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20 Years on Serbs Refuse to Call Srebrenica 'Genocide'

Their leaders have paid their respects to the victims, begged forgiveness "on their knees," and deplored a "heinous crime," but Serbia and Serbs still stubbornly refuse to call the Srebrenica massacre a genocide, experts say.

International courts have ruled that the 1995 killing of nearly 8,000 Muslim men and boys in the ill-fated Bosnian town by Serb forces was genocide, "but here it is difficult to say that word," prominent independent political analyst Vladimir Goati said.

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All Eyes on European Central Bank after Greek Vote

All eyes turned to the European Central Bank Monday following the resounding 'No' in Greece's referendum, as it is seen as the only institution capable of stemming market panic and preventing the Greek economy from collapsing.

In Sunday's referendum, more than 61 percent of Greeks rejected creditor demands for further austerity in return for more bailout funds, sending Greece's eurozone partners scrambling to respond. 

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Fearing Change in Sweetheart Deal, Cubans Flock to U.S.

The number of Cubans heading to the U.S. has surged in the months since the historic thaw in bilateral relations -- a swell experts attribute to uncertainty over the future of U.S. policy that favors such travelers.

According to the U.S. Customs Department, 9,371 Cuban migrants came into the U.S. between January and March, more than twice the number from the same period in 2014.

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Rising Jihadist Insurgency Challenges Sisi in Sinai

Despite a two-year campaign, Egypt is facing an increasingly powerful and sophisticated insurgency in the Sinai Peninsula and the jihadist hotbed is emerging as President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi's biggest challenge.

The arid and rugged peninsula bordering Israel and the Gaza Strip has long been a breeding ground for militancy, especially from Bedouin tribes who have complained of being marginalized by Cairo.

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U.S., Cuba Diplomatic Posts Witnessed Decades of Cold War Drama

The buildings that will become U.S. and Cuban embassies in their neighbor's respective capitals on July 20 have seen over five decades of Cold War protests, provocations and strains.

Now, with the longtime enemies finally putting aside all that enmity, Presidents Barack Obama and Raul Castro have exchanged letters agreeing to restore full diplomatic ties.

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'Grexit' or Not, Greece Will Find Kicking Euro Habit Hard

No matter what the political outcome of the current Greek debt crisis, in practical terms Greece will find it very difficult to turn its back on the euro.

On Sunday the Greek nation goes to the polls in what European leaders say is effectively a vote on whether or not to stay in the eurozone.

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Deal or No Deal, Iran President Faces Headaches at Home

Iran's president has been pursuing a nuclear agreement for two years but even if a deal is reached Hassan Rouhani and his government will soon face mounting political pressure at home.

Having sought to end the nuclear crisis -- and with it the international sanctions that have paralyzed Iran's economy -- Rouhani's fate is often seen as inextricably linked to the negotiations.

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IS Threat Grows as 'Caliphate' Enters Second Year

The Islamic State group's "caliphate" enters its second year Monday with the jihadists expanding their territory in Syria and Iraq and their global reach by claiming attacks in Tunisia and Kuwait.

The extremist group headed by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi announced on June 29, 2014 that it was reviving a form of Islamic government known as the "caliphate", pledging it would "remain and expand".

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Greece Sets Sail for Choppy, Uncharted Waters

By snubbing a bailout deal and slapping capital controls on its banks Greece has set a course into choppy, uncharted waters that could lead to fresh economic upheaval and a euro exit.

After five months of torturous negotiations and just days away from a default, Greece's radical leftist Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras threw the political equivalent of a curve ball by calling a referendum on the bailout proposals for next Sunday.

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Tunisia Faces Tough Task in Countering Extremist Threat

Just three months after an attack on the National Bardo Museum, Tunisia is reeling from an even deadlier attack on tourists, raising questions about its ability to counter the jihadist threat.

Friday's assault by a Tunisian student at a popular resort at Port El Kantaoui that killed 38 people illustrates the complexity of the challenges ahead for Tunisia four years after its revolution.

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