France to Deliver Arms to Lebanon Under Saudi Deal at Beginning of Year

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

The Lebanese army will be able to purchase French weapons under a $3 billion deal financed by Riyadh at the beginning of the year after Saudi and French officials ink the contract on Tuesday, the pan-Arab daily al-Hayat reported.

According to the newspaper published on Monday, Saudi and French officials will sign the deal at the Royal Palace in Riyadh after an almost 11-month delay.

The deal was announced under former President Michel Suleiman's tenure in December 2013.

Saudi Minister of Finance Ibrahim bin Abdul Aziz al-Assaf and the head of ODAS company Admiral Edouard Guillaud, will sign the deal on behalf of their countries in the presence of French Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Bertrand Besancenot.

ODAS is the French agency in charge of promoting defense sales in Saudi Arabia.

Al-Hayat reported that Saudi authorities invited Lebanese Army Commander General Jean Qahwaji to attend the signing ceremony.

French sources told the daily that his country will start delivering arms to the Lebanese military at the beginning of the year.

Saudi Arabia had also pledged to grant Lebanon a $1 billion aid for the army.



Comments 21
Default-user-icon merkin (Guest) 03 November 2014, 09:05

1 billion dollars yea right. Where is that 1 billion dollars or the 3 billion dollars promised over a year ago. Stop embarrassing yourself dude.

Default-user-icon flamethrower__..._____....#^^^ (Guest) 03 November 2014, 09:06

loooooooooooooool 7elwe mennak @merkin

Default-user-icon ..-flamethrower-. (Guest) 03 November 2014, 09:09

"France is currently discussing with Lebanon the delivery of arms to the Lebanese military under a $3 billion Saudi grant."
another M14 lie in the light of what KSA said: they will not activate the grant without an (M14) president.

Default-user-icon shah (Guest) 03 November 2014, 10:50

Hey are one man this site so many person against you and you never backdown you tweet them back...I salute your spirit..

Missing humble 03 November 2014, 12:03

He is totally brainwashed

Default-user-icon ..-flamethrower-. (Guest) 03 November 2014, 15:16

shah this is why they banned me. They don't want the truth to come out just like this saudi deal.

Thumb marcus 03 November 2014, 09:18

The deal was announced under former President Michel Suleiman's tenure in December 2013.
Read before you post your hatred based propaganda!

Thumb lebnanfirst 03 November 2014, 10:02

Naharnet, have your developers I plement Regular Expressions to disallow characters other than [a-z] and [A-Z] in a user name. They can also I plement RegEx logic to allow one period (.) and one @ characters mask if you need to continue allowing email as user name though no one appears to be using that option.

This will eliminate banned users from annoying the comments board for good.

Thumb lebnanfirst 03 November 2014, 10:03

I plement == implement

Default-user-icon mowaten@al.kafi (Guest) 03 November 2014, 12:35

the Saudi grant is a joke

Default-user-icon full.disclosure. (Guest) 03 November 2014, 12:36

11 downvotes? Lol, oooook yea, those multiples accounts DEFINTIELY are legit lmao!!! This site is such a joke

Thumb ex-fpm 03 November 2014, 12:40

إثر نشرها في عدد السبت الماضي مقالا بعنوان “الجيش يوقف مرافقاً لريفي: كان ينقل المال إلى خاطفي العسكريين” في الصفحة الثانية، ووضعت له على الصفحة الأولى العنوان الآتي: “خدمة ريفي للتوصيل: الجيش يوقف مرافقاً لوزير العدل ينقل أمولاً لخاطفي العسكريين”، اعتذرت صحيفة “الاخبار” من مرافق وزير العدل اللواء اشرف ريفي معترفة ان الدور الذي نسبته له غير صحيح وانها ذكرت اسمه “بعدما وقعت بالتباس نتيجة معلومات مصادر سياسية وعسكرية”.

واكدت “الاخبار” أن الشخص الذي أوقِف منذ مدة ويحمل أموالاً لنقلها إلى محتلي الجرود ليس من مرافقي ريفي، وأن اللهيب ليس السائق الذي كلّفه وزير الصحة وائل أبوفاعور التنسيق مع رئيس الحكومة وقادة أجهزة أمنية نقل مبلغ 280 ألف دولار أميركي إلى خاطفي العسكريين الأسبوع الماضي.

واعتذرت الصحيفة من الرتيب في قوى الأمن الداخلي ديب اللهيب، معلنة “استعدادها لتحمل أي مسؤولية قانونية نجمت عما نشرته يوم السبت الماضي”.

Missing --karim. 03 November 2014, 12:42

They've been announcing this "deal" for the last 3 years and yet nothing has happened since. It's all a farce conducted by the kingdom of terrorism to fool people into thinking they dont want to hijack Lebanon and turn it into a salafist-caliphate satellite state. All patriotic Lebanese will stand firm in the face of the kingdom of terrorism's evil schemes.

God bless a free and prosperous Lebanon, and down with the kingdom of terrorism!

Default-user-icon mowaten.dandal.ero (Guest) 03 November 2014, 15:23

bravo karim good post

Thumb freedomarch 03 November 2014, 13:21

Long live Lebanese army, sunnis are part of lebanese people... never on their own ;) not recomended to salute one and leave the rest shi3a maronite druze etc etc .. all long live ... right? Unless promiting fights on naharnet ,)

Thumb -phoenix1 03 November 2014, 13:54

This couldn't come any earlier, every single person with a brain up there and a genuine sense of patriotism knows without the slightest doubt that the Lebanese Army is the only credible protector of Lebanon. It is also the only Lebanese Constitutional Institution that is free of the sectarian sickness. It is also the only institution that is shedding so much precious blood to defend this land of ours. The Lebanese Army is respectable, fully trustworthy and absolutely irreplaceable. If God forbids the army falls, then Lebanon will be the uncontrollable land of the world's worst terror groups. Let the Saudis, the French and in fact all the countries that want to assist to see an end to the evil terrorist make good on their promise and stand firmly by the Lebanese Army, in all simplicity there's no other option but the army.

Default-user-icon -phoenix1 (Guest) 03 November 2014, 14:03

and what is your point exactly? or you just like to write paragraph after paragraph of redundancies.

Default-user-icon philosopher (Guest) 03 November 2014, 15:17

lol lol he is a faylasouf

Thumb al.finique 03 November 2014, 14:05

bro i have to agree with you on this one too. This is the reason why more and more people are asking of the Army to suspend the constitution and declare Marshall Law throughout the land. Let there be Military Rule, let the army arrest all of the politicians, all of them, be they M8, M14 and whatever other crooked thieves still remain on the lose and let us all live again under the same law, under the same justice. Let the army have no mercy on anyone who breaks the law, let the army rule with an iron fist and let it hit as hard as need be. 5 years of military rule, and Lebanon will regain its sovereignty and independence, from all the mafia crooks that have subjugated this country to all their unbelievable whims and caprices. let the army return to us the people our pride and dignity. Today the people of Lebanon want their peace and only the army will bring it, send the politicians to hell if need be, all of them.

Default-user-icon Lord (Guest) 03 November 2014, 15:11

year of our Lord 2014 B.C

Thumb freedomarch 03 November 2014, 19:59

Must be on drugs.