Saniora Rejects Attacks on Army but Criticizes its Militia-Like Role

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Al-Mustaqbal bloc chief MP Fouad Saniora on Sunday rejected assaults on the army but also refused what he said were some militia-like acts committed by soldiers two weeks ago in their battle with Salafists in the southern city of Sidon.

“Whoever committed a crime against the army should be held accountable,” Saniora said in a speech ahead of a large-scale meeting held by March 14 officials at the residence of Sidon MP Bahia Hariri.

But he described as “unacceptable” and a “militia-like behavior” the alleged torture and abuse seen on videotapes in the aftermath of the battles between the army and the followers of Salafist cleric Sheikh Ahmed al-Asir in Abra, near Sidon.

“How would there be law enforcement if some soldiers acted like militias?” he asked.

“It is unacceptable to enforce the law in Sidon while several violations are committed elsewhere,” he said, giving the example of alleged armed groups set up by Hizbullah in different Lebanese regions.

The Sidon lawmaker hailed the army's announcement on Saturday that it detained several soldiers for assaulting a man suspected of involvement in the clashes.

“Only legitimate armed forces have the right to carry weapons. Any arms outside state institutions are rejected,” he said.

Saniora also rejected the alleged involvement of “Hizbullah's militias” in the Sidon fighting alongside the army.

“We haven't yet received answers as to how the army allowed Hizbullah to participate in the clashes,” he said.

Saniora condemned al-Asir's “big sin” by fighting the army, but he said that the cleric had “fallen in the trap set for him.”

The Abra battles could have been avoided by vacating the apartments of Hizbullah in Sidon, he said.

The apartments were one of the main reasons for Asir's campaign against Hizbullah.

Saniora called for a fair and transparent investigation into the clashes that left 18 soldiers and 20 of al-Asir's followers dead and plenty of destruction.

“We want answers to the questions we raised in the memo that we delivered to President Michel Suleiman,” he said.

The memo asks for the referral of the case to the Judicial Council and the prevention of all armed activities in the city.

It also calls for the removal of all political flags from the city and the closure of all offices belonging to “armed groups,” in reference to Hizbullah.

“We won't come under the rule of Hizbullah's arms,” Saniora said at the end of his speech.

Batroun MP Butros Harb spoke after him, reiterating that all arms are rejected.

“We hold onto the state of law … We reject all illegitimate arms and call for keeping them under the control of the state,” he said.

Harb appealed for armed groups to “lay down their weapons to prevent Lebanon's destruction.”

Comments 39
Missing spirit 07 July 2013, 12:38

For once yah RFT I agree ! Your intellect is outstanding . The LAF is for All Lebanese regardless of what sect I do agree. Only a legitimate national force shall bare arms & represent us as one ! You me & our sons o Lebanon are just one , thx for your opinion yah RFT I appreciate it ...

Missing spirit 07 July 2013, 12:40

RFT you are showing us you real side as a lebanese, I'm at your service whenever you want , just ask !!

Missing spirit 07 July 2013, 12:38

For once yah RFT I agree ! Your intellect is outstanding . The LAF is for All Lebanese regardless of what sect I do agree. Only a legitimate national force shall bare arms & represent us as one ! You me & our sons o Lebanon are just one , thx for your opinion yah RFT I appreciate it ...

Missing --karim_m2 07 July 2013, 12:49

"But he described as “unacceptable” and a “militia-like behavior” the alleged torture and abuse seen on videotapes".

If he considers that torture and "militia-like", then what does he consider the FSA-Al Qaeda terrorists who eat people's organs and behead Christian bishops in cold blood? What was Saniora's description for that?

Thumb cedre 07 July 2013, 12:58

RFT rules...

Default-user-icon Sam (Guest) 07 July 2013, 14:22

Sanioura Sharon Israel 14 March all against Lebanese Army.
Jazmit al Jaysh al loubnanieh be rakbetack.

Thumb just-me 07 July 2013, 14:24

In your equation, the army has arms and HA has arms which is all shia, what about the people?

Missing freemind 07 July 2013, 14:26

Saniora u dont read the news... the ones who committed these 'crimes' within the army have been arrested. Get updated and stop repeating yourself.

