2013 Parliamentary Polls: Opposition Fears Hizbullah’s Arms

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

A prominent opposition source voiced on Saturday a concern that the 2013 parliamentary elections may be threatened by Hizbullah’s arms that “are still obstructing any discussion over adopting proportional or majority rule representation in the parliamentary polls electoral law.”

MP Butros Harb told the daily An Nahar in remarks published on Saturday that he received complaints from Lebanese expatriates that the Lebanese government was stalling in taking the necessary measures to grant them the right to vote in the 2013 polls.

The MP recently returned to Lebanon from Australia.

“It’s as if the government doesn’t want expatriates to participate in the elections because the political trends outside the country lean towards establishing an independent and democratic Lebanon,” Harb added.

He therefore called on the government to adopt the law allowing expatriates to vote in the parliamentary elections before the deadline for its ratification.

The cabinet has until the end of 2012 to adopt the law.

Comments 10
Default-user-icon Truth (Guest) 10 September 2011, 12:38

Mustaqbal should rule once and for all, that there is no such thing as arms possession, and arms use, arms to resist Israel and arms to be used internally. Possession of illegal arms is tantamount to using them internally! Period! There are only a bunch of armed criminals which have prepared, planned , sponsored, executed serial murders, and that have been uncovered. Time will tell if they were not behind the mysterious unexplained murders of the 80' s and early 90' such as the assassination of President Rene Moawad, Sheikh Hassan Khaled, and many many others, in addition to the hostage taking practises of the 80's against civilian soft targets such as Michel Seurat and others.

Default-user-icon Romulus (Guest) 10 September 2011, 12:46

Who knew that Hizbullah goes under the names Mohammad Kabbara, Khaled al Daher, Mustafa Allouch and Al Qaeda - Akkar and Tripoli Brigades? The more you live the more you learn about Hariri's Mafia, his mini-Al Qaeda and his Christian Sunnis. By the way, where is cheikh Imbecile, the coward and IDIOT? No wonder those who appointed him did so because they knew he was a farticle of a man, an IDIOT. Just as his brother Baha'a.

Default-user-icon Adult (Guest) 10 September 2011, 16:53

@bigdig. Your comments sound like a twelve year old talking politics.

Default-user-icon Mehdi (Guest) 10 September 2011, 19:25

Giving the ex-pats the right to vote where they live is a very bad idea that's why the Shiite foreign ministers had been doing all that is in their power to block it with the help of the Shiite director general of emigrants affairs, Berri's and Hezbollah's ministers and arms.

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 10 September 2011, 19:41

The only way the Hezz can win is by force of arms. The have no policy except sealing electricity, killing Lebanese, lying about their involvement in assasination, forcing people off their land, and following the plan the Zionists use withing Labanon. They should be called Lebanese Zionists.

Default-user-icon jabal amel (Guest) 10 September 2011, 20:04


pathetic excuses by halucinating individuals

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (Guest) 10 September 2011, 21:13

I agree with Mehdi we cannot accept the ex-pats vote . Most of them are corrupted by the Western Zionist media and cannot be trusted with the vote . They took a ONE WAY TICKET and they should stay there .

Thumb ado.australia 11 September 2011, 06:00

Expatriate vote is a democratic right that all real democracies practise. If you are a citizen then you have the right to vote even if residing in another country. However, very little people have somfar registered and most Lebanese living in real democracies would not waste their time with the rubbish of Lebanon's list system, where tempory alliances are made and worth less than the paper these "lists" are printed on.

Change the system of vote buying, media bias and misleading "lists" first, and then maybe more people will be interested in voting.

Anyway, m14 loss will be due to the work the government does: electricity, internet speeds, cheaper mobile phone call rates, more balanced budget etc. This will reelect the government or the opposition, not empty rhetoric of "arms".

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 11 September 2011, 07:12

The Hezz have murdered Lebanese for years and they will continue to do it unless disarmed. They are not a resistance.

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 11 September 2011, 07:17

The Hezz have murdered Lebanese for years and they will continue to do it unless disarmed. They are not a resistance.