الجيش يجري عمليات بحث واستطلاع لكشف مطلقي صواريخ بعبدا

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أعلنت قيادة الجيش اللبناني نها باشرت عمليات البحث وجمع المعلومات في منطقة اليرزة – بعبدا، حيث سقطت صواريخ ليل الخميس، من أجل التوصل لخيوط تكشف الفاعلين.

وفي بيان صادر عن مديرية التوجيه، الجمعة، أعلن الجيش أنه على اثر حصول انفجارات ليل الخميس في منطقة اليرزة، "باشرت قوى الجيش عملية بحث واستطلاع للمنطقة".

وأوضحت أنه تبين ان الانفجارات ناجمة عن سقوط صاروخين عيار 107 ملم، الاول في باحة فيللا فريحة قرب نادي الضباط، والآخر قرب قصر الخاشقجي في تلة اليرزة.

واذ أشارت الى أن الاضرار اقتصرت على الماديات، لفتت الى استمرار عمليات المسح الميداني للاماكن المحتملة لاطلاق الصاروخين بغية تحديد مصدرهما بدقة.

ولفتت الى أنها تتابع جمع المعلومات والمعطيات المتعلقة بالحادث لكشف هوية المتورطين وتوقيفهم.

وسقط صاروخان ليل الخميس أحدهما على مقربة من القصر الجمهوري في بعبدا والآخر على قرب من وزارة الدفاع وفي حين أفادت المصادر الصحافية عن سقوط صاروخ ثالث، تضاربت المعلومات حول مكان سقوطه.

التعليقات 9
Default-user-icon bachiriste (ضيف) 12:19 ,2013 آب 02

Naharnet is not saying that 2 syrians and 1 lebanese salafist from Tripoli were arrested for the ballouneh's rockets?

Thumb lebanon_first 18:45 ,2013 آب 02

I say these were sent by the assadist regime to create strife in lebanon.

Thumb Bandoul 20:34 ,2013 آب 02

I doubt very much HA would resort to launching rockets at b3abda to send a message to the president. HA has demonstrated on more than one occasion that it is perfectly capable of asserting its will and that it is the sole decision maker in Lebanon, thus no need for such shenanigans. In my humble opinion, this is not their handy work and the timing is awfully suspicious. Deductive reasoning leads me to home in on the reasonable assumption that the group who benefits the most from this action is behind it and not likely HA

Missing helicopter 21:50 ,2013 آب 02

Impossible, HA is already unified with the Syrian army of Bashar and the Iranian Republican guards (there is no room for an entity ass weak as the LAF). Their think tank strategy eclipses Lebanon and has no borders ........ it is the shi3a equivalency of Al-Qaeda's Ummah (called welayat elfaqih)

Thumb Machia 23:45 ,2013 آب 02

Of course Hezbollah did this. Things will get worse, until Iran comes to an understanding with the world community on its Nuclear program.

Thumb Machia 23:52 ,2013 آب 02

As a proof, just read the front page of Hezbollah's. paper, Al Akhbar, today. It has the picture of The president and it says: Leave.
The article says that because Suleiman criticised Hezbollah for their Syrian war, any dialogue with him should be stopped and the only way is to eliminate him by telling him "erhall".

Missing VINCENT 04:28 ,2013 آب 03

Sounds good, but you don't mention Iran and Syria.

Missing VINCENT 04:40 ,2013 آب 03

OK, no one is blaming Israel? This is a first. Very said predicament we are in when Iran builds an army within our boarders and subjects the rest of us to hegemony, despotic and tyrannical rule powers of which are concentrated in the hands of H.A., Syria and Iran.

Thumb Bandoul 05:52 ,2013 آب 03

I doubt very much HA would resort to launching rockets at b3abda to send a message to the president. HA has demonstrated on more than one occasion that it is perfectly capable of asserting its will and that it is the sole decision maker in Lebanon, thus no need for such shenanigans. In my humble opinion, this is not their handy work and the timing is awfully suspicious. Deductive reasoning leads me to home in on the reasonable assumption that the group who benefits the most from this action is behind it and not likely HA.