Suleiman Frustrated at Hizbullah's Unilateral Move on Syria, Rules out its Involvement in Rocket Attacks

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

President Michel Suleiman has reportedly admonished Hizbullah for failing to coordinate with any party inside Lebanon before sending its members to Syria to support troops loyal to the Assad regime against the rebels.

“What happened is that the resistance went to Syria without coordinating with anyone,” officials, who have visited Suleiman, quoted him as saying.

The officials told pan-Arab daily al-Hayat in remarks published on Sunday that Suleiman has stressed his support for the resistance against Israel and the army-people-resistance formula.

“This means there should be coordination between the three components of this formula,” he said.

On the latest rocket attacks that landed in the area of Baabda where the presidential palace is located, Suleiman said: “This would not stop me from saying what I believe in.”

The officials told al-Hayat that the president confirmed to them the rockets were aimed at targeting Baabda palace.

“I don't think that Hizbullah launched the rockets on Baabda … It cannot do such a thing,” Suleiman told the officials.

The attacks came hours after the president criticized Hizbullah for sending its fighters to Syria during an Army Day speech. He also said it was time for the Lebanese state and the army to be the sole decision-makers on the use of the nation's capabilities.

On his stance from Premier-designate Tammam Salam's efforts to form a new government, Suleiman told the officials who visited him that he insisted on Hizbullah's participation in the cabinet despite calls by the March 14 alliance to snub the party over its involvement in the war in Syria.

The officials said the president informed them that he backs the formation of a national unity government on condition that it does not end up with infighting.

“Or else let there be a neutral cabinet,” Suleiman said.

Comments 25
Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 04 August 2013, 10:53

Mr. President. You weren't expecting them to honor any agreements were you? This people-army-resistance formula is halal and they raise it up as long as it works to their benefit. As soon as it or any other agreement stands in their way they will spit on it and on Lebanon if they have to. Allah yi7meek. You showed courage in speaking the truth. Stay strong. And Lebanon will be strong with you.

Missing helicopter 04 August 2013, 19:36

What HA means by the army-people-resistance formula is the following:
The resistance leads and in charge. It takes credit for its achievements and expects the army and the people to toe its line and act the the shovel brigade behind a herd of cows (clean up their mess).

Thumb general_puppet 04 August 2013, 11:12

Mr President, unfortunately it does not mater how you state Lebanon's case... it falls on deaf ears. Hizbullah only pays attention to the ayatollah words.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 04 August 2013, 13:20

1- rockets did not start to fall in the bekaa until after HA involvement in Syria.
2- just like the 2006 war.. (Israel was going to attack us anyways) the leadership of HA throws another "theory" that we were going to be invaded at any second and you guys just swallow the pill whole.
3- God bless our army.
4- God save us from our "resistance"

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 04 August 2013, 14:29

roar, i will rely on my president and the institutions first and foremost.
His speech basically said that and demanded that all arms be in control of the state and its ELECTED govt. whoever that may be, m8 or m14.
If you are asking me if HA is a resistance or not i would say HELL NO. it is an armed militia trying to protect its existance in Syria.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 04 August 2013, 14:29

As i said, there were no rockets landing on bekaa, dahyeh, or anywhere else for that matter from the rebels in Syria prior to HA openly admitting it is involved in syria. And if you are blaming those rockets on the "takfiris" instead of the "resistance" then there is something wrong with your trail of thought.
I will ask it to you again since you did not reply when i asked earlier:
Let us review, Egypt, HA came out and said the peoples demand is rightful and Mubarak must go.
Libya: same.
Bahrain: same
Syria: this is a conspiracy, and while there are rightful demands they need to find a political solution.
Why didnt they call for a political solution in the other countries??

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 04 August 2013, 15:13

Roar, there is a fine line in playing the political game, you out of all people should know that.
While i am sure the president would love nothing more than to come out and flatly say that, he knows that would most probably start a civil war because HA would have none of it.
our president is handicapped from the taef accord, and while i hope this will change, he is doing what he can do how he can do it.
I mean he basically said that they were not a resistance when they are in syria.. and flatly said that their members who are killed there are not martyrs.
lets take it one step at a time.
it will come.
There is plenty of time for HA to flex its muscles in the civil war they choose to bring to this land.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 04 August 2013, 15:34

roar, one question, didnt the prime minister state that and decided to shut down their illegal communications network? how did that work out for the lebanese??

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 04 August 2013, 15:44

sure... but i am talking to you about what you are saying about sulaiman.. let him come out and say it.. well someone else came out and said it.. what happened... sulaiman does not want a repeat..

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 04 August 2013, 16:00

well if "the peoples choice" would have won, that would have been possible.. as i stated below, it was not m-14 who were pushing consensual people down our throats.. m-14 won the election twice.. were they able to form a govt capable of taking such decisions? NO.. why?? think about it.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 04 August 2013, 16:30

as you said... we can keep on debating.. and i think that is the problem in Lebanon.. the cows will NEVER come home.. everyone is stuck to their point of view.. but m-14 played it just as dirty as m-8.
Roar, in any country the team that wins form their own cabinet.. there is no stipulation that says Aoun should have been involved in the govt at all...and the latest figures from the last election show that aoun carried between 40-45% of the christians..there is 55%-60% that did not vote for him.
m-8 always wants a national unity govt. how is there going to be any accountability if EVERYONE is in the govt.. who do we hold accountable??
and while i agree that people were brought in to vote, it was done on both sides of the spectrum. and i have proof of that. my uncle is an official in the FPM, and he told me he can arrange me a ticket if i voted for Bassil (i am in qada2 batroun) when i lived in Dubai.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 04 August 2013, 16:30

as is.. m14 won the election... as is m8 refused for them to rule alone.. and forced m14 to accept consensual president. while under our constitution m14 was under no obligation to have a single minister from m8.. or a consensual president.
weapons.... at the end of the day.... rule

