March 14 Holds onto Demands to Resume Dialogue

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The March 14-led opposition reiterated on Monday its rejection to resume the national dialogue under the current government and said its participation was conditioned on the discussion of Hizbullah’s arms.

Lebanese Forces Leader Samir Geagea stressed during an interview with L'Orient Le Jour that his allies in the March 14 forces voiced their support to the resumption of the national dialogue.

However, he said that there should be a “serious basis” in this regard amid the latest developments.

Asked about the results of the resumption of the all-party talks, Geagea said that the dialogue is useless as the majority of the cabinet members are linked to the Syrian regime.

“The other team isn’t seeking a serious dialogue,” he told the daily.

Al-Mustaqbal sources told As Safir newspaper that the movement is waiting for President Michel Suleiman to send his invitation for the dialogue in order to determine an official stance regarding this matter.

For his part, LF MP Shant Janjanian pointed out that dialogue is important between the Lebanese foes.

He told Free Lebanon radio that the only controversial item on the agenda of the dialogue would be the arms of Hizbullah.

Janjanian stated that the resignation of the cabinet is the only solution.

MP Michel Pharaon told Voice of Lebanon radio (93.3) that Suleiman’s dialogue initiative is “honorable.”

However, he noted that the March 14 forces “can’t resume dialogue with the presence of the current cabinet.”

On Thursday, the President announced that he would invite the Lebanese foes for the resumption of the all-party talks in June.

Earlier, the March 14 forces, following an emergency meeting at the Center House in downtown Beirut, called for forming a “neutral, salvation government,” revealing that they will submit an initiative to Suleiman that is “aimed at confronting the attempt to ruin Lebanon.”

They said that all arms outside the state should be on the agenda of the dialogue, a reference to Hizbullah’s weapons and other arms spread among the Lebanese.

Comments 9
Thumb arzz 28 May 2012, 09:58

Dream on M14 bozos. You have as good a chance of getting israel to give up their arms and maybe give the Plastinians a state or return the golan. I don't think you bozos see the big picture.

Missing peace 28 May 2012, 17:49

i guess you know the big picture, how sure of yourself... M8 arrogance i suppose...

Thumb jcamerican 28 May 2012, 10:45

The resistance have to discuss its arms issue. It cannot keep its arms forever. I have one question for Hizballah, if Israel gave up the lebanese territories, would they surrender their arms in return. Or they have to liberate Palestine too.

Thumb Bandoul 28 May 2012, 22:18

@jcamerican The better question is if Israel agrees and signs the right of return for all Palestinian refugees to their homeland as part of a peace accord which also frees all Lebanese territories, will Hezballah give up it's weapons? Ah...the answer is a resounding NO, they will invent another reason to keep them.

Missing forces 28 May 2012, 22:54

they have now added to their cv oil exploration, keep an eye out for moon walking coming soon.

Thumb Bandoul 28 May 2012, 22:20

@slash he actually went a bit further than that, the goal is to annihilate Israel off the face of the earth and nothing less will satisfy them. Of course this is an impossible reality and that is why they use this goal to perpetually have weapons forever.

Thumb Bandoul 28 May 2012, 22:21

@slash he actually went a bit further than that, the goal is to annihilate Israel off the face of the earth and nothing less will satisfy them. Of course this is an impossible reality and that is why they use this goal to perpetually have weapons forever.

Missing peace 28 May 2012, 17:49

karim the clown has spoken

Missing forces 28 May 2012, 23:02

you are an idiot, man you really believe one person is better than the next. you are obviously very young or very naive to think that.
As for your enlightening commentary " They are a pack of genocidal maniacs, warlords, thieves, criminals, mass murderers, and con artists", if you truly believe that does not apply to your perso/syrian milita or the lapdogs aoun and co then you are in denial.

"and need to be shipped back to the mountains of Tora Bora where they and their ideology originated from. Only that can put Lebanon on a roadmap to peace. No to Wahabism! No to terrorism! Yes to freedom! Yes to democracy!
NF Idea do you, this is a perfect example of your persian ideology get rid of everyone who disagrees and then proclaim democracy. it is a god thing you have spell check to spell it correctly.