Jumblat Says Abiding by Dissociation Policy Difficult amid Circumstances

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Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat lamented on Friday the Baabda Declaration, stressing that abiding by the dissociation policy is no longer possible.

“Implementing the declaration among the circumstances (the country is passing through) is impossible... We should be patient,” Jumblat said in an interview published in An Nahar newspaper.

The Baabda Declaration was unanimously adopted during a national dialogue session in June 2012. It calls for Lebanon to disassociate itself from regional crises, most notably the one in Syria.

Jumblat reiterated that Hizbullah retaliated to the Israeli airstrike that targeted its fighters inside Quneitra in neighboring Syria earlier this month from a zone that is occupied by the Jewish state and an area that is awaiting to be demarcated.

“Hizbullah didn't violate the United Nations Security Council resolution 1701.”

The Druze leader pointed out that the area, which Hizbullah fired its rockets from, is between Lebanon and Syria and is still awaiting to be demarcated.

Jumblat played down any escalation between Israel and Hizbullah. However, he pointed out that the “Israeli craziness and arrogance are unpredictable.”

Violence erupted on Wednesday when Hizbullah fired a salvo of anti-tank missiles at an Israeli military convoy in the occupied Shebaa Farms, killing two soldiers and wounding seven. Israel responded with shelling. A Spanish peacekeeper was killed in the exchange.

Asked Iran played a role in the attack on the Israeli convoy, he stressed that “Israel made a big mistake when it raided Hizbullah's convoy that included an Iranian general.”

Hizbullah declared its attack an act of retaliation for the Israeli airstrike in Quneitra. The strike killed six fighters and an Iranian general. Both Iran and Hizbullah are allies of Syrian President Bashar Assad.

On the performance of the cabinet, Jumblat lauded Prime Minister Tammam Salam's management, expressing his satisfaction over the calm dialogue that the premier is running among ministers.

The cabinet assumes the executive tasks of the president as stated by the constitution until a new head of state is elected.

Concerning the ongoing presidential vacuum, the PSP chief held the Christian leaders responsible for the crisis.

He stressed that Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun, Lebanese Forces chief Samir Geagea, Kataeb party leader Amin Gemayel and head of the Marada Movement Suleiman Franjieh should agree on a consensual head of state.

Both Aoun and Geagea have announced their candidacies for the presidency. Their differences, in addition to the rivalry between the March 8 and 14 alliances, have left the presidential post vacant.

President Michel Suleiman's term ended in May.

Jumblat told his interviewer that the battle against terrorism is long, urging the state to carry out development projects for impoverished areas.



Comments 7
Thumb nickjames 30 January 2015, 08:42

The Druze leader pointed out that the area, which Hizbullah fired its rockets from, is between Lebanon and Syria and is still awaiting to be demarcated.

-- Still waiting to be demarcated?? Lol like that's ever gonna happen, especially since Assad doesn't even wanna demarcate it. What's ironic is the foreign Syrian VP said that Shebaa Farms is so small it would take less than an hour to demarcate it if there was a political will.

Thumb nickjames 30 January 2015, 08:42

former** Syrian VP

Thumb ex-fpm 30 January 2015, 10:03

So what is this warlord recommending? I see... we need to accept HA involvement in Syria, its regional wars, its interference in regional affairs, its logistic and military support for the houthis in Yemen, the Alewites in Syria, and the Shia in Bahrain. well, we will never accept that.

Missing humble 30 January 2015, 10:18

Jumbo. You can change directions once per day. NOT more.

Default-user-icon roukuz (Guest) 30 January 2015, 11:12

I hope from the bottom of my heart that you are resting in pieces and tranquility dear flamethrower at your final destination..... RIP Shia hero

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (Guest) 30 January 2015, 11:54

a feudal Mafiosi war lord cannot impose his will on the presidency
the strongest candidate (most representative by its base (the people ))should be president according to democratic standards
power to the people not Mafiosi feudal war lord
god bless democracy

Thumb -phoenix1 30 January 2015, 19:50

Only one person can compete with Jombie in shifting positions, that person is Michel Aoun, and .....Speedy Gonzalez.