Efforts Underway for Suleiman, Hizbullah Rapprochement

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The Free Patriotic Movement is exerting efforts to restore ties between President Michel Suleiman and Hizbullah after a dispute over the President's latest statement.

According to al-Liwaa newspaper published on Wednesday, the FPM tasked Foreign Minister Jebran Bassil with resolving the dispute.

The newspaper said Bassil considers that reconciliation between Suleiman and Hizbullah is possible after both sides clarified their stances.

The minister is currently in the French capital Paris as part of a delegation headed by Suleiman to attend a meeting for the International Support Group for Lebanon.

On Saturday, Hizbullah and President Michel Suleiman were at loggerheads over the president's recent statement concerning the cabinet's policy statement.

Suleiman said Friday that the land, people and common values formed the country's “permanent equation,” describing the people-army-resistance equation as “wooden” or outdated.

Hizbullah was quick to hit back at Suleiman, accusing him on Saturday of not being able to differentiate between “what's golden and what's wooden.”

The party said that Baabda Palace has come to require “special care."

Suleiman replied via twitter saying that what Baabda Palace needs is acknowledging the unanimous consensus over the Baabda Declaration that was reached inside its premises.

Comments 4
Default-user-icon sempre (Guest) 05 March 2014, 09:13

That's how you see it. For around 4 million other people, your opinion might not apply. It certainlu didn't apply for more than 2 million people during the last elections lol. And I'm sure your opinion back in 09 wasn't much different.

Thumb cedre 05 March 2014, 09:29

Rapprochement between a lebanese patriot and HizbIran is impossible,
Geagea knew it...

Default-user-icon dani (Guest) 05 March 2014, 10:42


Good thing your opinion is yours only, and at least 2.5million people opposed it in 09 :(

Thumb -phoenix1 05 March 2014, 13:05

There's only one way out, is for all those who attacked the president to accept that they were wrong and present their apology, that's all. Then from there should accept the Baabda Declaration and start the process of returning back to the fold of law abiding citizens. Our president stands steadfast in his refusal to be a puppet makes of him a person different from the recent lot of shameful tenants of Baabda. For as long as Hezbollah persists in challenging all the tenets of the Lebanese constitutions and all its institutions, without any audit by its Lebanese allies, then an entire nation will remain held hostage to the will of a militia that has now truly taken over the role of loathed occupiers like the PLO and the Syrian regime of the Al Assad family. Suleiman is our way out of this imprisonment, all we want is a state of laws and constitutional institutions, and enough of wars after wars, wou rabbak 3alim shou!!