No Appointments in Monday’s Cabinet Session as Names of Governorship Candidates Make the Rounds

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The cabinet met on Monday with no planned appointments of civil servants to state institutions on its agenda, Prime Minister Najib Miqati’s sources told al-Mustaqbal daily.

The sources said the session that convened at the Grand Serail at 10:00 am is a continuation of the previous meeting to discuss the remaining 95 items on its agenda.

Last week, the cabinet discussed 72 items.

Economy Minister Nicolas Nahhas confirmed to Voice of Lebanon radio station that the cabinet will continue discussing previous articles on its agenda.

But the government is busy preparing for the appointment of new governors and will put the issue on the agenda as soon as consensus is reached on it.

Ministerial sources told pan-Arab daily al-Hayat that in addition to the governors, the appointments include head of the Higher Customs Council and director-general of the political and refugees affairs at the interior ministry.

Among the names that several ministers are trying to reach consensus on, is the head of the Military Court Brig. Gen. Nizar Khalil, who will most likely be appointed as the president of the Customs Council, al-Hayat said.

Retired Internal Security Forces Brig. Gen. Adnan al-Lakiss is a candidate for the post of director-general of the political and refugee affairs at the interior ministry, it added.

As for the candidates for the country’s six governorates, they include Army Brig. Gen. Radwan Baidoun for the Baalbeck-Hermel governorate, Parliament’s public relations and protocol chief Ali Hamad for the Mount Lebanon governorate, al-Hayat said.

Judge Antoine Suleiman, the president’s brother, will most likely be kept in his post as Bekaa governor, while Malek Arslan or Anwar Daou are candidates for the governorate of the South.

Retied ISF Brig. Gen. Nicolas al-Habr is still the favorite candidate for the post of Beirut governor, the daily reported.

While by Monday, it was not known who the candidate for the Akkar governorate is, al-Hayat confirmed that General Prosecutor Saeed Mirza and ISF chief Maj. Gen. Ashraf Rifi will remain in their posts.

An Nahar newspaper said that ministers received copies of a new 54 item agenda that will be discussed during a session at Baabda palace on Thursday. The meeting would be followed by an Iftar thrown by President Michel Suleiman in honor of political and religious officials from different sects.

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