Also, why are u so sure about Hezb's involvement in the Abra clashes, or is it something you want to repeat over and over again so that it becomes real, when it isnt?
Answer this question: did u hear of any Hezb fighter dead or injured in the Abra clashes. A single one?

We have enough of you double faced politicians.

Thumb LebCynic 07 July 2013, 14:45

RFT, Allah ye7yi baton li 7amalak!

Missing people-power 07 July 2013, 16:34

1. Hariri nor anyone else "legitimized" the Iranian militia

2. Past statements made under Syrian occupation are now null and void

3. After Hezbollah was indicted in the murder of Rafik Hariri, and is implicated in the deaths of Hawi and others, and the attempt against Harb, they are now an outlaw organization. The indictment against Hezbollah should also preclude their participation in any future government, and the Lebanese armed forces and all security agencies should be purged of any members with links to Hezbollah.

Missing freemind 07 July 2013, 20:03

Its funny how the most accurate and intelligent comments; like the ones by the1phoenix, get thumbed down and empty, brainwashed comments get thumbs up.
I feel sorry for Lebanon.
I hope it is a phenomena only tied to this website, otherwise we are doomed...

Missing beirutbastard 08 July 2013, 01:48

No it's like two people who have like 30 accounts...

Default-user-icon tarik (Guest) 07 July 2013, 16:46

the1phoenix. I have read several anti islam and hatefull messages from you. So I would like to educate and enlighten you concerning some historical facts.

The war on islam is on from all sides. And everyone who wants to participate in that war are welcome, but he will be eliminated. Allah has promised the believers Victory and history is a witness to the 1400 years rule and dominance of islam. Ask the great persian empire! Ask the great roman empire! Ask the empire of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh etc.! Ask the crusaders! Ask the Tatars! Ask the monguls! Ask the superpower Soviet Union in Afghanistan! Ask the superpower USA and NATO in Afghanistan. Islam and the true muslim believers will be victorious, the future lies with islam!

Missing spirit 08 July 2013, 00:05

@ Tarik
You forgot to mention the great Ottoman Empire , we all now what their Sultanite agenda were ?
But to Islamise the world over 400 years did not work .
My friend what I think you are is a radical turning fanatical don't go down that road . Keep your Islamic religion as a peaceful one not a deadly cult , but thank god that the majority of Muslims are becoming educated & relising that killing , hatred even cannibalism is not part of their religion. But as for you I totally disagree with your view luckily there are a handful of people like you.

Missing helicopter 08 July 2013, 00:25

God is busy supporting HA now, this is why they are having the upper hand. Maybe later God switches alliances and then he will side with your forces (Tarik) -
Tarik, God does not like killing, especially killing perpetrated in his name. Go seek forgiveness for having dark thoughts please. All God creations deserve to live in peace, happiness and prosperity.

Thumb Bandoul 07 July 2013, 18:33

You disappoint the1, you now regularly show your true colors unashamedly. As if Harri had a choice. When a gun is pointed at your head, you don't have a choice on whether or not you want to be partner with your opponent with whom you completely ideologically disagree your just follow the program forced down your throat to the best you can. They when they break your arm and you decide to be defiant, the blow you up to smithereens. I thought you were someone who had honesty in his debate but it turns out you have the same Harriri/moderate Sunni Derangement Syndrome as a true Aounist. May all radical Islam, Shia or Sunni suffer the fate of the dragons sooner than later. Lebanon is for the modern Christian and Muslim who want to be free to pursue their happiness.

Thumb Bandoul 07 July 2013, 18:44

Typos corrected: You disappoint the1! You now regularly show your true colors unashamedly. As if Harriri had a choice. When a gun is pointed at your head, you don't have a choice on whether or not you want to be partners with your opponent with whom you completely ideologically disagree, you just follow the program forced down your throat to the best you can. Then when they break your arm and you decide to be defiant, they blow you up to smithereens. I thought you were someone who had honesty in his debate but it turns out you have the same Harriri/MSD (Moderate Sunni Derangement Syndrome) as a true Aounist. May all radical Islam, Shia or Sunni suffer the fate of the dragons sooner than later! Lebanon is for the modern Christians and Muslims who want to be free to pursue their happiness.

