Hariri: Iran’s Position on STL Aimed at Preventing Justice

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Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri condemned on Tuesday Iran’s position on the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, noting that it is “exactly” like Hizbullah’s.

He said in a statement: “The Iranian position is an integral part of a policy aimed at limiting the STL’s work and preventing justice from being achieved.”

“Iran’s position falls in line with political and media accusations directed against it that it is covering up assassinations,” he stressed.

“Everyone in the world knows that there are no limits to the cooperation between Hizbullah and Iran and the latter’s position on the STL presents a new example of the complete integration between the two sides,” Hariri remarked.

“Despite all this, we hope that Iran would not go so far as to harbor suspects wanted by international justice,” he added.

Earlier on Tuesday, the Iranian foreign ministry slammed as “illegitimate” allegations about Tehran’s involvement in former Premier Rafik Hariri’s assassination.

The STL that functions based on political objectives has no legal value, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast said.

The tribunal is investigating Iran’s possible involvement in the Feb. 2005 bombing that killed Hariri and 22 others, the German Der Spiegel magazine reported on Monday.

The report said there is evidence that links Iran with the murder of Hariri.

Comments 7
Thumb ithinkthere14iam 16 August 2011, 17:57

Thatta boy Saad

Default-user-icon King of faked witnesses (Guest) 16 August 2011, 19:08

Hariri said: I'm the one who is an integral part of a policy aimed at limiting the STL’s work and preventing justice from being achieved by creating faked witnesses.

Thumb benzona 16 August 2011, 20:38

Iran, Syria... they are all the same. They fire on protesters. What they think or what they say doesn't matter as they are not legitimate representatives of their people. If Ahmadinjad has to be hunted down like Nasrallah, so be it.

Default-user-icon Someone (Guest) 16 August 2011, 21:33

Go kiss your master's hand (King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia)! To think this loser used to be our PM! LOL! ONE WAY TICKET!

Default-user-icon Someone (Guest) 16 August 2011, 21:36

@benzona...You forgot Saudi Arabia and Bahrain...you know...the countries the child, Hariri, supports! Hypocritical losers! ONE WAY TICKET!

Default-user-icon Truth (Guest) 16 August 2011, 21:44

Let' s rephrase this: Iran' s position is aimed at avoiding being indicted, this is what it is ! The cobweb is all too clear now, from the Quds brigade , to Hizbollah, to syrian intelligence.. And this terrorist network probably dates back to the early suicide trucks that were launched, against the barracks of the french army on Beirut in 82 and the american marines..Then came the hostage abductions in Beirut, many of whom had dedicated their life to a region they loved, teaching the locals more about the beauty of their country, their culture, their history. Some were murdered by criminal ruthless mafiosos, such as Mughaniyeh who got what he deserved. It is a well known fact today, that this criminal devil was directly behind so many murders and assasinations, not the least of Michel Seurat the french researcher, at AUB.. Every where you look at criminal activities, you will probably see those guys fingerprints, a well oiled killing machine they perfected over time !

Missing small.axe 16 August 2011, 23:30

Exactly right Truth. The bombings and kidnappings in the 80's have Iranian fingerprints all over them. After the Syrian occupation, those activities lessened, until it was clear that Rafik was in favor of disarming Hezbollah and opposing Assad. That's why the bombings and assassinations began again.

The latest terrorist acts (since 2004) were ordered by Iranian Quds Force after agreements were reached between Assad and Khameni on who to target.

But the house of cards is beginning to fall for the Big 3 supporters of terrorism: Assad, Qaddafi, and Khameni. They are all now living on borrowed time. Assad has been secretly sending weapons to Qaddafi to support his regime, but it is not enough. After Qaddafi falls, Assad will be next. And after that, the Persian regime will be next to fall.