Hizbullah Criticizes U.N. Chief Report over Implementation of 1559

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Hizbullah senior official Mohammed Yazbek criticized on Saturday U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon's 16th semi-annual report on the implementation of 1559, saying that the party is defending Lebanon's national unity.

“They are demanding to dismantle the resistance so that Israel remains” safe, Yazbek said.

Ban said in his report that Hizbullah's Iranian-made drone that penetrated Israel on October 6, considering it a clear violation of U.N. Security Council resolution 1559 as it can destabilize the situation in Lebanon and the region.

“For those who are demanding the disarmament of Hizbullah... We remind them that we are giving our blood to maintain this country's honor and unity,” Yazbek pointed out.

He noted that Hizbullah is exerting effort to resume the all-party talks that preserve the nation.

However, Yazbek said that “some officials insist on returning to the past.”

The March 14-led opposition rejects attending the national dialogue before the government resigns and demands the formation of a neutral salvation cabinet as the only way to defuse the tension caused by the assassination of Internal Security Forces Intelligence Bureau chief Wissam al-Hasan on October 19.

Lebanon's political crisis worsened last month after the coalition blamed Miqati's cabinet for Hasan's killing in a car bomb blast in Beirut’s Ashrafiyeh district.

However, the March 8 camp rejects the formation of a new cabinet on allegations that there's no alternative.

Comments 21
Missing samiam 10 November 2012, 17:49

"He noted that Hizbullah is exerting effort to resume the all-party talks that preserve the nation."

and what exactly are they going to talk about--they are saying that just to buy time, because everyone knows that talks with them won't yield anything.

Thumb Elemental 11 November 2012, 01:24

Exerting effort = reloading weapons

Missing phillipo 10 November 2012, 18:00

Isn't it interesting that every time Hizballah uses a different excuse to justify keeping its armed forces.
First it was Israeli occupation of South Lebanon, Israel withdrew.
Then it was Shaaba Farms - UN confirmed that Shaaba was Syrian not Lebanese, and that Israel was not occupying any Lebanese territory..
Now it is to keep Lebanon safe - but as in most cases,the country has an army to do just that.
So what next?

Thumb Elemental 11 November 2012, 01:17

To defend against Donald Duck and Ninjas who also sing soprano and fight with jars of hummous...yes it will be their next justification.

Thumb geha 10 November 2012, 19:01

once more, it is not nasrallah responding!
as to their weapns we all know why they keep them and it is definately not for the lebanese unity, rather to force their will on the Lebanese people.
in short they are an occupation force and they should be treated as such.

Thumb Elemental 11 November 2012, 01:15


Missing peace 10 November 2012, 20:51

and when we all know the one who went to the us senate to ask for their help to implement the 1559 and now is the fiercest defender of the ones he called terrorists before, how ironic! and still has supporters who support his flipflopping....

Missing gabby8 10 November 2012, 21:42

They don't pay electricity and are bankrupting the other sects and the country. They live like beggars with their guns pointed at everyone else. When Bashar is gone the world will focus even more on getting rid of these devil freaks.

Thumb andre.jabbour 10 November 2012, 21:52


Thumb boulmich 10 November 2012, 23:53

tayeb monsieur R. hariri shou edame ken, rakab dyoun 3al balad, ya zakzak, ma ana wi yek rah nedfa3on ??
chou 3am tehke ya man, wlek w3a !!

Missing gabby8 10 November 2012, 21:44

We don't want your blood. We don't want you to "defend" us with offensive 2006 wars and May 7's.

Thumb Elemental 11 November 2012, 01:13

They're just attention craver's with NPD, ignore them and they'll fade off back to Tehran

Missing allouchi 10 November 2012, 22:14

Aoun and cronie claim to be non-sectarian but they back the mullah of Iran...patheic losers...after Assad ur turn will come to clean the filth of the earth...

Thumb andre.jabbour 10 November 2012, 22:59


Missing chouf2 10 November 2012, 23:10

Hey Yazbek we don want you to denfend us ,the best thing you csn do to help Lebanon is hand your Russian junk weapons to our army ,stop trying to help Assad /Iran..

Thumb Elemental 11 November 2012, 00:55

Or they can just go back to Iran completely

Missing allouchi 11 November 2012, 00:06

Mullah and Aoun are the scum of the earth...

Thumb Elemental 11 November 2012, 01:12

I second that

Thumb Elemental 11 November 2012, 01:11

That's what's the killer here. Mixing religion with politics is like a fire to a gas tank.

Thumb Elemental 11 November 2012, 01:23

Depends on how much lithium and hashish are in their system

Thumb shab 11 November 2012, 13:29

Anorther scary looking mullah preaching hate. Who many do they have ?