Missing freemind 07 July 2013, 20:13

I believe that the reaction of M8, who was in its entirety pro-Army, got fed up of the constant attack of some M14 leaders who waged a real campaign against the army (and at the same time, in a very two faced manner, because M14 is all about the state and sovereignty and empty blabla talk, they had to say that "all attacks against the army are rejected").
So they brought up this Assir video. They waited 2 weeks, 2 weeks during which we all had to listen to M14's constant blabber. They sound like a broken record!

But let the leaders of M14 not be fooled. Many M14ers supported the army, whether christians or sunnis. And a lot of LFers and KTers are taking their distance from FM.

Some changes happening within M8 as well.

Lets see what will happen...

Missing helicopter 07 July 2013, 21:22

stop the deceipt please. You can not be LAF supporter if you are HA supporter. The two have different strategic goals. The LAF minds the security of a country and the well being of its citizens. HA minds the Iranian agenda and the well being of its Shia supporters (I limited it to its Shia supporters not ALL SHI3A as the other ones might get killed if they go against HA as we already seen). So any words of sympathy or support you utter in support of the LAF are simple lies. May God bless the LAF.

Missing VINCENT 07 July 2013, 20:34

We see why H.A. has aligned itself with Iran's agenda, and we are yet to see if this marriage is for the overall good/interest of Lebanon, but you lost me after "Islamic secular" resistance. How could something be religious and not relating to religion or religious body at the same time? There is nothing secular about the current Iranian regime and Hezeb "Allah". I say you are both Muslims, and either get along and work for Lebanese interests as one with the rest of the country or go to the respective homelands of your supporters. A country should have only one army. When one opens his/her mouth, can only speak from one side. Not both sides. No wonder nobody takes the Lebanon seriously any more. Lebanon is week, divided and scared while Israel has already set up the infrastructure, drilling and looks like stealing natural resources rightfully belonging to Lebanon.

Missing people-power 07 July 2013, 21:27

If you could see his face you would understand that his comments are written with a tongue in his cheek, so to speak (in other words with some sarcasm)

Missing spirit 08 July 2013, 04:59

Well said Vincent , we have the potential to be the strongest economy in the region of ME , as well as the strongest Army even better than the Israelis . Only if our educated youth are used to their potential. ! The key is not with our MPs but with the LAF !!!!!!

Missing helicopter 07 July 2013, 21:31

I always enjoyed reading your posts, even at times when I disagreed and even at times when I thought you are flip floppinng. There are posters on both camps guilty of lableing others by names or colors that are far fromm the true nature of the poster (some of it is innocent, some is purposeful and meant to be hurtful, and some of it I am afraid is by design to cause further rifts and perpetuate hatred leading to a civil war.
As far as this particular post of yours, the last sentence " nothing is above the army, the state or the law" ..... this is the main reason I despise HA. They have been talking and acting as if they are above the army and the State.

Missing helicopter 07 July 2013, 22:45

You are right in pointing out "flip-flopping" and calling me out on it. In fact I hesitated using that word, I should have thought of a better alternate word. Deep down I know you have Lebanon's best interest in mind. And so do I, we just diverge at times on "what is best". Not easy to figure out what is best for Lebanon when the situation is dynamic and very muddy. Bottom line: I support people from all sects who put Lebanon first (not their religious affiliations or Arab-affiliations). I support people of all sects who shun arms outside the LAF and ISF and who defer onnly to LAF and ISF. I support people who support the cconstitutin and fight corruption. Enough ... lets keep speaking our mind freely and patriotically.

Default-user-icon Mazen (Guest) 07 July 2013, 22:09

Oh just bugger off!

Missing helicopter 07 July 2013, 22:13

Of course it matters if HA was involved. Without HA there would not have been an Asir in the first place. And with HA involvement, many other Asirs will be created.
HA plan is to make it seem like they and the LAF are in one trench. This trick will not pass, HA will always be the reason Lebanon is Stateless and its Army is weak. We want to build the army up to put an end to HA because we do not want to see more Asirs popping up.
One more thing ..... are you prous of your affiliations with all the elements that fought the State and the LAF during the civil war (Jama3a Islameyya, PNO and Palestinian faction armed by Syria). The fig leaf will fall.

