Geagea Says Only Army Can Protect Lebanon, Slams 'Interference in Syria, Iraq, Yemen'

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea stressed Friday that only the Lebanese army can protect Lebanon from the terrorist groups that are entrenched on its border, as he criticized “interference in Syria, Iraq and Yemen.”

“Recently, we heard some parties trying to reassure us by saying that they would protect us from Daesh (Islamic State group) and al-Nusra Front ... Haven't they read any newspapers in the past 40 years?” said Geagea at a rally organized by the LF student department in Maarab under the slogan “Hands Off Lebanon”.

“We have only asked you to end your harm against us!” Geagea added.

Apparently addressing the Hizbullah-led camp, the LF leader went on to say: “Who told you that we are scared? Who asked you to protect us? ... Who said that we are abandoned? Can't you see this whole army and its artillery, tanks, aircraft, soldiers and heroism?”

“If at a certain time the army loses its ability (to defend Lebanon), we will be the ones to stand up and fight, not you,” he noted.

According to media reports, a battle for Syria's border region of al-Qalamun is imminent and Hizbullah and the Syrian army are making the final preparations for the fight against the rebels and jihadists who are entrenched there.

“Hizbullah's preparations with the Syrian army are focused on a battle that will fortify al-Qalamun's villages and those on the Lebanese side of the border,” a high-ranking March 8 camp official told al-Joumhouria newspaper in remarks published Friday.

Hizbullah has sent fighters across the border to aid Syrian regime troops in Qalamun and in several regions across Syria. The Lebanese army for its part has been battling Syria-based militants from al-Nusra and the IS who are deployed on the porous border between Lebanon and Syria.

In his speech on Friday, Geagea pointed out that “the Syrian regime harmed Lebanon the most and everyday we're observing its acts against its own people.”

“March 14 is not a partisan movement ... but rather a national necessity. Imagine what would have been left of Lebanon without March 14,” Geagea added.

Slamming Hizbullah for alleged interference in “Syria, Iraq and Yemen,” the LF leader underlined that his March 14 coalition has preserved “what is left of the Lebanese state.”

“I call on all Lebanese to support March 14, because this is the only project that can pull us out of our crisis and give us a strong state, a state of law that can preserve Lebanon's sovereignty and independence, a state that can maintain its neutrality, a state that works to secure the interests of the Lebanese rather than sacrificing them at the altar of causes that have nothing to do with Lebanon and the Lebanese,” Geagea added.


  • 01 May 2015, 19:01

    Geagea: March 14 is not a partisan movement but rather a national necessity.

  • 01 May 2015, 19:01

    Geagea: The Lebanese made great achievements when they united on March 14.

  • 01 May 2015, 19:01

    Geagea: I call on all Lebanese to support March 14, because this is the only project that can pull us out of our crisis and give us a strong state, a state of law that can preserve Lebanon's sovereignty and independence, a state that can maintain its neutrality, a state that works to secure the interests of the Lebanese rather than sacrificing them at the altar of causes that have nothing to do with Lebanon and the Lebanese.

  • 01 May 2015, 19:00

    Geagea: The Syrian regime harmed Lebanon the most and everyday we're observing its acts against its own people.

  • 01 May 2015, 18:51

    Geagea: The LF is a revolution against negligence, corruption, clientelism and the manipulation of people.

  • 01 May 2015, 18:50

    Geagea: The Lebanese Forces is the defender of legitimacy.

  • 01 May 2015, 18:49

    Geagea: If at a certain time the army loses its ability (to defend Lebanon), we will be the ones to stand up and fight, not you.

  • 01 May 2015, 18:48

    Geagea: Who told you that we are scared? Who asked you to protect us? ... Who said that we are abandoned? Can't you see this whole army and its artillery, tanks, aircraft, soldiers and heroism?

  • 01 May 2015, 18:48

    Geagea: Recently, we heard some parties trying to reassure us by saying that they would protect us from the IS and al-Nusra. Haven't they read any newspapers in the past 40 years?

  • 01 May 2015, 18:45

    Geagea: Rustom Ghazaleh, Jamaa Jamaa and Ghazi Kanaan have all died and the Lebanese Forces remained.

