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MH370 Families Reject Malaysia's Conclusion on Plane Debris

An MH370 families organization said Wednesday it would not accept the Malaysian government's declaration that wreckage found on an Indian Ocean island came from the ill-fated flight until more analysis is completed, and called for an impartial investigation.

The statement by Voice 370, an international next-of-kin group, adds to doubts over the debris that have been expressed already by a number of individual family members.

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Malaysia Will Send Team to Inspect Maldives Debris for MH370 Link

Malaysia will send a team to the Maldives to determine whether debris reportedly found there is further wreckage from flight MH370, the transport minister said Monday.

Transport Minister Liow Tiong Lai said Malaysia had been "officially notified" by authorities in the Maldives of objects found there, whose origin remains unverified.

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