Saad Hariri
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March 14 Slams Hizbullah’s ‘Provocation’ of Comparing Hariri Assassination Suspects to Saints

The March 14 General Secretariat condemned on Wednesday Hizbullah’s “provocation” of comparing four suspects in the assassination of former Premier Rafik Hariri to saints.

It said in a statement after its weekly meeting: “These stands demonstrate the party’s nervousness ahead of the unveiling of the truth.”

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Jumblat Seeking to Restore Good Ties with Hariri, Maintain Alliance with Nasrallah

A debate has emerged among the Lebanese forces allied to Syria over Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat’s recent positions, with some sides voicing their disappointment with them, revealed a March 8 source to al-Jumhuriya newspaper on Wednesday.

“We are monitoring his stances” in apprehension of any shift in his alliance, it added.

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Gemayel to Suleiman: No Dialogue with Backers of ‘Saints’

Phalange leader Amin Gemayel has reportedly said that his party would not engage in dialogue with representatives of Hizbullah who consider the four suspects accused of involvement in ex-Premier Rafik Hariri’s Feb. 2005 murder as “saints.”

An Nahar daily said Wednesday that Gemayel made his remarks to President Michel Suleiman the day before after the president launched consultations to inquire about the politicians’ viewpoints on his invitation for national dialogue.

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Lebanese Top Officials Condemn 'Brutal Attack' on UNIFIL

Prime Minister Najib Miqati has denounced the roadside bombing that targeted the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) in the southern city of Sidon.

Miqati contacted Interior Minister Marwan Charbel and Justice Minister Shakib Qortbawi on Tuesday.

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Mustaqbal: Hizbullah is Eliminating Results of Dialogue before it is Even Held

The Mustaqbal bloc noted on Tuesday that the recent positions of Hizbullah and March 8 officials over President Michel Suleiman’s possible call for dialogue revealed that they are seeking to eliminate the results of the talks even before they are held.

It said in a statement after its weekly meeting: “Hizbullah rejected dialogue over its possession of arms … It appears that it has forgotten that the resistance weapons that liberated the South have lost their legitimacy after they were turned against fellow Lebanese and after they harbored the accused in the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.”

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Report: Hariri to Make Series of Stances during Iftars in BIEL

Former Premier Saad Hariri is expected to return to Beirut from France next week to attend Iftar banquets, sources close to the Mustaqbal movement leader told An Nahar daily Monday.

Hariri “will return to Lebanon in the first days of the month of Ramadan early August to be present in a series of Iftars held at the BIEL exhibition center rather than Qoreitem where Iftars were held in previous years,” the sources said.

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Hariri Slams Campaigns against him ‘Led’ by Hizbullah and Nasrallah

Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri accused on Saturday Hizbullah and its chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah of launching campaigns against him.

Hariri’s press office issued a statement saying that “some media campaigns against him are ongoing attempts aimed at attacking everything related to ex-Premier Rafik Hariri, his family, and political and national approach.”

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Jumblat Seeks to Bridge Gap between al-Mustaqbal and Amal-Hizbullah Alliance

Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat is seeking to bridge the gap between ex-PM Saad Hariri’s al-Mustaqbal movement and the two main Shiite parties Amal and Hizbullah.

A minister close to Jumblat told al-Liwaa daily published Saturday that Jumblat, through his meetings in Lebanon and abroad, is seeking to revive contacts between al-Mustaqbal as the main representative of Sunnis in Lebanon and both Amal and Hizbullah.

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Jumblat Telephones Hariri, Stresses Importance of Dialogue to Preserve Coexistence

Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat has unveiled that he held a telephone conversation with former Premier Saad Hariri thanking him for his latest stance on Jumblat.

The Druze leader told An Nahar daily published Friday that he heard “moving words” from Hariri but refused to give further details.

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Miqati Decisive on Improving People’s Lives Gradually

Prime Minister Najib Miqati will reply in a calm way to all the campaigns that are targeting him, and will prove his cabinet’s determination to improve the living conditions in the country, As Safir newspaper reported on Wednesday.

Miqati’s circles told the newspaper that “citizens will gradually witness the changes in different sectors.”

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