ميقاتي يتصل بجنبلاط لإبلاغه نبأ استقالته والأخير يرفض

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كشفت مصادر رسمية عن "اتصالات مكثفة جرت ليل الجمعة- السبت بين رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي ورئيس الحزب "التقدمي الاشتراكي" وليد جنبلاط ووزرائه في الحكومة، حيث طرح خلالها ميقاتي استقالته التي عارضها جنبلاط.

وأفادت صحيفة "الحياة" في عددها الصادر اليوم الأحد نقلاً عن مصادر مقربة من رئاسة الحكومة، أن "جنبلاط عارض استقالة ميقاتي خوفاً من الفراغ الحكومي وعدم قدرة حكومة تصريف الأعمال على ضبط الوضع الأمني إذا شاءت الظروف ذلك”.

وأضافت المصادر أن " الاتصالات مع رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان بقيت خجولة في هذا الشأن إذ اقتصرت على بعض محيطه الذي تواصل مع بعض قيادات 14 آذار، الذين اعتبروا أن غياب بديل عن الحكومة الحالية سيدفع نحو المزيد من التأزم "فنحن نُقتل ولا أحد يحاسب القاتل".

وأشارت المصادر الى أن "المشاورات تواصلت حول خيار استقالة ميقاتي حتى صباح أمس السبت، حين التقى وزراء "جبهة النضال الوطني" صباحاً، والذين عادوا فالتقوا سليمان قبل جلسة مجلس الوزراء، بعد أن كان الأخير اجتمع الى رئيس الحكومة".

وأضافت أن " سليمان لم يمانع في السعي الى تسوية لقيام حكومة جديدة، لكنه حرص على تأمين ظروفها قبل الإقدام على الخطوة".

وأدت أصداء النقاش حول الاستقالة في الخارج الى استنفار بعض القنوات الخارجية، فاتصل رئيس الوزراء البريطاني ديفيد كاميرون بميقاتي ليل أول من أمس، خصوصاً أن ميقاتي كان أبلغ بعض الأطراف أنه إذا استقال لن يمارس تصريف الأعمال وقد يغادر البلد.

وشددت قوى 14 آذار على مطالبتها باستقالة حكومة ميقاتي عقب جريمة اغتيال اللواء الشهيد وسام الحسن.

وقد اغتيل الحسن يوم الجمعة 19 تشرين الأول في عبوة ناسفة وضعت في سيارة وذلك خلال مرور موكبه المؤلف من سيارتين في شارع قريب لساحة ساسين في الأشرفية.

.ونتج عن الإنفجار وقوع ثمانية قتلى فضلاً عن ما يقارب المئة جريح

التعليقات 28
Default-user-icon ashrafiyeh (ضيف) 11:19 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

So they want to keep the government as if nothing happened? The government that includes the killers is going to preach about maintaining stability and security? Apparently the only kind of stability and security they care about is their own, while killing their opponents with no consequences.

Default-user-icon JP (ضيف) 12:00 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

Flame thrower your an idiot!!

Missing freeforever 12:09 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

Although I support M14 principles, I am inclined to agree with you that M14 are the lambs and M8 are wolfs. M14 must put up their game or give up, it is the nature of the game. Saudi Arabia and USA are toying up with M14. Deep inside Obama is pro Syrian/Iranian regime supporter, he only brought ruins to the Middle East by being a silent statue to all our events and suffering.

Missing freeforever 12:47 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

I see your point but who has orphaned the M14 members, it is definitely not Israel as M8 always claim. The criminals are known and justice should be served.

Missing rami 13:58 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

Good, Mr. Know It All, now that you have spit the shit out of your mouth (most probably rotten oranges), the least you could do is to enlighten us with the M8 program, yes you heard me, the M8 program, I am not joking.

Missing peace 14:13 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21


Thumb jadski 14:58 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

Hmar with a laptop.

Thumb thepatriot 20:17 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

lol...m8 want a free sovereing country!?? Why dont they send the army on the border, summon the syrian embassy, prevent hezbollah to interfer in syria, ask for a demarcation of our borders?? As fo tueini, gemayel and the others... your comment is disgusting! Tfeh aleik! It is your people who killed them and crippleed them ya Kalb! As for m8 ... we have seen their performance... our country has never fallen so low in all domains, starting with censor, economy, development, investments, tourism... You beter shut the hell up FT, cause all your words are lies and cheap propaganda!

Missing freeforever 12:10 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

Although I support M14 principles, I am inclined to agree with you that M14 are the lambs and M8 are wolfs. M14 must put up their game or give up, it is the nature of the game. Saudi Arabia and USA are toying up with M14. Deep inside Obama is pro Syrian/Iranian regime supporter, he only brought ruins to the Middle East by being a silent statue to all our event and suffering.

Missing mansour 12:38 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

ASSThrower JumpBlatt only called Miqati after hesbollah had a gun to his head and forced him....
Long Live The Syrian Civil War!

