صحناوي التقى بري: نحرص على أمن البلد أكثر من 14 آذار وتسليم "الداتا" تجسس على الجميع

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أوضح وزير الإتصالات نقولا صحناوي أن تسليم كامل داتا الإتصالات إلى الأجهزة الأمنية فيه "خطورة" إذ أنه يسمح "بالتجسس على اللبنانيين" والتلاعب بشبكة هواتفهم مشيرا إلى أن الفريق الحكومي أحرص من المعارضة "على أمن البلد".

وقال صحناوي بعد لقائه رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري على مدى أكثر من ساعة الخميس في المصيلح قال أن "محاولات التضليل ما زالت مستمرة، وموضوع الداتا كله تضليل بتضليل، وهو خارج عن القانون، والموضوع لم يعد في وزارة الاتصالات".

وتتفاعل قضية تسليم "داتا" الإتصالات بعد كل حادث أمني يطال سياسيين وآخرها محاولة اغتيال رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع الأربعاء الفائت برصاص قناصة على منزله في معراب.

وأمس حذرت قوى "14 آذار" بعد اجتماع عند جعجع من التمييع في التحقيق معتبرة أن عدم تسليم "الداتا" هو "تواطؤ" من قبل الحكومة "مع المجرمين".

وشدد صحناوي على ان هناك قرارا في مجلس الوزراء "اناطه بلجنة قضائية وهي المعنية ببت هذا الملف وعلى أساس قرار اللجنة ينفذ وزير الاتصالات، وبناء عليه نؤكد ان موضوع الداتا لم يعد بيد وزير الاتصالات".

وأضاف: "يجب أن يعلم اللبنانيون أنه لا يمكن أن يتصور أحد الكم الكبير من المعلومات والمس بخصوصيات اللبنانيين وأمن البلد الذي يتسبب به الحصول على كامل الداتا".

وشرح أنه "يمكن الفريق الذي يحصل عليها التجسس على كل لبنان، ويمكنه ايضا التلاعب بشرائح الهواتف الخليوية، ويسمح لبوارج التجسس بالدخول على خطوط اللبنانيين، وهنا تكمن خطورة الموضوع".

ولفت صحناوي الى "أن الحديث المتكرر عن موضوع الاغتيالات وتحميلنا المسؤولية هو مجرد تضليل بات معلوما من اللبنانيين، لأن الجميع يعرفون أننا حرصاء على أمن البلد أكثر منهم".

وعن هدف زيارته بري قال وزير الإتصالات "أطلعنا دولته على أجواء مشروع توزيع اموال البلديات الذي أرسلناه الى مجلس الوزراء، وأتمنى أن يوضع على جدول الاعمال في الجلسة المقبلة كي تتمكن من توزيع هذه الاموال على البلديات وننجز الانماء المتوازن الذي نتحدث عنه دائما".

التعليقات 21
Default-user-icon May7 (ضيف) 16:47 ,2012 نيسان 12

It would appear that you donot even know you bootlicker
What major crime has your camp solved

Default-user-icon Horus (ضيف) 16:48 ,2012 نيسان 12

Lebanon does not need you, how keen are you really on Lebanon Security ?

Default-user-icon Skyfall (ضيف) 17:06 ,2012 نيسان 12

Yes of course same old bullshit but Hezbollah telecommunication networks in Tarshish is for resistance purposes. So its ok to let them install it. Thanks god Ahel Zahleh stopped them. But if people are getting killed or there are attempts on their life , ISF cannot acquire information on telephone lines... Sami Gemayel last time almost got killed going to his brothers funeral. Stop thinking all of this is a comedy people are getting killed and i dont care whether Hezbollah or Israel did it i want to know who is behind this. Some people here are scared they could spy on them. I mean who the hell you guys think you are? if you have nothing to hide you dont have to be afraid. And by the way i dont think if ur talking to your girlfriend or mom they would bother listening... Really dumb people.

Missing trigger 17:22 ,2012 نيسان 12

Now only you and your allies can spy... the Lebanese people are in good hands

Thumb benzona 17:24 ,2012 نيسان 12

Haha ha. Troué and sad though.... And freightening!

