Qassem: We Will Resort to Vote if Govt. Fails Reach Agreement on Complex Issues

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Hizbullah deputy chief Sheikh Naim Qassem stated on Sunday that all government factions agreed to discuss matters with complete freedom, with each side respecting the other’s views.

He said: “However, we have not yet reached an agreement over the complicated issues and if we don’t reach one, then will resort to a vote.”

“The majority can take this line of action and the rest have to accept it,” he added.

“That way, we would have openly expressed our clear commitment to the Lebanese system through the formation of the government and its policy statement,” he noted.

Qassem stressed the importance of the equation of the army, people, and resistance, which was stipulated in the policy statement.

He explained that this equation “began with the government of former Premier Fouad Saniora and later with that of former PM Saad Hariri, meaning that two consensual governments made a clear decision over this equation.”

“This is an indication that this issue enjoys consensus among all Lebanese, even those who oppose the consensus and object to the equation,” the Hizbullah official noted.

“We ask those who have breached the consensus over their motives and why they are seeking to weaken Lebanon,” he continued.

“Prime Minister Najib Miqati’s government was formed through a popular will, without any foreign settlements or pressure,” Qassem stressed.

Comments 17
Missing peace 16 October 2011, 14:12

yes, a democratic vote hezb style with a handgun pointed at the head, like syrians used to do.....

Default-user-icon Independence (Guest) 16 October 2011, 14:45

“The majority can take this line of action and the rest have to accept it,” he added.

Ya Ibn Al..........: did u accept the majority's will when you were in the previous governments of Harriri and Saniora????? Low life scum persian thug!

Thumb will_rogers 16 October 2011, 14:46

To Hell with your "Army, People, Resistance", enough of your BS, Hijackers of Freedom and Destoyers of Lebanon, along with Christian TRAITOR number one, Mr. CLAOUN and his sheep. Your main interest is NOT Lebanon but
imposing the "Basij" & "Shabbiha" plans on the True Lebanese. You and your Masters will certainly FALL the question is WHEN.

Default-user-icon Voyager (Guest) 16 October 2011, 14:51

This weirdo thug talks as if he is the Prime Minister or the President.......!!!

Default-user-icon EagleDawn (Guest) 16 October 2011, 16:04

Let the Lebanese people vote whether they want your dirty weapons or not, and then you should accept their will, yes? Not in a Million Years......!!!!

Thumb charbel 16 October 2011, 16:05

Yes, voting is the way forward.

Maybe it's a change of mind in Hezb Allah leadership. Very good, I agree, vote. And then respect the decision of the vote.

Also remember, the Lebanese people voted against the arms with any party other than the official forces, the Army, and the official security agencies.

Which means Hizb Allah need to respect this vote and give up your arms to the government. It shouldn't be a big deal, Hizb Allah is the main power behind the government. So there is nothing to fear in there. So why not do it.

And that also means, that the people can vote in the future and control what happens with these arms

Default-user-icon Mehdi (Guest) 16 October 2011, 17:22

That's right Sheikh Always a Bridesmaid, Never a Bride Qassem vote is what it's all about, it's fun you get to go on a bus tour with friends of new never seen before places.

Of course your filthy Zionist infested Iranian terrorists so called Islamic revolution in Lebanon believes in voting just like their Iranian master.

And like their Iranian masters it's the abiding by the results of the vote that they hate not the act of voting itself.

jabal min el habal will for sure soon remind us of the threats made by brain damaged filthy Zionist infested Iranian terrorists so called Islamic revolution in Lebanon MP Nawaf al Moussawi after his filthy Zionist infested Iranian terrorists so called Islamic resistance in Lebanon party and allies lost the 2009 election if the majority abided by the votes and formed a majority govenment.

Thumb shab 16 October 2011, 18:52

Stop picking your nose and shove your equation

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 16 October 2011, 19:09

......and when you lose the vote. Then what.........resorting to your usual? Threats and killing of Lebanese?

Default-user-icon Beiruti (Guest) 16 October 2011, 22:18

Surely they have quoted this guy wrongly, he can't be this deluginal as to actually say what he is quoted as having said, and surely not to believe it.

Hezbollah has violated the policy statement since Say One, in fact before it was adopted Hezbollah indicated that it would not abide by the provisions with regard to the STL.
To make these statements now, about voting and "commitment to the Lebanese system" in light of the fact that Hezbollah does not abide any vote that is not fixed before it is taken to their advantage and that they daily subvert the "Lebanese system" with their own laws, infrastructure, and culture is a mockery of whatever this guy is trying to say.

Maybe when he gets the bandage off his head and recovers from his lobotomy brain surgery he will be back in touch with the reality that he has created in Lebanon.

Default-user-icon Trueself (Guest) 16 October 2011, 22:29

I am really wondering whether we have become like Iran. This clergy who is contradicting himself day in day out is really a laughing stock. Yesterday when his party was in the minority he wanted the one third votes to disrupt the government of saad Hariri in the name of national unity government. And now he is saying that the majority is his and he is the one who decides where Lebanon should go. What a logic that doesn't hold water, let alone is acceptable. They are using the same style of Iran and Syria to subjugate Lebanon to their will, dashing freedom and the will of the people. And where is Aoun in all this; waiting for the right moment to rip off the coffers of the government alongside his SIL Bassil. I am a Christian and really getting fed up from all the Christian leaders we have and I mean all including our patrak who is really losing his discerning and piercing abilities.

From now on I declare that I am converting to atheism because this religious stuff is BS.

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 16 October 2011, 23:26

Look at my finger and guess where it just was.

Thumb joesikemrex 17 October 2011, 01:26

And here we go again.....the filthy hizbalkezb miss-information propaganda department is clearing any misconceptions out there, ensuring every citizen is aware of true facts and the fake agenda of the criminal resistance. Blah Blah Blah

Default-user-icon Le PheneChien (Guest) 17 October 2011, 03:53

First of all we agreed that you and the tourist remain out of politics and preach the word of god only.
Since you are at it then let me remind you of your tents in downtown Beirut after the votes in 2008..did you forget so soon? or you want to vote only when you are in power and have the majority of the Government?
Let the people vote for the complex issues including those outside Lebanon at which point I can claim that it would be a fair game otherwise you are playing the same game as the terrorist regime in Syria when they dance on something called reforms..

Default-user-icon Pong Lenis (Guest) 17 October 2011, 10:39

I agree.
Lets vote for the credibility of your weapons over all the lebanese territory.
Or maybe this issue is sacred?
Why are you so ignorant?

Thumb jabalamel 17 October 2011, 12:16

the head of filthy zionist information war department have seen someone from our glorious resistance and than ordered everyone to post at least once to the an nahar comments section. this is how they treat their fear

Thumb jabalamel 17 October 2011, 15:39

what fascinates me is that day cannot pass without zionist information war department remembers me in their posts.
looks like, same as our glorious resistance the their genocidal militia, i have become their worst nightmare.