Hizbullah Hails 'Huge Victory' in Libya


Hizbullah on Monday hailed the "huge victory" of rebels who took control of most of the Libyan capital in their fight against Moammar Gadhafi's rule.

"Hizbullah congratulates the Libyan people and their revolutionaries for this huge victory against the tyrant (Gadhafi) after a long struggle and great sacrifice," Hizbullah said in a statement.

"We hope that this victory will be final and that a just state will emerge soon to achieve the aspirations and hopes of the people who have suffered a long time," it added.

Comments 29
Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 22 August 2011, 22:15

So this means that the Hezz are with the people of Libya (Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen, and Algeria), but not with the people of Syria and Iran??

Yes, now I understand.

Default-user-icon Citizen-1 (Guest) 22 August 2011, 22:17

"Huge" victory???? Yes, the people in the end prevailed.... Amazing how this party of thugs hails a victory aided by the evil super powers! If the superpowers aided the people of Syria it would be a "conspiracy"......

Default-user-icon amirmansour (Guest) 22 August 2011, 22:40

Soon will celebrate the liberation of another Arab country........Guess which one ???

Default-user-icon marie (Guest) 22 August 2011, 23:03

Please hizbulla NOW support the poor SYRIAN people as well!

Thumb ithinkthere14iam 22 August 2011, 23:04


Thumb shab 22 August 2011, 23:10


Missing th21 22 August 2011, 23:14

Right Hizbies, speaking of tyrants......

Missing abou.ali 23 August 2011, 00:10

Hopefully, Ziballah will congratulate the Syrian People after they get rid of Bashaar..... Morons....

Thumb joesikemrex 23 August 2011, 03:47

Huge vistory coming to Lebanon, no more Hezb and Aoun

Default-user-icon Beiruti (Guest) 23 August 2011, 04:31


Assad has proven to be 10 times the tyrant that Gadaffi has been. Yet, you support Assad. Hypocrite, unprincipled, self serving, power hungry liars. You're next in line. The only thing that saves you so far is your certInty that the Lebanese are not yet willing to shed their blood for the sake of shedding the chains of slavery that you have placed the country.
The Libyians and Syrians will cherish their freedom once won because they will have earned it with their blood. 2005 was not true liberation. The Lebanese did not value the bloodless gift of freedom won that Spring in 2005, and so they easily surrendered it back and did not value or cherish it. But, the time is coming and no one will be able to stop the Lebanese when they decide that they have had enough of those bu## shi# artists.

Missing rudy 23 August 2011, 11:26

so jabal amel. what do you think? zionist right?

Default-user-icon Sam Saaaam (Guest) 23 August 2011, 11:38


You are a back door to SANA on NAHARNET website.

Default-user-icon Rami (Guest) 23 August 2011, 11:45

WTF! Which side are these guys with?

Follow the equation:
- if you support the Lybian rebels, you support the ones who supports them
- if you support the ones who supports them, you support NATO and the West
- if you support NATO and the West, you are in agreement with Sarkozy, Obama and the rest

is it the right deduction?

Crazy politics, sounds like a Jumblat strategy to confuse us, one day he says white, and next day its black.

Try to understand...

Thumb thepatriot 23 August 2011, 12:02

Man...you are dellusional...

1- Assad is commiting Crimes against Humanity...Like Gaddafi
2- Assad has not listened to his people...Like Gaddafi
3- Assad has not been elected by his people...Like Gaddafi...
4- Assad family installed a Totalitarian regime through a coup...Like Gaddafi...
5- Assad eliminated opposition and free spirits...like Gaddafi...
6-Assad spoiled his country...Like Gaddafi...
7- Assad responds to opposition with jail and weapons...Like Gaddafi...

"Assad is preserving the balance btw religious groups".....OMG...Mowaten, you're a nutcase...

Thumb ado.australia 23 August 2011, 12:10

Rami...Hezbollah and in particular, Amal have always hated Gaddafi and Lebanon has (since the late 70s) had strained relations with Libya due to the Shiite anger at the dissaperance of the Amal party founder, Sadr and the three others with him while they were in Libya in the late 70s. So using your logic, the west, America,NATO and sarkozy support Hezbollah!

Default-user-icon Coolmec (Guest) 23 August 2011, 12:25

Hey guys
Is Hizballah and/or Nasrallah for real? Please someone pinch him wake him up...
Any one noticed that Nasrallah has gained weight? I guess living in a rat hole takes a toll on him... and he looks more and more like a pig? Funny for someone who does not eat it........

