Saad Hariri
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Hariri: Justification Attempted Today for Shameful Arab League Vote Simply Unacceptable

Former premier Saad Hariri on Sunday said “the justification attempted today for Lebanon's shameful vote in the Arab League is simply unacceptable,” in a clear reference to the remarks voiced earlier in the day by President Michel Suleiman and Premier Najib Miqati.

“Those claiming to want to keep Lebanon neutral and shielded from Syria's repercussions have thrown the country in the middle of the storm and on the wrong side -- the side of murder, dictatorship and anti-Arab identity,” Hariri said on the social networking website Twitter.

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Hariri Says Lebanon’s Stance at Arab League ‘Shameful’, Doesn’t Express Will of Lebanese

Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri said on Saturday that he is ashamed of the Lebanese government position at the Arab League meeting, noting that the decision taken by the Arab foreign ministers will not affect Lebanon’s security.

“I am ashamed as a Lebanese of the government’s position in the Arab league and I ask the Syrian people not to consider this as the will of the Lebanese,” Hariri said on Twitter fielding questions from his supporters.

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Hariri Says Will Vote for Geagea in Presidential Elections

Former premier Saad Hariri said Thursday he would definitely vote for Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea if he runs for president in 2014.

Asked on Twitter whether he would vote for Geagea if the opposition March 14 camp won back the parliamentary majority in the 2013 elections, Hariri said: “I WILL VOTE FOR HIM IN HEART BEAT IN CAPITAL LETTERS.”

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Hariri: Miqati Won’t Resign, Fall of Syrian Regime Will Solve Some of Lebanon’s Problems

Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri said Wednesday that Premier Najib Miqati will not resign, stressing that the fall of the Syrian regime will solve some of the problems in Lebanon.

Hariri said on Twitter fielding questions from his supporters that he never wanted to go into politics, “but in a split second in 2005 everything changed.”

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Hariri Refuses to Respond to Aoun: We Need a Strong Army, Not a Strong Party to Protect Us

Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri on Tuesday refused to respond to FPM leader MP Michel Aoun's statement, relaying that he does not want to "waste time."

Aoun had said in his weekly statement that Hariri "can say whatever he wants. Who asked him not to return? There is another type of one-way ticket if he wants to return to Lebanon and he knows it.”

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Aoun: Syrian Crisis is Over, Another One-Way Ticket Awaits Hariri when he Returns

Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun stated on Tuesday that another one-way ticket awaits former Prime Minister Saad Hariri if he returns to Lebanon, noting that the Syrian crisis is over.

He said after the Change and Reform bloc’s weekly meeting: “He can say whatever he wants. Who asked him not to return? There is another type of one-way ticket if he wants to return to Lebanon and he knows it.”

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War of Words between Hariri and Berri over Politics and Diving

Speaker Nabih Berri snapped back at former Premier Saad Hariri on Monday saying the Mustaqbal movement leader should have practiced his hobby of diving rather than being involved in politics.

“Hariri has revealed in his electronic interviews a number of his personal hobbies, one of which is diving,” Berri said in a statement.

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Hariri Gives Followers His Official Twitter Account

Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri's press office informed his followers on Monday that his twitter account is @HaririSaad.

"Hariri would like to point out that the only twitter account that PM Saad Hariri uses to tweet, personally and directly, with his Followers is: @HaririSaad," his press office said.

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Hariri Tweets: Assad Regime Will Never Change Unless it is Changed

Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri asked his followers to pray for the success of the Syrian people in toppling their regime and said he will return to Lebanon when the time is ripe

“I think one has to persist peacefully, we did it in Lebanon and I am sure the Syrian people will prevail in the end,” he said on Twitter fielding questions from his supporters. “Just pray for them.”

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Hariri Warns of Attempts to Avoid Implementation of Arab Initiative on Syria

Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri congratulated on Friday the Lebanese people and Muslims in general on the occasion of the Eid al-Adha, stressing the importance of solidarity with the Arab people who are striving for freedom.

He warned, in a statement, against attempts to avoid the implementation of the Arab initiative aimed at ending the Syrian crisis.

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