جعجع يعلن بذل محاولة أخيرة لتأمين مقومات حوار جدي لأن "المطروح فخ من حزب الله"

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رأى رئيس حزب القوات اللبنانية سمير جعجع أن "المطلوب حوار جدي بوقف النزف الحاصل في البلاد على كل المستويات"، مؤكدا أن أحدا لا يمكن أن يكون ضد الحوار خصوصا قوى الرابع عشر من آذار، معلنا أن القوى ستبذل "محاولة اخيرة مع رئيس الجمهورية العماد ميشال سليمان لتأمين حد أدنى من مقومات الحوار الجدي والهادف"، معتبرا في الوقت عينه أن الحوار المطروح فخا من حزب الله.

وقال جعجع في حديث الى وكالة الأنباء المركزية: "لا أحد يمكن أن يكون ضد الحوار، خصوصاً قوى 14 آذار والقوات اللبنانية، الا حين نشعر أن حوارا ما في وقت ما هو لمجرد تغطية شيء ما يحصل وهو ما نشعر به اليوم بين حوادث طرابلس وعملية خطف من هنا وتفجير من هناك".

وإذ استغرب أن "البعض يعتبر أن هذه الحوادث هي التي تحتم الحوار" قال جعجع "لو أن المطروح حوار جدي لكنا أول الداعين الى هذا الحوار، غير أن المطروح فخ، ليس ابداً من رئيس الجمهورية الذي نعلم علم اليقين مدى نواياه الصافية والجدية وانما من الفرقاء الآخرين وتحديداً حزب الله لتغطية كل ما يحصل واطالة أمدها لأن ثمة مشكلة اجرائية وتنفيذية في البلاد لا مشكلة في الحوار".

وأضاف: "أمضينا 7 سنوات في حوار حول مشكلة السلاح لم نحرز خلالها تقدما ولو طفيفا في هذا الشأن"، سائلا: "فكيف نلج حوارا عن السلاح من دون اشارة ولو بسيطة الى أي تغيير في موقف الفريق الآخر في وقت تنحو البلاد نحو الغرق في الازمات الامنية والسيادية والسياسية الخارجية والاستراتيجية والاهم أزمة اقتصادية معيشية خانقة".

وأردف: "أسهل الخيارات أمام قوى 14 آذار اليوم الترحيب بالحوار والمشاركة في حفلة "التطبيل والتزمير" الدائرة في البلد ونتحاور مع علم مسبق أننا لن نصل الى أي نتيجة، لكن هذا ليس خيارنا ولا هدفنا".

وعليه، شدد على أن "المطلوب العمل بشفافية بعيدا من حسابات الربح والخسارة في السياسة لوقف النزف الحاصل في البلاد في أسرع وقت على المستويات كافة"، جازما أن "هذا لا يتحقق بالحوار بالصيغة المطروحة اليوم بل بمشاورات سريعة بين رئيس الجمهورية والاقطاب السياسية تؤدي الى سلطة اجرائية تستطيع تحمل مسؤولياتها".

وأكد جعجع أن الحوار المطروح لا يعالج النزف بخلاف ما يحاول البعض تصويره".

وأشار جعجع الى أن "قوى 14 آذار، وفي اطار محاولتها الوصول الى الهدف المنشود ستوفد الى قصر بعبدا موفدا او وفدا من قبلها في اليومين المقبلين للبحث في امكانية توفير حد أدنى من المقومات الجدية للحوار، لنطرح في ضوئها على انفسنا مدى جدية الحوار".

وتابع: "اما اذا لم نتمكن مع الرئيس من توفير أدنى مقومات الحوار الجدي، فحرام تضييع الوقت والناس والجهد والتركيز عن المكان الذي يجب ان ينصب عليه لنجلس الى طاولة حوار لمجرد الحوار"،

وفيما وصف جعجع جدول أعمال الحوار الذي دعا اليه سليمان بالجيد"، قال جعجع: "فحبذا لو أن تنفيذ المقررات في يد فخامته لكنا هرولنا الى الحوار الا ان لا نية اطلاقاً لدى حزب الله للتقيد بجدول الاعمال وهدفه ينحصر بالمناورة".

