March 14: Govt. Must Fortify Lebanon against Syrian Crisis instead of Distancing Itself from it

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

The March 14 General Secretariat condemned on Wednesday the government’s policy of “distancing itself” from the Syrian developments.

It said in a statement after its weekly meeting: “It should instead work on fortifying Lebanon against the repercussions of the crisis.”

“Its current policy is turning into an approach aimed at supporting the Syrian regime and speaking on its behalf,” it added.

It reiterated the March 14 forces’ position to thwart the “Syrian regime’s plans against Lebanon, its sovereignty, security, and stability.”

It therefore demanded that the government summon the Syrian ambassador to Lebanon and order him to present an apology to the Lebanese people over the death of Maher Hamad, a Lebanese fisherman who was killed at the hands of Syrian forces on Saturday.

On Saturday, Syrian forces kidnapped three Lebanese fishermen off the coast of the northern border town of al-Arida.

It killed one of them and returned the other two hours after they were abducted.

The general secretariat also demanded that the government file a complaint to the United Nations against the Syrian regime’s repeated violations against Lebanon.

Addressing Iran's Quds Force, Brig. Gen. Qasem Soleimani’s recent statements on Lebanon, it said that is a reflection of Iran’s control of Lebanon and its power over the residents of the South “in that their stability lies in Tehran’s hands.”

The March 14 general secretariat condemned the remarks and questioned the Lebanese government’s silence over them.

Soleimani said last week that the people of southern Lebanon and Iraq are under the effect of Iran’s “way of practice and thinking.”

Comments 8
Missing allouchi 25 January 2012, 14:36

We are on the site of the free Syrian people and against the butcher of Damascus. We should openly support the free Syrian people by ALL means to topple the regime and afterwards the M8 cronies will start falling like dominos. Free Syria is ours for the taking. M8 are shaking in their boots and using their Zionist excuse to defend themselves. EMPTY EMPTY EMPTY accusations and people are sick of them and YOU...go get a life M8 before it's too late.

Default-user-icon sam (Guest) 25 January 2012, 15:07

rudes I am Totaly With You

Missing allouchi 25 January 2012, 15:41

rudes, I understand what you're saying but sometimes one must take a calculated risk, otherwise nothing happens and stagnation follows. Inshallah Assad regime will fall soon so Lebanon doesn't have to be government (indirectly) by Syria anymore...I think that the Lebanese had enough of outside negative interferences and we are ready to focus on our domestic issues and well being.

Default-user-icon Frando (Guest) 25 January 2012, 19:38

After all the "must" of al mustaqbal al te3tir and the "must" of the m3attarin, I can only say this: layko malla masater.

Default-user-icon Tabtabani (Guest) 25 January 2012, 20:58

allouchi, ze7t sama rabna with your predictions (and those of the other idiot par excellence Dr. Samir al Manfalouti Bin Lady Gaga) that the Syrian regime will fall in two weeks, in a month, this year, the other year, in a time very near... and now you tell us "INSHALLA Assad regime will fall soon?" Why involve allah and not St. Charbel? What's with this never ending "soon?" What does "soon" mean to you? We cannot handle more vague expressions, my friend. Is it another month? Two months? This year now that 2011 came and went like all the years past have? Why do you keep shifting, my friend? Why don't you get together with the other falakiyeen under the auspices of Dr. Lady Gaga and be precise FOR ONCE? Aren't you embarrassed to disappoint us time and time again? walaw ya warriors? chou hal maskhara hay? Please be precise AGAIN, wlanno ONCE! ati3a wlo.

Missing peace 25 January 2012, 21:32

so i assume cookie that you support the lebanese gvt to speak on behalf on the syrians and supporting the regime...

Default-user-icon Skyfall (Guest) 26 January 2012, 04:53

@ Tabtabani , you are so jealous of Geagea that you must insult him with your ignorance? i dont support him or Aoun , but when i look at who is more of a man, i see a man that has stayed 11 years in jail, 3 floors underground, because he didnt want to flee ( whether for the right reasons or the wrong ones ) HE DIDNT FLEE. On the other side, i see a general that has promised to die for his cause, and with his soldiers. speeding up at 300km/h to the french embassy like a crazy chicken. Only to live 15 years la vida loca in Paris and leave his companions to the mercy of the same regime he once fought. Only a comparison of manhood my friend. I hope you understand, unless you've learned how to be a man like General Aoun from his book " fleeing Baaba in 60 seconds "

Default-user-icon G (Guest) 26 January 2012, 15:40

@Tabtabani...if you are looking for exact predictions go to a fortuneteller, i dont think anyone here can tell when exactly, so calm down. :) How about u telling us when Al Assad will be fully in control again instead...Like Aoun a month or 2 back, he said the crisis is over.

There is a high chance of a full on civil war in Syria, ours officially started by the Pali bus shooting, Syrias' might officially start after 10 bus shootings...who knows, maybe tomorrow, next week or if someone killed a neighbors pet cat or a Lion (Assad) in a zoo.