Salam Adamant to Implement Cabinet Decisions


Prime Minister Tammam Salam has stressed that decisions taken by the majority of cabinet members will be implemented despite attempts by some parties to obstruct them.

“Even in the presence of a president, the Constitution grants him a time limit to review the decisions. They will be implemented when the deadline expires,” Salam told al-Akhbar daily in an interview published on Tuesday.

Salam's remarks were seen as a direct response to Free Patriotic Movement leader Michel Aoun's insistence that decrees issued by the cabinet after garnering the signatures of 18 ministers are not legal.

Aoun, who argues that the decrees infringe on the powers of the Christian president, held on Monday phone conversations with Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi, Lebanese Forces chief Samir Geagea, Amin Gemayel of the Kataeb Party and Marada Movement leader MP Suleiman Franjieh.

In the interview with al-Akhbar, Salam said that the rival parties should resolve their differences outside the cabinet.

“Settle your scores somewhere else and not in this government,” Salam told the parties represented in the cabinet.

The PM told al-Akhbar that on several occasions, he gave time for the rivals to reach settlements. “But no one is responding.”

When Baabda Palace became vacant “we agreed on unanimity inside the cabinet to avoid the obstruction of productivity … Then we agreed for consensus to be the basis of the government’s work,” said Salam.

“But this also drowned us in paralysis,” he stated.

“Are we able to remain in this paralysis that is being imposed on us?” Salam asked.

“If I will continue to assume my responsibilities, then I should practice them and not observe them,” he said.



Comments 7
Default-user-icon Mr. Fabius (Guest) 25 August 2015, 08:01

Dear Mr. Salam:
Why does the_roar claim he is Christian and pretends he does not speak Arabic?
Why is tric.portugal so interested in Lebanese politics?
Why is mowaten so secular?
Why is southern so educated?

Default-user-icon the_roar (Guest) 25 August 2015, 08:12

FT, mowaten, watann, and Kollaps are the 4 most informative posters on naharnet by 4 country miles. No wonder we are always in the VIP section of the top rated comments.

Default-user-icon tric.austral (Guest) 25 August 2015, 08:24

Salam, The Daesh...the message is clear to the bigguest Vatican partie...convert or chaos...when the cristhians have an armie! The islam in lebanon are putting the cristhians in dangeurs if they dont satisfie the demands of geagea the mecca!!! the Cristhians in Lebanon...S.O.S....the cristhians need urgent an armie!!!!
When mohamed apresented the demition??

Missing humble 25 August 2015, 09:22


Missing humble 25 August 2015, 09:04

Kick out the imbassil gangster.

Missing humble 25 August 2015, 09:22

Caporal has paralyzed the Government by forcing to discuss first a mechanism of operation and stopping any decision-making.

Missing lagom 25 August 2015, 09:51

Eh fre2na bri7a taybeh ba2a.