وذكر جعجع بخطاب أمين عام الحزب حسن نصرالله الاخير، "حيث لم يأت على ذكر اي بند من البنود المطروحة، بل طرح نظرته للحوار التي تتخطى النزف والمعاناة ومشكلة السلاح لإعادة النظر في تركيبة البلاد واتفاق الطائف، بالاضافة الى ان العماد ميشال عون أعلن انه سيطرح في الحوار مشكلة تعطيل وعرقلة العمل الحكومي من قبل فخامة الرئيس".

التعليقات 34
Thumb geha 18:12 ,2012 حزيران 04

all that hizbushaitan wants has been said during nasrallah's last intervention:
more power for the shia in the government, and that based on the force of their weapons.
so for all thse wh say hizbushaitan does not use their weapons internally, please stop to be dellusional....
hizbushaitan have shown their true figure, but this project like all others will never happen even at the price of a civil war, preapred and instigated by hizbushaitan to get what they want.
all those fprm guys: wake up. you say you defend christian interests? look what hizbushaitan plans are!

Thumb geha 18:42 ,2012 حزيران 04

why? can you say it is not true? this is what he asked for lately or you did not understand it?

Thumb bigsami 16:12 ,2012 حزيران 05

Motormouth give it a break and hit the road. Do you ever read what you write? To you and HA worshipers everyone is a paid propagandist. You take up too much space on the planet....go away.

Thumb Bandoul 05:57 ,2012 حزيران 06

@mowaten, have you looked in the mirror lately? You are describing yourself. Pay some bills with your hard earned money will you? Oh wait, I forgot, you are a free loader who doesn't work. You get unemployment checks from hzb el kzb and terror for posting your lies here.

Default-user-icon Dr_P (ضيف) 18:33 ,2012 حزيران 04

If it wasn´t for Hizbullah Lebanon would be governed by Israel and Saudi Arabia

Thumb thepatriot 10:33 ,2012 حزيران 05

If we had no hezbollah, we would be safer, at peace, and making more more money!

Thumb beiruti 18:47 ,2012 حزيران 04

Geagea is correct in his assessment. No one is against dialogue, it is the best way to come to a solution to difficult problems when the parties come from different perspectives. However, what is proposed is not such a dialogue. It is an attempt to build a consensus around Hezbollah and its armed presence in the country. The other parties are diamentrically opposed to this project. So what is the purpose of this exercise other than to force "consensus" through the threat of armed force. A threat which has already been carried out once by the armed party, Hezbollah.

Thumb beiruti 18:49 ,2012 حزيران 04

Even if it were not armed, Hezbollah has shown itself not to be trusted with the institutions of the government. First of all, it has split loyalties with the greater portion being submissive to the national interests of Iran. No party can lead a national government when its loyalties are split. This was the critique against Hariri, and to the extent it was true, the same critique applies to Hezbollah.

Thumb beiruti 18:51 ,2012 حزيران 04

Second, it has shown that its decision making process is flawed. Hassan Nasrallah makes the decisions after consulting with the IRG and acts unilaterally. His unilateral decision to incite a war with Israel in 2006 was a disaster. His unilateral decision to involve Lebanon in the Syrian Crisis by sending Hezbollah officers into the fight has created the spector of sectarian strife in Lebanon as witnessed in Tripoli.

Thumb beiruti 18:54 ,2012 حزيران 04

Third, his governing philosphy of cultivating a Culture of Death and Martrydom is anathema to Lebanese culture which celebrates life, peaceful coexistence and a welcoming environment for a healthy tourism trade. As the years pass, the alien nature of Hezbollah becomes more and more apparent. Now it is quite clear that Hezbollah does not arise from Lebanese Shiites, who share Lebanon's love for life and freedom, but Hezbollah has its roots in the dark recesses of the mind of Ayotallah Khomenie, who dreamed up the movement and whose death, Nasrallah "celebrated" this past weekend.
Without its weapons, Hezbollah would be reduced to a minor Shia party. Bas.

