إشكال بين مناصرين لـ"القوات" وموكب عون في ميفوق

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وقع إشكال "بسيط" بين مناصري حزب القوات اللبنانية و موكب رئيس تكتل التغيير والإصلاح النائب ميشال عون في بلدة ميفون، تدخلت على أثره القوى الامنية لتسوية الإشكال.

وفي التفاصيل وبحسب الوكالة الوطنية للإعلام، أنه "اثناء مغادرة موكب النائب ميشال عون بلدة ميفوق، وعند وصوله الى مستديرة البلدة تجمع عدد من مناصري "القوات اللبنانية" مرددين هتافات مستنكرة الزيارة ، مما اضطر عناصر المواكبة الى الاستنفار، الأمر الذي أدى الى اشكال بسيط مع المتجمهرين".

و تدخلت على اثر الإشكال القوى الامنية المولجة بحفظ الأمن وجرى تسوية الاشكال الآني، واكمل موكب عون باتجاه بلدة بجة.

كما غادر عون بلدة بجة الجبيلية دون زيارة كنيسة سيدة إيليج، حيث احتشدت عائلات شهداء سيدة ايليج في ساحة الكنيسة في ميفوق اعتراضا على زيارة عون اليها، وذلك وسط انتشار أمني مكثف ومع طقس ماطر.

وكان عون أثناء زيارته لبيت الطوباوي اسطفان نعمة في بلدة لحفد قد قال: "لن نتكلم عن الشعائر التي ترفع في ايليج، ونريد لزيارتنا ان تتم بكل محبة وأخوة، والتاريخ نحن كتبناه بالدم الصحيح الذي دافع عن أرض لبنان".

التعليقات 20
Thumb mouallek 19:56 ,2012 أيلول 30

Vous êtes tellement stupide que vous avez cessé d'être ridicule. Vous faîtes pitié.

Missing peace 20:21 ,2012 أيلول 30

poor you, i admire your stupidity that you ve raised to the degree of an art!

Missing zwilliamfarhat@gmail.com 20:24 ,2012 أيلول 30

I would have loved to see someone kick his rear end and the asses of the rest of his ignorant followers,... MTV reported that Hizbollah welcomed him in some town out there and played their anthem first before the Lebanese anthem..

Missing cedars 20:55 ,2012 أيلول 30

The imbecile will never learn from history, he will die dreaming after the political chair even if he has to side with Satan and become Buddhist. Let's state the facts for the blind Karim, drug dealers normally are mafia with weapons, who is attacking the ISF day in and day out? i.e. Ghobeyri, Jbeil supporters and brethren of Aoun from Hezbollah, Bekaa resistance members of HA i.e. Muqdad and company by kidnapping for ransom. Should I continue to expose the truth?

Missing gabby5 22:09 ,2012 أيلول 30

Aoun is the Christian backstabber and is now persona nongrata everywhere except Hezz areas.

Thumb benzona 23:28 ,2012 أيلول 30

There's no more room for ze3ran. anyone who wants to fight with fists or knives(or worse) should be jailed.

Thumb sweetheart 14:06 ,2012 تشرين الأول 01

I agree benzona. but don't set high hopes on our government that protects terrorists, bail them out of jail and make patriotic heroes out of them exactly like what happened with shady l malawi.

Default-user-icon Samir (ضيف) 00:46 ,2012 تشرين الأول 01

Drug dealers? these are Hizbollah's people in Bekaa.
Instigating strife? what about Smaha, Al Miqdad clan and many more of your allies.
Saudi employer? Did we forget that Aoun flew to Syria on Bachar private jet.
Resemblance of the LF and Al Qaeda? very objective analysis.

Bottom line you are typical Aouni.

Missing eurybaric 01:19 ,2012 تشرين الأول 01

Hmm.. Based on this article, I'd say at least 9 fake accounts have been used. Mind you, I've been studying this somewhat recent trend on NaharNet for a while now :)

Thumb joesikemrex 08:03 ,2012 تشرين الأول 02

these fake accounts are most likely belonging to a single propaganda employee........

Missing shark15 01:27 ,2012 تشرين الأول 01

Karim I`m not an LF supporter but I do support the truth,as far as I know the drugs in Lebanon are grown in the Bekka area, andlast time I checked Hezb Iran and Amal control the Bekka area therefore it makes them the drug dealers in Lebanon not the LF,The issue here is not drugs its Auon selling the Christians in Lebanon to get the chair which will never happen in this life time.

Thumb andre.jabbour 01:38 ,2012 تشرين الأول 01

I would not be surprised if this was staged by some orange followers.

Default-user-icon free_Lebanon (ضيف) 04:26 ,2012 تشرين الأول 01

Geagea and Aoun should both be put out of their misery and save lebanon from these 2 criminals LOL

Default-user-icon Skyfall (ضيف) 05:31 ,2012 تشرين الأول 01

@karim_m1, aka le phenicien if people remember this incredible stupid and demented human beeing, just close ur filhty disgusting no good for nothing cockroach mouth.
Guys , dont answer him anymore, its not stupidity, its provocation and cowardness because his true identity is of one that was hated on this site for so long.

Default-user-icon Z_abster (ضيف) 08:43 ,2012 تشرين الأول 01

Aoun must be made to understand , He cannot sell us out to the Mullahs with impunity . May he rot in hell soon along with his ignoramous nephew .

Missing rudy 13:33 ,2012 تشرين الأول 01

i thought FPM was secular... was also a lot of other things

oh well go figure, who knows what FPM is these days

Missing rudy 14:09 ,2012 تشرين الأول 01

it does mean separating religion from politics and the state

aoun is on a political election tour. in reality, he shouldnt even be talking in "christians and muslims" terms

Default-user-icon Christian E. (ضيف) 14:42 ,2012 تشرين الأول 01

Flame Thrower, NO it's NOT your dead, God forbid. Stick it in your little head once and for all. This piece of land belongs to the Lebanese Forces Martyrs. Everyone knows that the site is a sacred land and a symbol representing the martyrs who died for us. Aoun's move is nothing but a defiance.
To make it short, get the hell out of there. This is our land.

Thumb eli-g 17:47 ,2012 تشرين الأول 01

@slash and FT is this a courtship? How lovely.

Thumb eli-g 17:50 ,2012 تشرين الأول 01

I enjoy reading ya'lls comments everyday but could you please tone it down a bit.