Religious authorities go after comedian Shaden Fakih over prayers sketch


Lebanon's Muslim religious authorities have filed complaints against a stand-up comedian and LGBTQ rights activist, after a sketch of hers about Friday prayers sparked controversy online.

Openly gay Lebanese comedian Shaden Fakih has amassed a large online following for her jabs at religious authorities and the sectarian factions that have long dominated the country's politics.

But her sometimes crude jokes have also angered many Lebanese, despite the country's reputation as one of the Arab world's most tolerant societies.

On Friday, the Supreme Islamic Shiite Council filed a criminal complaint against Fakih for "the crimes of blasphemy, insulting religious rituals and stirring sectarian... strife," the state-run National News Agency reported.

Islamist lawmaker Imad Hout also filed a complaint against her, NNA said.

On Thursday, Lebanon's grand mufti, Sheikh Abdul Latif Daryan, ordered top Sunni religious authority Dar al-Fatwa to file a complaint against Fakih for "insult and blasphemy against the divine glory and Prophet Mohammed."

Dar al-Fatwa also accused her of "inciting religious and sectarian strife," and "undermining national unity," NNA said.

A judicial source told AFP the judiciary had not yet looked into the complaints against Fakih because the competent judge was still abroad.

Rights activists expressed outrage that Fakih was being threatened with prosecution for simply expressing her opinions.

"The idea that someone could be arrested... harassed and subjected to death threats just for expressing views that may contradict certain societal norms... is unacceptable," said Jad Shahrour of Beirut's Skeyes Center for Media and Cultural Freedom.

In August, Lebanese stand-up comedian Nour Hajjar was briefly arrested over a joke he made five years ago, days after he was detained over another quip.

In 2021, Fakih was summoned by a military court on charges of "insulting" the Internal Security Forces and "harming" their reputation.

Comments 12
Missing un520 11 May 2024, 17:46

Assasinations and port explotions: "Sorry, we are not able (allowed..) to find that out." Tongue in cheek humour: "We will take care of it right away and punish her severely"..

Missing rabiosa 11 May 2024, 18:11

A degenerate society ruled by fanatic coreligious fiefdoms.

We truly live in the stone ages.

Thumb chrisrushlau 11 May 2024, 18:42

. . . in an excerpt filmed recently during a show in Beirut, the comedian compares certain Muslims to the “nouveau riche” and criticizes the way prayer is conducted as well as the behavior of certain religious dignitaries. “You get the impression that the Prophet took classes with [the Lebanese dance troupe] Caracalla,” said Shaden, who also recites passages from the Quran.

Contacted by L'Orient-Le Jour, the actress's family declined to comment on the matter. Fakih could not be immediately reached and is currently on tour in Canada.

Attack 'on civil peace'

Missing un520 11 May 2024, 20:55

It is what democracies are built upon: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"(Evelyn Beatrice Hall describing Voltaires beliefs)

Thumb abe.linconstein 12 May 2024, 16:28

Serrana you and I know Shaden Fakih is from a Lebanese Shiite family but chrisrushlau never bothers to learn anything about the subjects he comments on. He "thinks" of himself an ordained intellectual know it all.

Thumb 12 May 2024, 15:39

I cannot turn a blind eye to the profound challenges that plague the Catholic Church in the Western world, the very region I now call ‘home’ in Europe. Here, amidst the grandeur of historical churches and the echoes of ancient traditions, lie the festering wounds of pedocriminality, homosexuality, and the harrowing specter of baby trafficking. These are not mere whispers in the corridors of power but stark realities that demand the unwavering attention of the Vatican.

Gone are the days when the pews echoed with fervent prayers, for now, they stand silent, bearing witness to the dwindling faithful. Priests, once the stalwarts of spiritual guidance, now find themselves stretched thin, forced to minister to multiple parishes in the wake of their scarcity.

Thumb 12 May 2024, 15:40

In the heart of my own municipality, juxtaposed against the timeless beauty of centuries-old churches, stand crude urinoirs, a crude reminder of the erosion of reverence. The people, once devout, now drift in a sea of godlessness, while society teeters on the precipice of decay.

In this tumultuous era, the values that once anchored us are eroding, paving the way for a future where humanity flirts dangerously with the abyss of posthumanism. It is a future we must confront with courage and conviction, lest we lose ourselves in the shadows of our own making.

Missing un520 13 May 2024, 01:12 other words: Thanks to the loosening grip of religious fanatism, Europe has developed into a modern, developed, economically and democratically advanced place that people from the Middle East dream of and risk their lives to reach.

Thumb 13 May 2024, 19:51

Dear UN520, I’m not surprised by your comment, considering you usually echo Zionist propaganda. When you mention 'Europe,' which region are you referring to? The Southern and Eastern EU, or the Northern and Western EU? One region is prospering due to 150 years of colonialism followed by a long period of neocolonialism (and genocide), while the other is economically disadvantaged and underdeveloped. One is often described as progressive but some would argue it's decadent, while the other is seen as traditional and rational. Let's engage in a debate on this topic here.

A recent statement for a couple of week ago from a French general suggested that France may need to reassert control (= recolonise) over Africa within a decade due to mounting debt and loss of international relevance.

Thumb 14 May 2024, 02:29

In contrast to the neighboring Nordic nations, Denmark has enjoyed wealth for centuries. With a history as a significant colonial power and its close proximity to the Netherlands and Britain, it quickly absorbed new ideas. Similar to Sweden, Denmark maintained neutrality during conflicts, thus minimizing the extent of damages incurred. Despite being occupied by Germany in World War II, the level of destruction was comparatively limited.

Following the war, Sweden capitalized on its pre-existing industrialization by joining the OECD and participating in the Marshall Plan. This facilitated the attraction of large corporations, gradually increasing its wealth until the economy shifted from secondary to tertiary industries. Nevertheless, Sweden faced economic crises and a decline in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Joining the EU and the influx of migrant workers have since provided a boost to its economy. Sweden is not exceptionally successful economically!

Thumb 14 May 2024, 02:48

Norway's collaboration with the Nazis during the Holocaust is a dark and reprehensible chapter in Scandinavian history. However, in terms of the magnitude of atrocities committed, few can rival the Ukrainian nationalists, known as Banderists, who played a significant role in the murder of an estimated 1.5 million Jews. This sobering fact underscores the depth of human suffering and the horrors perpetrated during that period.

The allure of England and Scandinavia for many people from the Middle East can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, these countries are often perceived as offering generous welfare systems and social benefits, commonly referred to as "états-providence" or welfare states. This perception is reinforced by the availability of free accommodation, financial support, and other social services.

Thumb 14 May 2024, 02:57

It's crucial to recognise that attributing the root cause of our problems solely to Hamas or Hezbollah -created in the mid 1980s- is oversimplified and misleading. The complexities of our challenges trace back to the era of French and British colonization in the region. Their presence on the permanent seats of the UN during colonisation influenced decisions regarding land allocation to Jewish European colonisers, which subsequently impacted the geopolitical landscape. Moreover, their ongoing military involvement in various countries underscores the lasting effects of colonial legacies. Additionally, their influence in selecting leaders during the Arab Spring (AKA CIA Spring) further illustrates their continued impact on destruction and impoverishing in most nations in the MENA region.