Thumb geha 19:23 ,2012 حزيران 04

Excellent detailed analysis beiruti.

Thumb jabal10452 20:16 ,2012 حزيران 04

Right on the spot Beiruti! Thank you sir!

Default-user-icon theuglytruth (ضيف) 20:55 ,2012 حزيران 04

Well written with logic. But instead of using your energy on writing this propaganda text that is totally wrong and not based on facts but on believes use your time on reading. First of all the Israeli them self declared the war as lost! And please stop lying, Hezbollah has not interfered in syria if you can convince me of the opposite, please provide me with a source- and i don't mean your uncle.
Geagea said it him self, they have spend 7 years on criticising HZ arms. instead they could have fixed the electricity. And come ooooon without them we could maybe have had a bigger problem like: An occupied lebanon maybe?
And by the way, his allied Mrs Hariri´s has his own gang of salafists which he brought to lebanon and armed them! Buuuuut nooooo, thats okay right?

Thumb lebnanfirst 21:33 ,2012 حزيران 04

@ beiruti; Well reasoned and presented. No fluff just straight truth and facts. Could not have said it better myself. Thank you.

Default-user-icon G (ضيف) 00:47 ,2012 حزيران 05

Beiruti. That was awesome. Thank you dude.

Thumb beiruti 01:55 ,2012 حزيران 05

@Flamethrower, no, I was not referring to that. But the constant glorification of "martyrdom" in Hezbollah controlled areas like the road from Chtura to Zahle where the green and yellow banners alternate with some kid glaring down who was killed in some operation years ago. This is the culture of death that glorifies these people rather than mourn for them.

Thumb jabal10452 01:59 ,2012 حزيران 05

This big difference FT is that the M14 people didn't want to die. They were assassinated for their political beliefs. Hezbollah does indeed nurture a culture of death and Martyrdom. Look FT we've all heard their sermons and we've all seen their parades. I have heard many Hezbollah fighters and political leaders say something like: "The Israelis love life. We love death". I'm sure you heard it too. To me it is an alien thought. It is not Lebanese. The Lebanese have many problems and weaknesses, but in my opinion nobody has the same zest for life like the Lebanese.

Thumb thepatriot 10:39 ,2012 حزيران 05

I Love Life!

Thumb thepatriot 10:45 ,2012 حزيران 05

Are you serious? Are you really comparing mourning assassinated figures with the pride of your yellow and green friends of blowing themselves up! Putting up the picture of Samir Kassir, so that no one forgets why he has been killed is what you call a culture of death??
Please, refrain from talking about culture, obviously, you have none.

Thumb thepatriot 14:20 ,2012 حزيران 05

lol Ft... hezb fighters blowing tanks...lol
I'll tell you why hezb fighters fight, it is because................................but............... wait a minute...they don't fight!!
The last time they faught was against a few Lebanese youngsters with outdated kalash's and furious druzes who saw a brief attempt of the hezb to circle them...hahahaha...
Well, that is unless they are fighting in syria ;p

Thumb thepatriot 14:27 ,2012 حزيران 05

fine. They "liberated" ...so what? They are gonna keep me at gun point for ever! as for your language, delicious bubba, I am not sure that Samir Kassir, Pierre Gemayel, or Gebran Tueini fit the profile of corrupt & murderous thieves...get your facts right! These people were fighting, intellectually, for the freedom of the syrian occupation on all the rest of the Lebanese territory. I think that means something! Now, you want to liberate Shebaa...Great! Do something about it, ... or shut up!

Default-user-icon T (ضيف) 15:09 ,2012 حزيران 05

They didn't liberate anything, they merely prevented one country from beating them to the punch and destroy their own agenda. Regardless of whether Israel or Hezb won in 2006, the Lebanese people were going to suffer the same fate: Be held hostage in their own country! So please understand what the term "Liberate" means before you use it in a sentence.