Missing freemind 07 July 2013, 22:17

dear helicopter, u call me a liar?
i have been one of the staunchest LAF supporters and will continue to be for the sake of the country.
i have defended the LAF in every single line that i wrote on social media or elsewhere.
i have responded to scholars, fought with neocons, pleaded with people in defense of the LAF.

so keep your hateful reactions to yourself.
instead of alienating LAF supporters, embrace them.

Missing helicopter 07 July 2013, 22:36

I did not use the word liar, but the word deceit
Let me re-state: HA and LAF diverge in mission and Loyalties. So you can not support both PERIOD.
I am a strong believer that HA's plan now is to put a wedge between the LAF and the true patriotic Lebanese as it is the only way to make the LAF more dependent and subservient to HA enabling it to achieve its ultimate evil goal with minimum bloodshed.
I never underestimate the strategic and clever thinking of HA.

Missing freemind 07 July 2013, 22:50

"So any words of sympathy or support you utter in support of the LAF are simple lies"... in short, that means: you are a liar.

Now on the question of HA. It is an extremely sensitive issue, that even the most sensible of politician in Leb has not found an answer to. It is not going to be solved by people who confront it frontally as you or any M14 politician.
On the other hand, Lebanese defense strategy has to be reviewed, the army needs to be strengthened.
Finally, i already posted this earlier: did anyone hear of any HA casualty during the Abra clashes? Nope. How is that even possible if they were actively participating in the fight?

Anyhow, I am a moderate. I am neither pro or anti Hezb. But what is sure I am pro LAF. So anyone who attacks LAF will hear from me. Thats all.

Missing helicopter 07 July 2013, 23:26

Thanks for the honest exchange ......... a neutral on HA could be a LAF supporter in my mind. So we share at least that much pro LAF.
But for the record, M-14 politician's mistake was avoiding frontal confrontation with HA and tried accommodating them in every step (including the Ministerial Declaration of Army, Resistance, People..... which is a cover for HA to continue arming). Also for the record I do not consider myself M-14er as my affiliation is Lebanon and not any political camp. I love Sunnis, Shiites, Druze and Christians who put their country first and above their sect.

Missing freemind 07 July 2013, 23:39

i just thumbed u up, helicopter ;)

Missing helicopter 07 July 2013, 23:43

Thanks ....... we do not have to agree all the time to hear each other out and to have same end goal - which in this case is best for Lebanon.

Missing freemind 08 July 2013, 12:53

HAHAHAHA i get thumbed down for supporting the army? How nonsensical! Do you even read what people write before thumbing them down or is it just a thumb up/thumb down game you play?
Get a life!

Missing people-power 07 July 2013, 22:22

1phoenix: this is a comment section, and anyone can write whatever we want. If you don't like it, you are free to go elsewhere. I don't really care what you have to say, but if you say something I disagree with, I have every right to refute it. And if you are being hypocrite, I have every right to point it out.

Missing aslan7aram 07 July 2013, 23:06

في ناس أتفه من هيك بعد؟ ليك هؤلاء باعو امون وبيون ب قروش...بس نفسي أعرف كيف 14 عازار "people" ما شيفنٌ "زعمائهم" على ما هونا عليه؟؟؟

birds of feathers flocks together

Thumb daytime 08 July 2013, 01:32

Oh...Saniora, the famous crying baby.

Missing beirutbastard 08 July 2013, 01:43

Can't help but to think the ouster of the Qatari Amir is linked to the downfall of these ppl. He was pretty much the spearhead of all we see today... I don't have any documentation on it tho...

Default-user-icon Shovigalio Bedanfouf (Guest) 08 July 2013, 01:46

The low life Sanni scum rejects attacks and then attacks only to reject attacks later and then re-attack until the next time he rejects new attacks only to attack and then reject followed by an attack... You get the idea of what an embodiment of Sanni scum this Sanni lunatic is.

Thumb Bandoul 08 July 2013, 04:22

@the1 You hold the word disappoint with the same regard as traitor and propagandist? I apologize for hurting your feelings, that was not my intent. The word disappoint in the above context implies it was preceded by admiration and respect that now culminated with disappointment because in my mind you are no longer the person whose posts I appreciate and look forward to reading. You misrepresented yourself sir and I feel deceived. So now I have called you on it. If that makes me childish then I am fine with that. Good day sir, I wish you good health and a long prosperous future and never any hard feelings.