Default-user-icon thanks to jumblatt???? (ضيف) 13:18 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

JUMBLATT YOU ARE PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS. You gave the enemy of Lebanon this government: pro-syrian, pro-hezobolah, pro-assassinations, pro-bombs, pro-lawlessness. only michel aoun matches this foolishness.

Thumb lebanon_first 13:50 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

The best thing is to keep the government while working on creating a technocratic centrist government. Once the names of the new government are approved, this government can resign, to prevent vacuum. But I strongly suggest keeping Mikati as head of gvt.
The M8 government has done too many mistakes. And M14 are without vision, and without leaders, their initial message has been dissolved. We want centrist technocrats who understand their files. Keep the politics in the parliament, not in the cabinet.

Thumb shab 14:23 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

Miqati turned to be an honorable man after all. Stay untill the President permits your dismissal

Default-user-icon maherK (ضيف) 15:49 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

When one plays with fire he eventually gets burned. The bitter divisions among all parties, the foolish decisions to jump head first into the Syrian quagmire by many has finally exploded in everyone's face. The reality is that this country's contradictions and lack of a united front to face looming dangers places it at risk. I have lost all confidence that this country can overcome the repercussions of the war raging next door and we are now starting to see its effects on our nation. This is only going to get worse as political parties blame and insult each other as they always do following a terrible event like this one. This government while far from perfect, has provided some level of stability and a sense of security....asking it to resign without a viable alternative is a recipe for disaster.

Default-user-icon Libanus (ضيف) 15:56 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

What a charade. What will Miqati's resignation accomplish? Will it bring the criminals to justice? Will it make Hezb weaker?

It's Hezb that should resign. They should be expelled from the government they should have never been a part of. It's sad that we are where we are, but it has been expected since Hezb keeps getting stronger and they are the troubling element in all this.

Thumb thepatriot 20:21 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

Mikati is Bashar's man. OUT! Raouss!!

Missing singldad 17:28 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

you call the latest assassination spring cleaning? exiled also? ya 3aybechoum 3leik! I hope you left the United States and moved to Iran!

Missing mohammad_ca 17:37 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

"refusing" a resignation has no legal merit especially not from an MP! These are all lies..

Default-user-icon right on your face (ضيف) 18:38 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

to Flame thrower,,,You are the filthiest, brainless pig with no tail but only an asshole for the rest of pigs like you to injoy, go F%$# your self looser filthy syrian!!

Default-user-icon Lebanon wbass (ضيف) 18:47 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

To Flame thrower or pig shit eater!!,,, you are the filthiest pig, brainless looser, if you infront of me now i will fu*k you up,,Iranian Bitch!!

Default-user-icon m16 (ضيف) 19:05 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

To Flamethrower and shit swalower!! you are an idiot from an idiot family born and race as a moron!! if i were you i would shoot my self!!

Default-user-icon Stavros (ضيف) 19:24 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

Jumblat is proving as much a traitor as his crappyness Nassralah

Default-user-icon Mr.Mr. (ضيف) 19:43 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

any true lebanese give me like!!

Default-user-icon Greenie (ضيف) 02:22 ,2012 تشرين الأول 22

habbet FT al he is wasting his time.
3ama shou we2e7 ,wle aya time?ma your job is to be on alert 24 hours a day and defend the Deserter Michel aoun,the terrorist cunt hassin,and the criminal Bashar.
wasting time ,lol.

Default-user-icon Speedy gonzales aoun (ضيف) 02:27 ,2012 تشرين الأول 22

Ft Sermeye ,remind me a another cunt who called himself Phenicien ,who kept barking ta tbahdal bi intikhebet ou khtafa.
is he back under a new nick?????

Missing abraham 04:01 ,2012 تشرين الأول 22

he was talking about Hariri

Missing hizbulshaytan 04:15 ,2012 تشرين الأول 22

Another bashar worshipper, fawaz you moron it is Hezbollah who is interfering along Iran muqtada sadr , your brothers in Iraq who kiss Americas ass. Going to Syria to kill Sunnis, there jihadi duty, don't worry ya khanzeer, the free Syrian army will be in dahiye, and baalabek soon. It's over for you folks, I hope your ready to fight 20 million syrians

Missing hizbulshaytan 04:25 ,2012 تشرين الأول 22

The onw who supports the criminal is also a criminal, I don't understand you Shia. You used to say that the alawis are kuffar, now you are allied with them. You show no remorse for the Sunni children and women who get killed and raped in Syria or the elderly beaten, everyone seen the videos on YouTube of Syrian soldiers or shabiha forcing people to say bashar is god and to prostrate to him, we all seen the 75 and 85 year olds that were freed from a prison, we all seen the babies who were butchered with knives, we all seen the planes bomb people indiscriminately. Your master in Iran is like a the cancer in the Arab world, if you really want to kill the snake , you have to cut off the head, I hope the Iranian people build some courage and stand up to there tyrant leaders soon who claim to be muslim, but are infect the biggest enemy to Muslim and Arab world.