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 04 August 2013, 14:31

everyone who says anything against the resistance is a paid stooge. what a typical response.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 04 August 2013, 14:34

so is Al-rahi paid now that he agreed with Sulaiman? while he was with you in everything he was infalible.. please tell us who paid al-rahi.. was it also qatar? S.A.? Israel? America? the tooth fairy?
This, no matter how you spin it, was a national and patriotic speech.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 04 August 2013, 15:18

Sulaiman challenged the extension of parliment, check with HA and Berriw and jumblatt why they allowed us to be crushed under extensions and no democratic elections.
this feeble little mind was the first choice of m8 as a compromise candidate. At times he wasz with the resistance and at others he was against.. at the time when he stood with them you all lavished him with praise.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 04 August 2013, 15:22

again, everyone of you uses the word PAID every time someone makes a comment that is not with the resistance. they are paid israeli agents, or the gcc sent them a big fat check. its getting old... ever think that he did this out of conviction as this is supposedly the last army day he will be president?
that his time in office is drawing to a close and he needs to put out the truth. that we need to only have the army?
i dont get it.. you guys attack him like he just asked israel to annex us.. while all he did actually say is that ONE army, ONE govt, ONE decision maker.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 04 August 2013, 15:36

sure i heard of it, but you from your arguments, are wiser than that.. anybody can send someone to say he was paid.. if the journalist has the proof.. WHERE IS IT?? why arnt pro-m8 media printing a copy of the check on the front pages??? why isnt it all over the m8-tv stations?? where is the proof that i think you should see before just repeating what he said.
he has it?? SHOW IT!!!

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 04 August 2013, 15:42

and on the "I will never accept a leader who is not the peoples choice."
m-14 could have passed a president of it's own, and the peoples choice ( since they won the parliamentary elections) with 50% + 1 back then.
Please tell me what HA would have done? accepted the democratic decision? no they threatened, and screamed, and then force Sulaiman as a consensual candidate.
If you have a problem with Sulaiman i think you need to take it up with your camp, HA, Amal and the FPM.

Thumb Maxx 04 August 2013, 16:37

"“I don't think that Hizbullah launched the rockets on Baabda … It cannot do such a thing,” Suleiman told the officials." Oh, Mr. President, how I feel compassion for your naïvety. But remember Mr. President that you're in your position now specifically because the Iranian Occupation Forces (aka Hizb) have already done something even worse, and no body could have believed that they would be capable of stooping so low, of being so brazen in their utter disregard for Lebanese life or law, before May 2008. They're just humouring you for the moment and letting you go with a warning. Next time you even dare ascertain Lebanon's sovereignty, Mr. President, next time you challenge or criticize the Iranian colonizers of our country, it'll be off with your head! You'll be joining your M14 friends like Hariri and Tueni. This is Hizb-Allah you're dealing with Mr. President; this isn't Femen.

Thumb cedre 04 August 2013, 17:44

it is not naivety, its realpolitik with a bit of fear.
They're the biggest sect, armed to the teeth, backed by Syria and Iran...

Default-user-icon Tchaddd (Guest) 04 August 2013, 17:57

The party of Satan has no loyalty to lebanon, but loyal to his master's in iran, and there interests....When Israel attacked the suburbs of Beyrouth we opened our houses, schools, gave them help and care to help them in mount lebanon, el jabal, north everywhere... their response in 2008 was agression, invasion, killing.. They turned their weapons against Beirut, Mount Lebanon, el Jabal.... And now they soot rockets on the president, really not surprising. But this time when rain of rockets will go down on dahyieh we will watch u vanish like rats....God bless Lebanon, and real Patriotic Lebanese, what ever their confession is, because HA has has spoiled the name of good Shiaa...

Missing helicopter 04 August 2013, 19:38

Southern comfort,
You mean HA coordinated with the people and the army in 2006 when the formula was in effect.
For you no logic will change an ounce of your thinking. This is what HA indoctrination does to the brain.

Missing helicopter 04 August 2013, 19:46

Wass that respected journalist related to the late Jamo? Jamo was very respected as well you know.
And why does the Journalist has to shut his mouth? HA strongholds will welcome him with open arms and protect him ....... the only one in danger here and now is our presiddent, the arm of HA is long.

Thumb benzona 04 August 2013, 20:15

Mr president: you aren't qualified to declare who launched or didn't launch the attacks on the presidential palace. You're not the investigator.

Default-user-icon 2 Cents (Guest) 04 August 2013, 21:42

Hizb is desperate. It ventured into Syria to fight for its existence. Without Syrian support and cross border arms shipments, Hizb would've weakened militarily. That's why it rushed to Assad's side. This made it less popular in the Arab world since the 2006 war with Israel. Of course, the Lebanese learned Hizb's true intentions shortly after 2006 when it used its weapons against them. This and the EU's decision to list Hizb's military wing as a terrorist organization will further weaken Hizb militarily. Let's not forget that Syria is wide open and Israel is watching and conducting airstrikes on weapons' depots inside Syria. Also, Iran's new president is supposedly a moderate who is open to negotiation with the West to remove economic sanctions. Negotiations will surely entail Iran's support for Hizb. The smart thing for Hizb is to pull its fighters out of Syria, turn over its weapons to the Lebanese state, and become strictly a political party.