Thumb geha 17:39 ,2012 نيسان 12

the data shows only location information and who is calling who.
stop protecting your allies hizbushaitan.

Thumb kesrweneh 20:43 ,2012 نيسان 12

and the SMS content !! and that is crucial.

Missing people-power 18:02 ,2012 نيسان 12

"A judicial commission that was formed by the government in February".

Formed by the M8 one-sided government, I'm sure this judicial commission is totally "independent".

Thumb kesrweneh 20:43 ,2012 نيسان 12

our privacy can't be invaded every time a new movie is launched! even if it's launched by geagea! and sorry Geha they can also see ur SMS, don't you send love SMS to ur girl? don't u send confidential sms to your clients or co-workers? why would I want a Aakari soldier unvailing my secrets

Missing allouchi 21:49 ,2012 نيسان 12

Your Hizb, Syria and Iran can see all the data but the Lebanese Security forces cannot!!! what's wrong with you?

Thumb kesrweneh 09:00 ,2012 نيسان 13

where did you get that info!?? any proof or just coz the future said so?

Default-user-icon Gabby (ضيف) 22:18 ,2012 نيسان 12

So far only the Shia bootlickers and their allies control telecom data. How amazing M14 and the Lebanese gov't doing investigations can't use it. No wonder the Hezz won't allow competition from the world. Plust they keep a momopoly and keep ripping off the Lebanese for the highest prices in the world.

Missing ulpianus 22:34 ,2012 نيسان 12

Ok. everyone reading my comments who from now on wont be sending "sensual SMS" to his Beloved Like my comment!

Missing ulpianus 22:34 ,2012 نيسان 12


Missing peace 22:50 ,2012 نيسان 12

""but they all know that we are keen on the country’s security more than the other camp,” ""

hahahaha! 2006: hezbollah started a war, 2008 hezbollah took the streets with arms, 2011: hezbollah pressured on jumblatt to change camp! 2005-2010: murders of M14 polticians, journalists opposed to M8 and their friends, not a single M8 was even threatened (strange by the way ;) ) and he says M8 are keen on security?? soooooooooo funny!

what a jerk.... :)

Missing cedars 04:07 ,2012 نيسان 13

Security is above all you moron minister, if it takes unveiling all the Lebanese data to discover who is messing with the Country security then be it because others were not threatened and letting crime after crime slip the system will encourage indirectly the criminals UNLESS you are part of those criminals god forbid. Call accounting in the telephone system can selective and specific to certain timeframe, so only the calls made on that date/time can be revealed to the security personnel.

Default-user-icon Enough (ضيف) 04:52 ,2012 نيسان 13

What a load of garbage. M8 has nothing to worry about, they are not the ones on the reviving end of the assainations.

“therein lies the danger of the matter,”... the real danger is to the perpetrators, as the so called Party of God well knows, telecom data can come back and bite them in the Ass.

The thugs control the weapons, the goverment and now the law.

Thumb kesrweneh 09:05 ,2012 نيسان 13

judicial committees rarely go public thus the minister explained why the data shouldn't be passed to the ISF, I hope this answers your questions neighbor

Thumb kesrweneh 09:07 ,2012 نيسان 13

There was no security breach just a lousy movie that didn't reach its goal of giving geagea an aura he’s been searching for since ever , this shouldn't be a reason to invade the citizens privacy, in Europe even in case of huge terrorist attacks full data is never given away.

Default-user-icon TryToThink (ضيف) 14:55 ,2012 نيسان 13

How a minister can formulate such absurd statements??? Who is asking for the telecom data's?? a simple citizen of entlitled persons like ISF and judiciary employees asking to perform their duties? If officials cannot access telecom data's then who has the right to do so? Hezbollah and Aasem Kanso?? If in murders attempts telecom data's cannot be accessed then in which occasions they are required?
It is incredible how March 8 loosers use any stupid arguments to protects their crimes. This reminds of the the comedy "investigation" done for the Antelias terrorist act, when to guys from Dahiyeh exploded a bomb in the middle of the day, in a public place.

Missing cedars 19:17 ,2012 نيسان 13

Why are you Mr Minister logging the Telecom data? you are wasting disk space on the servers and citizens tax dollars if you are not going to use it.