Nasrallah to Tackle Critical Developments in TV Interview

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Hizbullah Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah is expected to tackle on Monday the Special Tribunal for Lebanon probing the assassination of ex-Premier Rafik Hariri during a television interview, An Nahar reported.

Nasrallah will discuss during the interview the disputed issues among the cabinet members.

He will also address the latest developments in the Arab world and the situation in Syria, As Safir newspaper said.

A main part of the interview will deal with the prisoners’ swap between Israel and Hamas that took place last week, An Nahar said.

Israel released more than half of the 477 Palestinians who were serving life sentences for their involvement in deadly attacks on Israelis. In return Hamas released Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit after five years of captivity.

Another 550 prisoners, yet to be named, are to be freed within two months.

Nasrallah warned Israel on Friday from initiating a war against Lebanon, saying that the party will target Tel Aviv if any such attack occurred.

Al-Akhbar newspaper reported that the warning came during a meeting with high-ranking officials in the party.

Concerning the infiltrators that Hizbullah discovered, charging four of its members with spying for the CIA and the Israeli intelligence Mossad, Nasrallah admitted that the party had been hurt by information passed but the damage was minor.

The pan-Arab daily Asharq al-Awsat said that Hizbullah had detained four of its own members a month ago on charges of spying for Israel and a fifth fled.

Comments 21
Missing small.axe 24 October 2011, 08:23

Filthy murdering Iranian-employed terrorist

Thumb joesikemrex 24 October 2011, 08:53

Its goes something like this, blah blah blah blah, resistance, blah blah blah, and you must do what my masters say.....

Default-user-icon MARIE (Guest) 24 October 2011, 09:09

check jabal amel's ID papers he is most likely another paid agent by mossad...

Default-user-icon Joe (Guest) 24 October 2011, 09:22

Hizballah IS the problem. Without Hizbollah we'd have NO problems at all..can you imagine? They create all the current major problems Lebanon faces. They are indeed a cancer on our society. Turn into a political party and spare the rest of Lebanon and the Lebanese your perpetual war with Israel. I dont see Israel attacking Jordan or Egypt or ANY OTHER Arab country??

Enough Hizbollah is making us all sick...we want to get on with life and live like the rest of civilised nations. Take your brainwashed supporters and go to iran PLEASE. Stop creating illusions, diversions, excuses and rhetoric that is so dictatorial and old school....the world has moved on hassan babe - try do the same. Stop throwing bones to dogs like Aoun and Arslan they are both pathetic perfromers with zero credibility. JUST STOP..let us live. Stop brainwashing the shiites and dilusional Aounists let them live, play sport, travel, own nice cars and homes.....stop trying to be everyones master. KHALLAS with BULLSHIT!

Thumb charbel 24 October 2011, 09:26

Why the 4 spies of Hizballah are not tried by the Lebanese courts? is Hizballah now a state with a judicial system that tries and executes verdicts?

Thumb thepatriot 24 October 2011, 10:35

Another non-event.
We're tired of watching you jiggle your pointer finger to our faces!
Stay in your sewer!

Thumb jabalamel 24 October 2011, 10:58

the filthy zionist information war department (section: an nahar comments sections) have seen the picture of leader of our glorious resistance.

they pissed their pants.
so they went on to write every possible stupidity that they usually write + imagining that i work for them.

Thumb geha 24 October 2011, 11:32

watch out guy tonight: the sheep that follow this guy blindly will be shounting their weapons at nearly each word he says.
stupid sheep with stupid murderous leader :)

Default-user-icon G (Guest) 24 October 2011, 12:00

Of course the interview will be done by a biased station, asking all the questions Hizballah typed using a typewriter

Thumb jabalamel 24 October 2011, 13:02

looks like an nahar editors joined the zionist information war department with it cenzorship.

if some filthy zionists and domestic fanatics can spend day and night insulting our glorious resistance, and my posts get cleaned, than i should be here at all.

i would just remind the filthy zionist information war department that they are no less pathetic, useless, lunatic, retarded and hallucinatory if i'm not here to tell them that every day.

Thumb jabalamel 24 October 2011, 13:02

gebran would be ashamed of you

Thumb thepatriot 24 October 2011, 13:10

Good post!

Thumb thepatriot 24 October 2011, 13:10


Default-user-icon marie (Guest) 24 October 2011, 14:27

i think nasrallagh should be hit by a NATO missile in his bunker and let him fry to hell

Thumb thepatriot 24 October 2011, 16:55

I knew I'd get you!
"you guys are ridiculous with your insults and cheap hatred"

Missing peace 24 October 2011, 18:48

what do we care about the opinion of this iranian? he is going to serve us again his same old propaganda as usual and his supporters are going to thrill and climax after his speech like if he was the new prophet and call all his opponents sionists!

just a waste of time...

Default-user-icon Pong Lenis (Guest) 24 October 2011, 19:03

We are used well to his discours.
They make him rest for 10 hours, then they feed him with bazella and rice, then they release him to the microphone...

Go pay your electricity bills and stop stealing cars, lands, and lives.

Your want us to be the eternal pray, under a continuous threat. You know well that one warplane can destroy all our infrastructure, while you will be firing your stupid rockects for nothing.

Isreal created you and you serve it well. Because of you they have a serious reason to destroy us each five years.

Default-user-icon Pong Lenis (Guest) 24 October 2011, 19:07


Hahahahahahahhaha very true.

One day will come when Hassouna will make a shoking discours where he will offer his weapons to the army for the sake of Lebanon.

And of course his followers will climax too....

Missing peace 24 October 2011, 19:20

those hezbi extremists are just like the hitlerian youth: same codes same cult of a man same arrogance. they think because they have weapons and terrorize a whole nation that they are the superior race like the aryans.

they think that they will last a hundred years or 300 like their master hinted it just like hitler thought the reich would be forever...
kadhffi thought he was the king of the kings, ben ali the master of tunisia, moubarrak the new pharao...and their leader the new prophet!

they didn t learn anything from history!
so keep dreaming while you can and think you are protected under the divine hand from everything but you will fall like all the others...

Missing peace 24 October 2011, 19:35

you are wrong mowaten the hezb is a nazi like party, just go and revise your classics... or you prefer stalinian? or despotic let us be neutral then to please you! it is the same! you want comparisons? very easy to give...

you think that hezb is better than the sionists? to me they just look alike!

stop hiding yourself but then again difficult to see things with perspective when you are brainwashed....

Missing peace 24 October 2011, 20:59

moreove when a hezbi MP threatens publicly another MP disagreeing with them what an example of peace and opening to dialogue....