Al-Rahi to Miqati: I Asked Sarkozy to Convince Hariri to Return to Beirut for Reconciliation

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During his meeting with Prime Minister Najib Miqati on Friday, Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi told the premier that he had asked French President Nicolas Sarkozy to convince ex-PM Saad Hariri to return to Beirut and reconcile with Miqati, MTV and LBC television networks reported.

“I am ready for any positive step,” MTV quoted Miqati as telling al-Rahi.

In a statement issued by his office after the talks, Miqati noted that “Lebanon has no interest in engaging in regional axes, something the government had stressed in its Policy Statement.”

“We share His Eminence the patriarch’s concerns over the attempts to fragment the Arab world into sectarian states,” Miqati said in the statement, adding that he has “always called for national unity, solidarity and consolidation because these choices are apt to achieve the national immunity needed to foil any suspicious plots that might target our country.”

Miqati also lauded “the responsible role being playing by Lebanon’s Christians in the Arab east and in the entire region.”

“We are all citizens, not majorities or minorities … Sunni Muslims in the Arab region represent the majority, and one should not generalize in tackling the phenomenon of extremism,” he added.

“In Lebanon, Sunnis were the constructive partner in building the independence, and one cannot forget their historic role and their leaders’ role, especially the role of (slain) PM Riad al-Solh, alongside his comrades the independence heroes, without whom the Lebanese formula and real partnership between Muslims and Christians would not have been possible,” Miqati went on to say.

In a recent interview in France with Al-Arabiya television, al-Rahi warned sectarian tensions between Sunnis and Shiites might emerge if the Syrian government was overthrown.

“If the regime changes in Syria, and the Sunnis take over, they will form an alliance with the Sunnis in Lebanon, which will worsen the situation between the Shiites and the Sunnis,” al-Rahi said.

He warned that the Christians will pay the price if the Muslim Brotherhood succeeded Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Speaking to reporters after Friday’s meeting with the patriarch, Miqati voiced his satisfaction with al-Rahi’s “wise” assessment of affairs.

“The patriarch issues his positions based on his convictions … I don’t believe that he will retract his stands,” he added

The premier said his talks with the patriarch addressed “all issues,” refusing to reveal further details.

Miqati’s visit to the summer seat of the Maronite patriarchate in Diman is a tradition followed by prime ministers during the tenure of former patriarch Nasrallah Sfeir.

Al-Rahi on Sunday noted that his recent statements in France on the Syrian crisis and Hizbullah’s arms -- which stirred a storm of controversy in Lebanon -- were not interpreted in a proper manner.

He stated: “I lament the fact that most of us observe things in a shallow manner and not in depth.”

During his trip to France, al-Rahi said “Syrian President Bashar Assad must be given a chance because he is implementing reforms in Syria.”

He also called on the international community to force the implementation of resolutions issued by the U.N. Security Council in order to strip Hizbullah of excuses to possess arms.

Comments 7
Default-user-icon alma (Guest) 16 September 2011, 22:43

مع احترامي لموقع البطريركية المارونية أقول للبطرك الراعي انه بعد اعلانك العداء السافر للطائفة السنية ارجو ان لا تتدخل بشأن سني،خاصة وانه لا يصب في مصلحة الطائفة بل في مصلحتك ومصلحة حلفاءك 8 اذار.ونحن نرفض اي مصالحة بين رجل المجرم بشار اسد وبين زعيم الطائفة السنية دون منازع .

Default-user-icon Truth (Guest) 16 September 2011, 22:44

Dear Patriarch. Sarkozy is the one who advised Hariri to stay away on the basis of intelligence reports showing his life was in danger! It' s too easy when you have the airport surveillance under control (remember Gebran being assassinated less than 24 hours after going through that airport!), arms caches everywhere the state cannot control, explosive experts that blow themselves up every so often, it's too easy to eliminate whoever you want, and then produce some film thriller to convince everyone Israel did it! No this time no one is going to be silly Your Eminence. Reconciliation will take place, not through some idiotic stupide embraces, and a hommos and foul mezzes, but through full cooperation with the STL, and the severe punishment of the serial killers! Would there have been a soft gentle reconciliation if HN, Mohammad Raad, Michel Aoun, Mohammed Fneich, and so on, had been murdered and the LF accused about it??

Default-user-icon alma (Guest) 16 September 2011, 22:47

اضافة : هل يعمل البطريرك لاستدراج الرئيس سعد الحريري الى لبنان بحجة المصالحة والحوار وما الى ذلك من حركات تقطيع الوقت حتى يتم اغتياله ؟ بأية حال لا ساركوزي ولا اوباما يمونون على الرئيس سعد الحريري

Default-user-icon reaper (Guest) 17 September 2011, 00:03

does the patriarch understand that saad hariri has remained outside of lebanon for security purposes? does he want to invite hariri into a dangerous situation? perhaps they could meet together in france.

Default-user-icon Nabil Hussein Agha (Guest) 17 September 2011, 00:33

تعبت يد الرئيس سعد الحريري وهي ممدودة في الهواء , منذ العام 2005 , مترافقة مع دعوات التفاهم و التعاون باسم الأكثرية , باسم الشعب اللبناني الحر , " شعب 14 آذار " , و تعبت عقولنا و قلوبنا و نحن نتابع المكابرة و التهديد و الوعيد و التخوين و التشكيك و الخداع
و لم يلاقوا اليد الممدودة و العقول و القلوب الحية حتى أظهروا انقلابهم الغادر و الحاقد ... من يتصالح مع من ؟ هل يتصالح الشرف مع الغدر؟ و الكذب مع الصدق؟ و الحقيقة مع التزوير ؟ و الكرامة مع الاستعباد ؟ و قوة السلاح مع سلاح الحق ؟ و العدالة مع الظلم ؟!!!!

Default-user-icon Galliano (Guest) 17 September 2011, 01:49

Thank you Patriarch. But we, the people, want cheikh Imbecile to return to Lebanon because we miss his lame but hilarious stuttering speeches. Life has been boring since he got the boot of his life that is causing him to bump from East to West like a yoyo.

Thumb benzona 17 September 2011, 11:46

Monseigneur Al Rahi should ask Hezbollah to give up its weapons that are a threat to all Lebanese communities and Bachar to step down in order to protect Syrian Christians. I'm not particularly fond of Hariri Junior but the guy should be able to stay wherever he feels safe.