Charbel Hails Arrest of al-Mawlawi, Slams Raid on Safadi’s Welfare Association

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Interior Minister Marwan Charbel revealed on Tuesday that a disciplinary probe was launched to reveal the facts that pushed the General Security Department to detain Shadi al-Mawlawi at the entrance of an office that belongs to Finance Minister Mohammed al-Safadi.

On Saturday, the General Security Department lured al-Mawlawi to an office at Safadi’s welfare association in Tripoli under a healthcare pretext.

Al-Mawlawi was later detained on charges of belonging to a terrorist organization.

“A disciplinary probe was launched concerning the incident,” Charbel told al-Joumhouria newspaper.

On Monday, Charbel said in a statement that the officer in charge was called for investigation.

“The officer who led the operation deserves to take credit for detaining a very important suspect and delivering him to the Lebanese judiciary, but he must also be blamed for the way the operation was carried out,” Charbel told al-Joumhouria.

He said that the General Security could have “carried out the operation without raiding an office that belongs to a minister.”

The minister stressed in comments to al-Liwaa newspaper that the cabinet is tackling the situation in Tripoli in a “calm way,” to prevent any escalation in the area.

“We prefer a peaceful and a political solution to end the protests,” he added.

He blamed the regional developments for the security situation, noting that the political rivals should practice politics in a “democratic way.”

Battles erupted on Saturday between residents of the rival neighborhoods of Bab al-Tabbaneh and Jabal Mohsen after security forces arrested al-Mawlawi.

Mawlawi's supporters say he was targeted because of his help for Syrian refugees fleeing to Lebanon.

The fighting has forced all businesses and shops in and around the area where the clashes are taking places to stay closed. Many residents fled at the weekend and those who stayed behind were hiding in their homes.

Comments 6
Missing reformist 15 May 2012, 10:43

Now people see how powerful this government is and to all who would have thought nothing is done (fi nes hek metel slash w sleelto... sadly), they cannot deny evidence.
Akid they will come up with something!
Vive FPM :)

Default-user-icon assaad (Guest) 15 May 2012, 10:44

ils ont reussi à l'arreter sans le tuer et sans causer des pertes entre les policiers et la population. c'est la chose la plus importante.

Missing reformist 15 May 2012, 14:59

oui assaad et je suis super content que ca se soit termine de la sorte. Toujours est il que le risque etait la et il ne faut pas que ca devienne monnaie courante. J'ai vecu dans differents pays d'Europe pendant plus de 25 ans et j'ai observe ces choses la. Ce ne serait jamais acceptable de faire comme ca.
Yet I am so happy with the actions of our current gov. Happy he is caught w nchalla all of them will be very soon!

Missing reformist 15 May 2012, 10:47

halla' to be honest ya chabeb (w sabaya) the method is not very catholic I must say. It would have outraged any civilized country (such as France or Germany). Yet la fin justifie les moyens au Liban. Taking into account the specifics of Lebanon I just say BRAVO to our gov. Charbel (I don't really like the person even if he is on my side) was humble enough to admit the method was not catholic....
It should not become a best practice, many people could have died and a disaster also could have happened in the Ministry... Could have been planned better.
Who cares anyway he should not rot in hell

Default-user-icon Double Vision (Guest) 15 May 2012, 12:00

Since we seem to have an M8+M14 agreement for once - at least on Naharnet pages - and since everyone is agreeing that criminals should face justice, I hope that M8ers will agree to bring to justice the kidnappers of the Shiite girl in the Bekaa Valley who converted to Christianity. Of course they won't, because Hezbollah is protecting the kidnappers. M8ers, have you ever heard of double standards?

Until such time that M8ers agree that justice should be applied to all equally, non M8ers will question the motives behind an arrest that almost tore the country to pieces.

Missing reformist 15 May 2012, 14:57

Double vision I am supporting M8 but in no f... mean I would support the facts that you stated. If le hezb is protecting his guys, hell to them :)
I am after adiyye, after cleansing the country from corruption, never after the protection of killers!
I join my voice to yours. Whoever are the kidnappers they should be judged by law and have the most severe legal punishment!