Saad Hariri
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Miqati, Hariri Deny Discussing STL Funding

Prime Minister Najib Miqati denied on Friday that he had contacted any of the opposition figures to inquire about the decisions he takes.

“The premier’s constant approach (concerning all matters) is to stay away from any political dispute in order to achieve the Lebanese (citizens’) interests,” sources close to the PM told An Nahar newspaper.

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Hamadeh: Hariri Unconvinced with Miqati’s Commitment to Funding STL

MP Marwan Hamadeh revealed Thursday that ex-PM Saad Hariri was “unconvinced” with Premier Najib Miqati’s avowed commitment to funding the U.N.-backed Special Tribunal for Lebanon.

“Hariri is unconvinced with Miqati’s commitment to funding the STL, but we in the March 14 camp have not ruled out such a possibility,” Hamadeh said in an interview on MTV, when asked about Wednesday’s meeting in Riyadh between Hariri and a March 14 delegation.

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Report: Miqati Confirms to Hariri STL Funding

Prime Minister Najib Miqati confirmed to his predecessor PM Saad Hariri that he supports the funding of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, An Nahar newspaper reported on Thursday.

“I announced it from day one, and I insist on my position,” Miqati informed Hariri on different occasions by sending him messages via different mediators, the daily said.

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Hariri: STL Ended Era of Using Force to Impose Political Choices

Former premier Saad Hariri on Wednesday noted that “the Special Tribunal for Lebanon was established for the sake of fulfilling justice and putting an end to political assassinations in Lebanon.”

The U.N.-backed STL, probing the 2005 assassination of Hariri’s father, ex-PM Rafik Hariri, was also established to “put an end to the era of using force to impose political choices and employing terrorism to take revenge on political rivals,” Hariri said.

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Hariri Source Slams Nasrallah over Security Situation and Syria

A source close to former Premier Saad Hariri slammed Hizbullah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah for saying that the security situation in Lebanon was stable at the time when several kidnappings have taken place.

The al-Mustaqbal movement source told pan-Arab daily al-Hayat that Nasrallah talked in his TV interview on Monday at a time when Syrian opposition activists are being kidnapped, Hizbullah is expanding its telecom network in the town of Tarshish and the Syrian army is infiltrating in Lebanese territories in the Bekaa and North.

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Cabinet Session Postponed for Lack of Quorum

The cabinet adjourned Wednesday’s session that was set to be held at the Grand Serail for lack of quorum, An Nahar newspaper reported.

President Suleiman traveled to Riyadh at the head of a high-ranking delegation on Wednesday to offer condolences to Saudi King Abdullah over the death of Crown Prince Sultan bin Abdul Aziz.

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Miqati, Hariri Exchange Handshakes While Offering Condolences to Saudi King

Prime Minister Najib Miqati and former Premier Saad Hariri came face to face on Tuesday during their condolences to Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz on the death of Crown Prince Sultan.

Media reports said Wednesday that Miqati and Hariri exchanged handshakes and kisses and then the Mustaqbal movement leader invited the PM to sit next to him after he realized that Miqati’s seat was far from where King Abdullah was sitting.

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‘Tea’ and ‘Black Suits’ Prevail in Heated Parliamentary Committee Meeting

Hizbullah and al-Mustaqbal MPs wrangled on Monday at the human rights parliamentary committee meeting which witnessed curses, threats and counter accusations.

The committee was scheduled to discuss a report by Internal Security Forces chief Maj. Gen. Ashraf Rifi on the alleged involvement of the Syrian embassy in the disappearance of Syrian opposition activists in Lebanon.

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Death of Saudi Crown Prince Delays Cabinet Session

An extraordinary cabinet session on tourism scheduled to be held next Tuesday was postponed over the death of Saudi Crown Prince Sultan bin Abdul Aziz, An Nahar newspaper reported.

The daily said Sunday that the decision to postpone the session came after Premier Najib Miqati decided to head to Saudi Arabia to attend the funeral.

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Hariri: Gadhafi’s Fate Inevitable End to All Dictators Who Reject People’s Will

Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri noted on Thursday that the death of former Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi marked the end of a dark period in the Libyan people’s lives and the beginning of a new phase of freedom and democracy.

He said in a statement: “Gadhafi’s fate is the inevitable end of all dictators who reject their people’s will for freedom and democracy.”

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