Russia Says Syrian Opposition's Arab League Seat 'Illegal'

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Russia on Wednesday called the Arab League's decision to award Syria's seat at the organization to the anti-regime National Coalition "illegal and indefensible".

"In terms of international law, the League's decision on Syria is illegal and indefensible because the government of the Syrian Arab Republic was and is the legitimate representative member-state at the United Nations," the Russian foreign ministry said in a statement.

Syrian opposition chief Ahmed Moaz al-Khatib took Syria's seat at the League on Tuesday as Arab leaders gathered in Doha for their annual summit. The move sparked a furious reaction from Damascus.

Russia is viewed as one of Syrian President Bashar Assad's few allies because it vetoed three rounds of U.N. Security Council sanctions against his government.

The foreign ministry noted that Khatib used the opportunity in Doha to call for the establishment of internationally-enforced no-fly zones over areas in Syria controlled by the armed opposition.

It then accused the Arab League -- an organization with which it has had tense ties throughout the two-year-long conflict -- of effectively supporting a military solution to the conflict instead of peace talks.

"We are talking about the expression of open support for forces that unfortunately continue to bet on a military solution in Syria, without looking back at the suffering of Syrians, which is growing by the day," said the statement.

Comments 3
Thumb LebCynic 27 March 2013, 14:52

Thank you Russia.

Default-user-icon John Marina (Guest) 27 March 2013, 14:59

Has this puppet Arab League Organization ever been an effective League?, it is a failure from day one like all other Arabs Organizations. Founded by the British after WW2 to serve their own interests. It has been a failure from day one, the Arab countries joined this failure for lip service only.

Thumb scorpyonn 27 March 2013, 15:45

Russia has picked the wrong side in this conflict- they are all lip and keep funding that giraffe, Assad. They know that when he falls they have lost their place in the Middle East along with those crazy medieval Islamic assholes in Iran and the ones in Lebanon who follow them like sheep!How shameful that the Lebanese stoop so low to follow those Iranians who are the scum of the earth!