  • 01 May 2015, 18:45

    Geagea: We all remember the era of tutelage, oppression, prisons and torture. We all remember when the party was dissolved and when its chief was arrested. We all remember the assassination attempt against Marwan Hamadeh and the assassination of Rafik Hariri.

  • 01 May 2015, 18:43

    Geagea: I know that the situations are tough but, by inheritance, we are immunized against tough days, and we know how to deal with them and to take the proper decisions.

  • 01 May 2015, 18:42

    Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea at a Maarab student rally titled “Hands Off Lebanon”: I salute every student seeking sovereignty, freedom and independence.

Comments 23
Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (Guest) 01 May 2015, 20:20

god bless our army and anyone who attacked and attack the army is a traitor
god bless democracy

Thumb Mystic 01 May 2015, 20:28

How come none of you "ouwwet heroes" go to Syria and Iraq, to defend your Christian brethren? Because you are cowards, only thinking about yourselves, not fighting just talking and eating out of the Gulfs dusty hands.

Missing humble 01 May 2015, 21:39

These people are Iranian totalitarian adepts. Never discuss with idiots they always win over you.

Missing peace 01 May 2015, 21:55

M8ers will always deny that the army can protect the country just to justify the weapons of hezbollah...
hezbollah always came up with new excuses to never surrender their weapons to the national army and they will always find new ones to keep it that way with the blessing of M8...
M8ers do not want to believe in the army nor in their country but in an iranian paid militia... and they call themselves "patriots" LOL

Thumb ex-fpm 01 May 2015, 21:55

flamethrower i beg to differ. I believe @eagle is not a fan of yours whatsoever. He actually shows you up for the low life that you really are. He uses your own words to incriminate you, shows your inconsistencies, your double standards, and your trolling and offensive habits.

Default-user-icon SALIM (Guest) 01 May 2015, 22:01

Hakim is the best there is left in Lebanon. Hizb is killing Lebanon.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 01 May 2015, 22:23

mystic- cowards blow up unarmed journalists. Cowards act big and strong when they are armed and their opponent is not. cowards make speeches from bunkers. I hate to burst your bubble but coward is as coward does. the Lebanese forces are still here because of the heroes that gave their lives defending the extermination of Christians from Lebanon. You can cry all you want but the man is standing up in the open challenging your "hero" who spends his days in hiding. It's pretty obvious who's the coward.

Thumb Mystic 01 May 2015, 23:48

All Christians that stands by the Resistance are honorable, all those that stabs it in the back aren't. Fighters dies protecting Christians throughout the Middle East, while the Phalangist cowards embraces Al Nusra.

Keep on with your divide and conquer garbage american. It doesn't matter, America is the biggest killer in the world. What do they do to protect Christians? Only real Christians are the ones supporting the Resistance, FT is one of those.

Thumb nickjames 02 May 2015, 00:11

Mystic, so Christians who don't bow down to Shi3a extremists aren't Christians?? Loooooooooool

Missing peace 01 May 2015, 22:50

miss tic: the only cowards are you to let the destiny of the country between the hands of a party rather than in the army and the state!

weak and cowards, it's all you are.

Thumb Mystic 01 May 2015, 23:11

peaches keep on screaming, the LAF will not serve your takfiri needs.

Thumb nickjames 01 May 2015, 23:56

Mystic, the LF stayed out of 7 Ayyar just like the Aouniyeh did. And why would the LF fight Hezbollah? The subject was about Christians defending their areas from Daesh, not invading Dahye.

About hidden weapons, the LF had a fiefdom in the Christian heartland. You think they they simply handed over every single rifle? You think they forgot how to smuggle weapons through the Port of Jounieh and store them in remote areas in the jabal?? You have the airport and Syrian border to smuggle weapons and drugs, LF has the Port of Jounieh.

