Michel Suleiman
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Gemayel Rejects Hizbullah Threats to Turn Arms Against its Foes

Phalange party leader Amin Gemayel warned Hizbullah on Friday against attempts to target the March 14-led opposition saying its project is doomed to failure.

“Hizbullah should be aware that its project is doomed to failure,” he said at the opening of the 29th Phalange conference. “We stress to Hizbullah that no one in Lebanon wants to target it but we don’t accept that it turns its arms against us.”

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Suleiman: Lebanon Should Improve Democratic Performance

President Michel Suleiman has warned that the democratic changes in the Middle East should lead to improvement of Lebanon’s democratic performance.

During a meeting with a huge delegation from the Shouf area at his summer residence in Beiteddine, Suleiman said: “The security stability is one of the blessings of the democracy in Lebanon where Christians and Muslims live in a single democratic system and where all take part in political life.”

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Geagea: Lebanon’s Position at U.N. Places it Outside of International Community

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea criticized on Thursday Lebanon’s decision to disassociate itself from the United Nations Security Council statement condemning the violence against protests in Syria.

He told Voice of Lebanon radio: “Something must be wrong in Lebanon when 14 out of 15 countries voted in favor of the statement, especially when these countries included Russia, Brazil China, and others of different ideologies.”

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Suleiman Stresses on Dialogue, Lebanon’s International Commitments

President Michel Suleiman moved to his summer residence in Beiteddine for three weeks, while his consultations with top officials over the dialogue are ongoing, including talks with Marada leader MP Suleiman Franjieh, al-Liwaa newspaper reported on Thursday.

Wissam Baroudi, the president’s son-in-law, told the pan-Arab daily Asharq al-Awsat that the president used his constitutional right concerning the formation of the cabinet.

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Suleiman Discusses with Geagea Resumption of National Dialogue

President Michel Suleiman discussed with Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea at Baabda palace on Monday his invitation to resume the national dialogue.

Suleiman agreed with Geagea to keep contact at this critical stage, An Nahar newspaper reported on Tuesday.

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Suleiman to Resume Dialogue Consultations at Beiteddine on Tuesday

President Michel Suleiman is expected on Tuesday to continue his consultations with top Lebanese officials to hear their viewpoints on his invitation for the national dialogue.

Suleiman moves to his summer residence in Beiteddine on Tuesday where he would hold talks with the officials on the all-party talks which he insists to hold to resolve the differences between the March 8 and 14 forces.

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Suleiman on Army Day: Dialogue Aimed at Avoiding Future Conflicts

Lebanon celebrated Army Day on Monday as President Michel Suleiman stressed on the importance of national dialogue and the adoption of an electoral law based on proportional representation.

The Army Day celebration took place at the Shukri Ghanem barracks in Fayyadiyeh and was attended by Speaker Nabih Berri, Prime Minister Najib Miqati and other high ranking officials led by Army Commander Gen. Jean Qahwaji.

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Saniora Meets Suleiman: We Back Dialogue that Has a Goal, Not Just Holding Talks for Sake of it

The head of the Mustaqbal parliamentary bloc former Prime Minister Fouad Saniora stated that the bloc supports national dialogue, but on condition that it have a purpose and be able to achieve its goals.

He told An Nahar daily in remarks published on Sunday: “This matter calls for restricting the talks to addressing Hizbullah’s possession of arms according to the dialogue that was held in March 2006.”

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Wahhab Meets Nasrallah, Urges Suleiman to End U.S. Assets Freeze ‘Mockery’

Tawhid movement chief Wiam Wahhab urged President Michel Suleiman on Saturday to instruct involved ministries to resolve the extended U.S. decision to freeze his assets.

On Thursday, U.S. President Barack Obama extended a freeze of assets on persons, including Wahhab, threatening stability in Lebanon, targeting those seeking "to undermine Lebanon's legitimate and democratically elected government."

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Suleiman ‘Obsessed’ with Dialogue to Reach ‘National Reconciliation’

President Michel Suleiman is waiting for the return of opposition leader and former Premier Saad Hariri from France to discuss with him his invitation for all-party talks at Baabda palace, presidential sources told al-Joumhouria daily Saturday.

The sources said that Suleiman’s only “obsession” is to gather the bickering politicians at the dialogue table to consolidate the country against the “regional storm blowing on Lebanon.”

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