Mustaqbal Slams Iran’s Meddling: We Will Not Remain Silent

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Al-Mustaqbal movement stressed on Wednesday it will not remain silent over any rhetoric that affects it, noting that Hizbullah deputy chief Sheikh Naim Qassem’s accusations don’t serve soothing the political and sectarian tension in Lebanon.

High-ranking sources in al-Mustaqbal told As Safir newspaper that Qassem’s stance is probably to express the tension that the party is going through after the release of the international tribunal’s indictment.

The Mustaqbal parliamentary bloc on Tuesday described the latest remarks by Qassem as “a desperate, futile attempt at accusing others of” his party’s own deeds.

He accused Sunday the Mustaqbal movement of being a “militia,” saying that it does not want to recognize Lebanon as a country of diverse sects.

The sources told the daily that Hizbullah and Iran have to anticipate the appropriate answers when attacking others.

“Iran adopted the point of view of a certain Lebanese team (concerning the Special Tribunal for Lebanon probing the assassination of ex-PM Rafik Hariri), thus becoming part of the internal strife over this issue,” the sources said.

The Iranian foreign ministry slammed on Tuesday as “illegitimate” allegations about Tehran’s involvement in the murder of Hariri, saying that “the STL that functions based on political objectives has no legal value.”

However, Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri condemned Iran’s position, noting that it is “exactly” like Hizbullah’s.

He said in a statement: “The Iranian position is an integral part of a policy aimed at limiting the STL’s work and preventing justice from being achieved.”

Sources told the pan-Arab daily al-Hayat that escalating the situation between Hizbullah and al-Mustaqbal is affecting the local situation that became completely linked to the developments in Syria.

The sources didn’t rule out the possibility that Hizbullah’s Chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah might tackle the conflict between the two parties during Wednesday’s speech.

They said that calming down the situation is difficult, attributing the causes of this to the obstacles that face resuming the national dialogue called for by President Michel Suleiman and the absence of any mediators to limit the tension between them.

Comments 10
Default-user-icon moallek (Guest) 17 August 2011, 15:17

@ mowaten

What kind of mowaten are you ?
mowaten means compatriot, a fellow patriot who should be faithful to Lebanon. You are not. Please change your name to cope with the reality.
I suggest "Al Faqih Defender", you will gain more respect from the readers.

Default-user-icon moallek (Guest) 17 August 2011, 16:02

@ mowaten

You look very angry mowaten. Or may be you have too much pain because you did not use vaseline. Ask your sponsor to spend some money on vaseline or pay it yourself with the money saved on your electricity bills.

Default-user-icon The Truth (Guest) 17 August 2011, 16:07

Your honorable hezb has been stealing cars during 20 years (the exclusive robbers of cars), bulding within public and private lands, stealing electricity (not even to be proved that d7iye population ignore how an electricity bill looks like) smuggling arms and drugs, transformed parts of the lebanese state as outlaw lands, a habor for criminals, and giving each 5 years the israeli's a reason to destroy our infrastructure. What is your destruction potential toward israeli's? how many tanks, airplanes, ships do you have? don't you agree that a 30 minutes flight of a F16 warplane can destroy our roads, electricy and telecom services? What is your objective? liberate the south, palestine, the golan, and maybe the Andalos? all this should start from our poor country, alone, while the surroundig states like syria and iran are spectators, barking from time to time? And all arabs states propering? Are all the reasons provided here sufficient to make u understand why we hate ur hezb?

Default-user-icon moallek (Guest) 17 August 2011, 16:32

Well said ! I fully agree with you.
One day the lebanese will loose patience and the necessary means will be used to put these thugs in jail for a long time.

Default-user-icon moallek (Guest) 17 August 2011, 16:40

@ mowaten
No mowten . I am 6 years old and already smarter than you.

Default-user-icon moallek (Guest) 17 August 2011, 17:07

@ mowaten

Ainsi donc le grand stratège que vous êtes considère que le Liban sort victorieux lorsqu'il inflige à Israel des dommages de 10 milliards de dollars égaux à ceux dont il souffert sans compter la mort de 1500 innocents. Ayez honte de ce que vous dites ! Allez ranger vous et disparaissez vous n'êtes qu'un idéologue terroriste stupide. Vos pareils seront tous un jour arrêtés , jugés et condamnés.

Default-user-icon The truth (Guest) 17 August 2011, 17:29

Dear Mowaten,

In the next war, when you will liberate the andalos, we prefer not to see 1 million asses fleeing the south within 1 week to pollute our regions. Keep there, and one month later when you will win (because the hezb is always the winner), don't forget to show us the 'V", the Victory symbol, over the the country in ruins.


Default-user-icon moallek (Guest) 17 August 2011, 17:40

@ mowaten

I fully agree !
A force de dialoguer avec des idiots on risque de devenir idiot. Je vous laisse donc aux commentateurs patients disposés à prendre le risque d'être contaminés par l'extrême stupidité de votre raisonnement.

Default-user-icon Someone (Guest) 17 August 2011, 21:04

The corrupt losers, Mustaqbal, should slam Riyadh's meddling! ONE WAY TICKET!

Thumb shab 18 August 2011, 02:56

M8 + M14 = same shit
Iran + Saudi + Israel + Syria = same shit
The filthy non-islamic militia = pure shit