Security Sources Snap Back at Decision Preventing Access to Telecom Data

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Security sources have slammed a decision by a judicial authority to prevent the Internal Security Forces from accessing telecommunications records, saying the security of the people was more important than their privacy.

“What’s more important? The security of the people or their privacy?” the sources wondered in remarks to An Nahar daily published Thursday.

The dispute on the telecom data came back to the forefront of discussions after the assassination attempt on Lebanese Forces chief Samir Geagea on April 4.

A three-member independent judicial authority refused the request of the ISF to provide it with the complete telecom records between January 16 and April 10 to investigate Geagea’s attempted murder.

It justified its decision to the infringement on people’s liberties.

The security sources also accused Telecommunications Minister Nicolas Sehnaoui of providing security agencies with all the data until January 15.

“Where was the privacy before that date?” they quipped.

The sources said that the legislative and consultative body at the justice ministry stressed in 2009 that tracing mobile communications has nothing to do with wiretapping and is not subject to law 140 on the secrecy of telephone calls.

Meanwhile, An Nahar said that Interior Minister Marwan Charbel will ask the cabinet to provide the wiretapping command center based in his ministry with the necessary equipment to control mobile and landline phone calls as part of its mission.

Such a move would allow the center to access the data without any request from the telecom ministry, the daily added.

Comments 6
Thumb geha 12 April 2012, 11:50

justice minister and telcom minister are fpmers.
they are clearly hiding the data to cover up on the hizbushaitan culprits.

Missing inveritas 12 April 2012, 12:27

"three-member independent judicial authority". Yes, very FPM indeed. Read the article next time Geha. Btw, do you even know what your name means?

Missing people-power 12 April 2012, 17:52

Get real. M8 would have never deferred to the so-called "independent" judicial authority unless they knew ahead of time that the "independent" judicial authority would deny the request.

The telecom data is not recorded data of the conversations. It merely indicates where people were with their phones at certain times of the day, and who they talked to. Why is M8 afraid of this? If you aren't guilty of the assassination (or other illegal activities), then you have nothing to fear.

Missing forces 12 April 2012, 12:16

agree something does not add up, somehow fpm have gone silent on the issue and given access was willingly provided previously without any fuss doesn't paint a good picture. It is amusing how all of a sudden we care about civil liberties, very PC of them.

Thumb kesrweneh 12 April 2012, 21:05

the judges are corrupted coz they ruled M14 out, the minister is corrupted coz he's protecting our privacy, the people is corrupted because they didn't belive the movie "the sniper and the flower", the church is corrupted because Abou samir is retired, UN is corrupted because it's not bringing the salafis to power inSyria so that geagea can become amir Bcahrreh fi wylayat dimachk,Armenia is the ennemy of christianity because it's allied to GMA etc etc

Missing peace 12 April 2012, 23:44

if one of M8s leaders were in the same case they would do all they can to give all the datas...