” the sources told the daily.

Over the past few weeks, Syrian units have entered, on separate occasions, the Bekaa towns of Arsal and al-Qaa, and northern Lebanon towns.

The daily reported that a number of fundamentalist organization members are infiltrating into southern Lebanon and into the Palestinian refugee camps.

As security sources admit that the situation inside those camps is unstable and threats the local situation.

The sources also fear an increase in the attacks on the U.N. Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), whereby Paris has informed Lebanese officials that it might withdraw its peacekeeping troops if it was under any new attack.

A French U.N. patrol was attacked on July 26 and Italian peacekeepers were targeted on May 27.

The UNIFIL, founded in 1978, currently counts some 12,000 troops from 35 countries and is tasked with overseeing a fragile peace along Lebanon's southern border with Israel.

Concerning the funding of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon probing the assassination of ex-Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, the sources said that PM Najib Miqati is in a difficult situation that might lead to his resignation if Hizbullah and its allies insisted on their position.

They added if Miqati resigned then appointing a new premier might face obstacles, which will lead to a government vacuum, however, the current cabinet will have to remain in power until the Syrian situation is resolved.

Comments 4
Thumb will_rogers 25 October 2011, 11:54

Where is our Army to defend our land ? Or are they also under Strict orders from the "Shabbiha" ? Funny how the "Sabbiha" followers in Lebanon always blame the March 14 of being US and Israeli Agents, yet they don't see what a bunch of submissive Cock Roaches they are to their "Shabbiha" and "Basij" Masters. At least the US does Not commit the type of disregard on Lebanon and True Lebanese as they do.

Thumb thepatriot 25 October 2011, 12:59

Syria will bring hell upon us...they've done it before...and our great government stays mute...
Lebanon seems to be the only country in the world where foreign armies come in & out...and everybody watches...The only country where some people have the right to be armed and others don't...
A clash is comming...

Default-user-icon Sinalac (Guest) 25 October 2011, 17:00

The only possible spilling into Lebanon is of the Syrian army as it pursues and terminates the Sunni crazies. 3alehom

Default-user-icon Johannah (Guest) 27 October 2011, 11:56

How could any of this be better stated? It culodn't.