Thumb thepatriot 23 August 2011, 12:52

Ok, if you are going this low, then I will also send you articles related to the invasion of Aliens, and life on Mars.
You're a waist of time! "Global research"... are you for real!!??? Have you read their other material???? It's all controversies and crap...!
This is not serious man...

Thumb thepatriot 23 August 2011, 15:11

Please, for the love of God!! Stop making a fool of yourself!!!!
Do you know what kind of website you are refering to??? Man, you are just like Hezbollah cattle, ready to follow any kind of crap as long as the idea is suitable to you...read the other articles on his website!! It's an entire JOKE!
Shame on you... and on your IQ ;)

Thumb thepatriot 23 August 2011, 15:19

Canada's nuttiest professors


As overseer of the anti-U.S., anti-globalization website GlobalResearch.ca, Chossudovsky has manufactured a long list of eyebrow-raising accusations that often read more like wild-eyed conspiracy theories than serious political discourse: the U.S. had foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks ("Of course they knew!"); "Washington's New World Order weapons have the ability to trigger climate change"; the U.S. knew in advance about the December 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, but kept it to themselves (apparently so they could ride to the rescue of devastated coastal regions); big banking orchestrates the collapse of national economies. Of course, all that talk of banking conspiracies can lead one into some bigoted territory. B'nai Brith Canada has complained to the University of Ottawa about anti-Semitic postings on Chossudovsky's site.

Thumb thepatriot 23 August 2011, 15:28

@Mowaten, and please, if you come across another article form "the nutty professor" as they call him, please be kind to post it and entertain us...again! :D

Thumb thepatriot 23 August 2011, 15:28

hahahahahaha...Mowaten...we finally understand how you buid up your extravagent argumentation... :D
Thanx for the entertainment....hahahahahaha.....

Default-user-icon Pacifier (Guest) 23 August 2011, 17:02

@Mowaten, what kind of balance are you talking about in Syria? he is just protecting Alawites because they are minorities, as well as christians, not giving to the majority of population ( sunnites ) what they want or seats in power or even any say, just as Saddam did with chiites or Irak, this is not democracy, isnt it Tyranny? you are completely delusionnal, at least in Libya, gadhafi maintained the REAL extremists from taking over, as for Libya is a 98% sunnite country,and those in charge are Sunnite, but Syria come on, the majority of people have nothing to say, and Iran? the truth is you are hypocrites, like Hezbolllah, one day you support the UN decisions on Libya, one day you discredited for the STL, one day you say Zionists are the ennemies, and the other you find a nest of spies inside your organisation, and the worst of all that, you provoke wars so they can destroy Lebanon to their advantage, you are nothing but Zionist-Iranian-Syrian agents of chaos

Thumb thepatriot 23 August 2011, 17:46

hahahaha...mowaten...the best YOU could come up with to argument is "Globalresearch"... I'm not trying to debate here...level up man!

Thumb thepatriot 23 August 2011, 17:53

hahaha...again, you're taking the debate really low, Michel and Michael is the same ,one is in French the other in English...HAHAHAHA...

Default-user-icon Coolmec (Guest) 23 August 2011, 18:40

To Mowaten
Please do us all a favor: Change your name!! It is as insulting to Lebanon and to Lebanese as Nasrallah saying he is Lebanese....

Missing future_vision 23 August 2011, 18:44

@the patriot
Thk u so much for taking time to answer to the stupidest links and comments mowaten is posting!
like his followers he is against the whole world and everyone is lying but he is saying the truth

man base urselve on real news and stop looking at stupid theoretical conspiracies ! I think Transformers do exist and they are coming to take over the planet

Thumb thepatriot 23 August 2011, 20:35

Oh well, he's kinda entertaining...

Michel Jackson....HAHAHAHAHAHA... he's a public figure, the name of a public figure does not get altered...hahahahaha...I must teach U everything about everything ya mowaten....hahahahaha.... ou bien devrais-je dire "Movatain" hehehehehehe.....

Default-user-icon neutral (Guest) 23 August 2011, 20:41

Will they support the NATO when they bombard syria? Lets wait and see. hahahahahahhaha. what a joke.

Default-user-icon Black Wizard (Guest) 24 August 2011, 00:10

Gabby: What are you talking about? Hizb-Nasrallah are not even with the people of Lebanon; why should they concern themselves – or "meddle" – with such "foreign affairs" like Syria and Iran?