Thumb nickjames 02 May 2015, 00:00

Yes Flamey, in theory the army should have all the weapons, but because it doesn't, all the sects should have their weapons. If Hezbollah, Mustaqbal and PSP can have weapons (remember 7 Ayyar??), then the LF can, the Aouniyeh can, Amal can, Kataeb can, and so on. It is either only the army (with no Islamic "resistance"), or every sect can have their "resistance"

Thumb Chupachups 02 May 2015, 02:12

flamey shut it with a chupachup

Thumb Chupachups 02 May 2015, 02:20

Mystic, shut it with a chupachup :)

You may need a plumber in your bathroom. I can see the waste
back filling up and overflowing...

Thumb Chupachups 02 May 2015, 02:22

Can someone tell me where Mystic lives? Could it be that
he is sitting in the comforts of his bedroom in the USA?

Default-user-icon Alexander (Guest) 02 May 2015, 12:54

Mazbout Saudi is interfering in Yemen. Bas chu khass Saudi bi Lebnen?? In the other hand, you have LEBANESE directly involved in Syria, fighting there and DIRECTLY dragging us into this war, ya GHACHIM!!

Default-user-icon bouthaina (Guest) 02 May 2015, 13:48

i thought that iran didn't have boots on the ground fighting isis at least if we are to believe bashar assad.. unless you consider the hezb as the iranian boots on the ground

Default-user-icon Essam yateem (Guest) 02 May 2015, 14:01

Guys can some one explain to me , how big is Syria and how big is Lebanon

Thumb -phoenix1 02 May 2015, 15:53

(1). Mystic, you called us cowards, and that shows simply how ignorant you can be. Every single human being knows his limits, so for sure, we cannot go and fight in Syria, just like our Christian brothers did at the time when we Christian Lebanese had to endure the ruthlessness of their masters in Damascus. So that by definition makes of Hezbollah serious criminals and child killers, because (A) they know their limits yet will throw its children into wars it cannot win, as we're now seeing. (B). That by definition, because you're fighting wars that are not ours, that renders you mercenaries for rent, thus your children are wasted for no reason.

Thumb -phoenix1 02 May 2015, 15:54

(2). Mystic. Then may I remind you, some years ago, when your dear Sayed Hassan got booted out of the Shouf by a small group of Druze fighters, wanting to try to do some face saving thereafter, when he tried to intimidate us by telling Geagea that he was about to visit him in Meerab, Geagea had a giggle, telling him, "lah lah ya Sayed, ahlan wou sahlan fik, bass tari2ak tawileh". Anyway, in just one place, Ein El Remmaneh, when Hezbollah thugs were trying to intimidate us by sending their patrols on scooters, what did they see? I'll tell you: They saw hundreds of very well armed Lebanese Forces militiamen, distributed evenly in many building entrances, many of them wearing that olive green fatigue. When the army disappeared the night before, what did it do when Geagea said that if the army did not do its duty, that we the LF could?

Thumb -phoenix1 02 May 2015, 15:58

(3). Mystic. Did the army not reappear as quickly as it could? Why did Sayed Hassan not make another one of his hateful speeches again to hit at Geagea? No you see, we the LF know our limits, but you too ya Mystic you know yours, you know that with us the LF, you won't make any headway. Call us cowards if you wish, it won't change a thing, but the king of all cowards seems to be your Sayed who thereafter best keep his peace with us. You wish to play heroes ya Mystic? Well bro, you are always most welcome to try, the green line still exists if you forgot.

Thumb -phoenix1 02 May 2015, 16:08

Mystic, for thinking loudly, all you keep saying is this: If only I could exterminate these pests of LF, Kataeb hence and so forth. Well, truth is that people like Hafez Al Assad, Yasser Arafat, Gaddafi, the Saudi king of the time, the US president of the time, the Yemeni president of the time, the Soviet president of the time and so many more, they all had that very same thought of yours, "When will these pests of Christians disappear?" Yasser A Fat rat went as far as suggesting that we the cowardly Christians, the Zouzous, the Foufous, the Moumous, the hairdressers, accountants, the managers etc..., we will all be gone within a few days. Well, if the Zouzous and Foufous outlasted you, what will you do if Gebrayel, Charbel, Mikhayel, Jirji, Tanious faced you? Wlak rou7 wou rkod waral tabeh, mitlak, mitlon yaa Mystic