Geagea Says Syria, Hizbullah Main Constituents in Cabinet

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Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea said that the main elements in the new cabinet are Syria and Hizbullah, stressing that President Michel Suleiman and Prime Minister Najib Miqati have nothing to do with “this team.”

“They asked us to give this government a grace period and wait for the policy statement to be issued… but has anyone seen a cinchona tree turn into an apple tree?” Geagea wondered during the annual dinner of Free Lebanon radio on Monday.

He said that the March 14-led opposition will be “constructive.”

Geagea also stressed that there is a “national unity over the international tribunal whether we liked it or not.”

The LF leader said that the “pillars and columns of the Mafia empire are those present now (in the cabinet).” He was responding to Free Patriotic Movement leader Michel Aoun’s statement that the “new majority was able to shake the Mafia empire.”

Meanwhile, the Lebanese Forces party is holding a meeting Tuesday afternoon to announce its by-laws in Maarab.

The LF leader will tackle in his speech the effect of the by-laws on the democratic life. He will also address the situation in the region especially in Syria, and reiterate his stance from the cabinet.

An undisclosed March 14 official will also give a speech, An Nahar daily said.

Comments 7
Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (Guest) 28 June 2011, 09:17

Quel culot !! Monsieur Geagea should understand that the old days are gone , and with them his allies of march 14 and on the top of them its leader and former PM that is already in exile in Paris .

He is left alone in the opposition and in March 14 . We wish him good luck and lots of pleasures in his " democratic " battles against the wind ....

President Sleimane is on the same side and political wave as GMA and the new majority . PM Mikati was appointed by that Majority and its leader GMA . So my dear Mr Geagea , your dreams will not be realized .. Sorry .

Thumb thepatriot 28 June 2011, 12:20

@ p(h)enis.."Mikati was appointed by that Majority and its leader GMA " ... WRONG!
Mikati was appointed by the majority of the Deputies because 8 of them turned their backs on the people who elected them (because they were threatened or paid). I see no glory in that.
GMA never apointed no one. He's just a puppet in the game (Hassa's and Bashar's in particular), who makes believe the masses that they were robbed, and that he will return them the money... let's see what he will return, and to whom...

Default-user-icon mazen (Guest) 28 June 2011, 12:32

Jail bird.. he needs to return to JAIL where he belongs..Besides was it not his wife who is elected into parliament? She s the one who should be giving her opinion and views, not this criminal.

Default-user-icon JP (Guest) 28 June 2011, 13:48

Mazen & M8 Fans,

Like it or not, Geogea is one of the nobelest of Lebanese politicians. No I did not support him when he was a leader of the Militia during the Lebanese War. Some argue that the Lebanese civil war and he acted as a war lord then. However, he current stance is the noble - defending the independence and soverieignty of Lebanon. This is more than than some of the puppet leaders that take direct orders from the head of "current militia"and their Syrian and Iranian masters. Geogea at the very least went to jail for his conviction rather than take part in a government that was dominated by foreign hegimony. He his not a traitors like the rest and those are the leaders that deserve to be in jail.

Default-user-icon Fabien (Guest) 28 June 2011, 14:24

Even a cabinet made of shoe soles is a million times better than a cabinet headed by Imbecile Saad with ministers mostly of the caliber of shoe sole lickers as March 14 are well known to be.

Thumb ado.australia 28 June 2011, 14:48

Patriot... The deputies that turned their back... Turned it on hariri not the people who elected them. Jumblatt won alley and the chouf even if he sided with zimbabwe against Vanuatu he would win. The only reason m14 won was because of his ticket and not becoz he was on a m14 ticket. The same could be argued more difficulty about the tripoli ticket but the next election will solve that. As for the coup? In 2005, future, psp, the LF and Hezbollah/amal defeated Aoun in baabda/aley. They then turned on Hezbollah and amal after their alliance fell apart. Was that a coup? This happens all the time so grow up and stop whining!

Default-user-icon Julien (Guest) 28 June 2011, 14:57

Bye Bye Hariri mafia, but thank God we still have a Parliament controlled by the Hezb, Amal,and their indentured servants just like during the years of the Hariri mafia, who voted to approved every single penny he stole from Solidere to the telecom network probably because they were clean and hated corruption and will fight corruption just like they did during the Hariri mafia, yeah that's probably it.