Miqati Decisive on Improving People’s Lives Gradually

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Prime Minister Najib Miqati will reply in a calm way to all the campaigns that are targeting him, and will prove his cabinet’s determination to improve the living conditions in the country, As Safir newspaper reported on Wednesday.

Miqati’s circles told the newspaper that “citizens will gradually witness the changes in different sectors.”

Concerning the administrative appointments in state institutions, the sources told the daily they will occur according to the mechanism set by ex-Premier Saad Hariri’s cabinet.

They noted that “the campaign launched against the government due to the way it dealt with the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, reached a dead-end. So another campaign began, focusing on the sectarian issue in the appointments.”

However, the sources said that days will prove that all sects will not be deprived from their rights regarding the appointments issue.

The newspaper remarked that the PM is expected to travel abroad with his family on a private visit during the weekend.

Miqati later held talks at the Grand Serail with a delegation from various trade syndicates.

He said: “Improving the economy requires security stability, which we are working on, and political stability, which needs to be achieved.”

“Our government is working on reaching the second goal and we look forward to all sides’ cooperation for this end,” he stressed.

“Lebanon’s trust in its economic system is the key to its development and this trust can only exist through a strong and just state,” the premier noted.

Comments 8
Thumb thepatriot 20 July 2011, 10:23


Default-user-icon Ali (Guest) 20 July 2011, 10:49

Mr. Najeeb (Clever in Arabic): are you telling us you have a miracle recipe for the people of Lebanon that the former Prime Ministers did not have or knew of and it just surfaced or will surface when you became Prime Minister in "Principle"? We all went to school Mr. PM, and have a relatively good level of education. Please, spare us your empty promises and your magical recipe for solving our problems.
Our problems lie in the fact that we have a group of thugs who have taken the lebanese people hostage to their fanatical doctrine and are forcefully shoving it down our throats. Excuse me PM, but I have a recipe that could help you achieve your stated goals. Do a referendum on whether the people of Lebanon want this so called resistance to defend them and impose on them an alien culture and agenda. Please, I beg you.... do a referendum.... I know you agree in "Principle"........!!!!!

Default-user-icon Someone (Guest) 20 July 2011, 10:51

About time! After years of corrupt rule by March 14 and the thief, Rafik Hariri, this country will finally witness crucial changes! Thanks, March 8! Down with Saudi hegemony! Down with the child, Hariri! Down with the losers, March 14!

Default-user-icon watcher (Guest) 20 July 2011, 12:12

Like Hariri before him, he assumes that he can change things but he is a just a powerless politician like the president and a few others like them... Those who got the guns are running the country now... plain and simple...

Thumb thepatriot 20 July 2011, 12:44

Hariri never ruled alone! He always "ruled" with your people, so bring it down a notch will ya !

Default-user-icon Mehdi (Guest) 20 July 2011, 15:17

It's about time Mr Mikati you are on the right track, as Sayyed Hassan taught us an Islamic government is the only way to bring stability to a society and is the only way to settle social differences, even in a society that is composed of numerous minorities. And that's how you improve people's lives.

Thumb ado.australia 20 July 2011, 17:37

"Lebanon is more than a country. It is a message of freedom and an example of pluralism for East and West,” blessed John Paul II. There is a reason this was spoken by our blessed pope. Lebanon is more than a country... Let's not allow it be only a chess board or playground of the Muslim cold war.

Default-user-icon biggerdig (Guest) 20 July 2011, 17:37

If you reply to someone, reply to what they're talking about and don't change the subject. I think Ali has a pretty solid point. Let's ask the citizens and see what kind of government and "defense strategy" they really want. Oh wait, we did that already and ended up with a sit in (coup) and a trip to Qatar to change the results.