Thumb Chupachups 15:21 ,2012 حزيران 05

thank u beirutiiiii

Missing thebear 15:29 ,2012 حزيران 05

They didn't liberate anything, they merely prevented another country from taking over Lebanon, and in the process, destroying the Hezb's own personal agenda. They didn't do anything for the betterment of the Lebanese people. Instead they focused on increasing the power of the Hezb itself under the guise that it was for the Lebanese people. Regardless of who would have won between Israel and Hezb, the outcome would have been the same: To be held hostage in our own country. So, technically, there was no liberation of anything, just a fight between two sides on who is going to be the main oppressor of the Lebanese people. As it turned out, the side that speaks our own language came out "victorious", and saved us the trouble of learning Hebrew. Therefore, kindly understand the meaning of the term "Liberate" before you use it in a sentence.

Thumb extramildcake 16:55 ,2012 حزيران 05

There's one thing I hate more than a power in my country taking orders from another country and that's another power taking order from another country. Have you ever stopped to think that there are two sides to your exact story, beiruti? Or do you just hate Hezbollah and turn a blind eye to everything else?

Default-user-icon B Taouk (ضيف) 19:02 ,2012 حزيران 04

dude the world is laughing at hassan nesrallah seriously. he is so hated by the millions of lebanese residing in western countries. isnt the purpose for dialogue to reach consensus for the greater good of the country and resolve problems? when the parties meet for dialogue with one of the parties having arms and the others not having arms, the dialogue becomes obsolete, because any solution or 'consensus' reached that is not in the favor of the party with the arms, that party will use those arms to force a consensus that they like, and in the past this has not been in the best interest of lebanon (obviously because look where the country is at now!) so there is no fkn point in any dialogue due to the fact that hezballah still has their arms and has them pointed at anyone who gets in there way. what you ppl need is a simple minded non-religious figure to run this country, someone like julia gillard lol. seems to be working fine here

Thumb Lebanon4life 21:31 ,2012 حزيران 04

There you have my on proposition: First of all all parties need to declare their support towards a sovereign and save Lebanon . All illegal weapons have to be removed people may keep little Weapons like guns etc. Now to Hezballah they should be integrated in the army or they have to agree to be disarmed within a period. During this time the lebanese army has to be modernisized with new weapons because if the army is well equipped Hezbollah can't claim anymore that the army is to weak. So if they ignore such propositions Hezbollah shows it's real intention is for. Well I doubt this may happen but this would be an acceptable solution ma haec ?

Default-user-icon Truedemocracy (ضيف) 07:28 ,2012 حزيران 06

I wonder why Israel will never agree to modernizing the Lebanese army...

Missing helicopter 22:57 ,2012 حزيران 04

M8 is calling for dialogue while they are the ones that prevented to implement what was agreed upon in previous dialogues..... disarming all groups and demarcating the borders (plus few more). Disarming all militias and demarcating the borders (ie. establish security for the ordinary citizen and integrity of the Lebanese borders) are the two most pressing issues that M8 opposes. What is left for a meaningful dialogue? nothing.

Default-user-icon G (ضيف) 00:46 ,2012 حزيران 05

Nice work Beiruti. Concise and no bs. I wish everyone else that posted on political news forums worldwide did it with such quality. Too bad most people don't appreciate it. Thank you, that posting made me feel better about being a human being again.

Missing cedars 05:02 ,2012 حزيران 05

My first words out in the meeting if I was present would be:
How do we control Lebanon from the Syrian civil war spill? If one militia or party has arms and TV station then everyone else is going to have the same thing at which point the Army involvement will be useless.

Thumb thepatriot 10:30 ,2012 حزيران 05

I think you're the one with a twisted logic momo...
No one wants discussions with a gun at their heads!

Thumb sophia_angle 16:44 ,2012 حزيران 05

I think he should be the next president !

Default-user-icon theuglytruth (ضيف) 19:02 ,2012 حزيران 05

OKAY, i have tried and tried but people seems to be either brain washed or simply just stupid. So for ALL of you are against Hezbollah and the march 8 please answer this question:


please take to consideration that half of lebanon was occupied for about 18 years by the Israeli army. And please don´t be that stupid and say the lebanese army, they can even protect the lebanese inside lebanon.