جعجع يرد على نصرالله: نحن لا نضع الشروط ولم تكونوا جديين في مسألة الحوار

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أكد رئيس حزب "القوات" اللبنانية سمير جعجع أن قوى 14 آذار لا تضع الشروط ولا ـملي أي شيء على أحد، ولكنكم لم تكونوا جديين (متوجهاً الى حزب الله) في أي يوم من الأيام في موضوع الحوار.

وخلال احتفال اطلاق شرعة "القوات" اللبنانية، قال جعجع "نحن لا نضع الشروط ولا نملي أي شيء على أحد، ولكن في نفس الوقت، لسنا في موضع ان يضع أحد علينا الشروط أو يملي علينا أي شيء".

وفي مستهل كلمته، قال جعجع مضطر للرد على كلمة الامين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصرالله، "ليس للرد عليه لأننا نعرف موقعه ويعرف موقعنا، ولكن لوضع الأمور امام الرأي العام".

"المقياس الذي يعتمده (نصرالله) لقياس الناس، هو مقياس يختلف عن كل مقاييسنا فمن هو بوجهة نظرنا هو جيد ومن ليس بوجهة نظرنا هو عاطل هذا بالنسبة له"، وتساءل جعجع "هل كل الشعوب العربية غبية إلا أنت يا سيد حسن؟ هل يمكن تحرير فلسطين دون إنسان عربي حر ومجتمع حر؟ لماذا لم تتحرر من 80 سنة؟".

وأردف متوجهاً الى السيد نصرالله، تقول، "هل يعقل أن يصطف الجميع لإسقاط النظام في سوريا؟ وأنا أسأل السؤال بالعكس، وانظروا إلى ما جرى الأمس في مجلس الأمن، بالنسبة له كل العالم على خطأ وهذا يعني أن هنالك خطأ بالمنطق المطروح".

وتبنت الجمعية العامة للامم المتحدة أمس الخميس جلسة قراراً غربياً يدين القمع في سوريا بعد ايام عدة من استخدام موسكو وبكين حق النقض ضد نص مماثل في مجلس الامن الدولي.

ووافق على القرار 137 دولة فيما رفضت 12 دولة القرار منها روسيا والصين وإيران وامتنعت 17 عن التصويت.

وقال جعجع "قد يكون السيد حسن لا يشاهد التلفزيون ولا يرى ما يجري في المناطق والقرى والمدن السورية، اليوم الدبابات والمدفعيات والطيران يهاجم، فالمباني تهبط في حمص على رأس من فيها، تعيش المقاومة وتحيا الممانعة".

وفي كلمته رأى جعجع "أن من يزج لبنان هو من يقوم بقوة خارج الدولة اللبنانية، ولكن ما نقوم به نحن هو موقف سياسي وأدبي، وعندما لا يسع لبنان هذا الموقف فلا معنى لوجوده إذا بعد اليوم. وما نقوم به في ما يتعلق بالأزمات هو إصدار مواقف، وفي السياسة مسؤولية أخلاقية كبيرة".

وأوضح جعجع أن منسق الأمانة العامة لقوى 14 آذار فارس سعيد لم يتحدث باسم المجلس الوطني السوري، بل المجلس هو أرسل رسالة إلى 14 آذار، وارتأت الأمانة العامة أن يقرأها فارس سعيد، وشدد "السؤال الأهم: ما به الدكتور سعيد؟ من عائلة كريمة وضيعة عزيزة ومن منطقة جبيل، فجبيل أقدم من وجود لبنان السياسي، يكفيه فخراً أنه ساهم في أكبر ثورة جرت في تاريخ لبنان والمنطقة وهي ثورة الأرز".

أضاف: أقول للسيد حسن، من يريد أن يحترمه الناس عليه أن يحترمهم أيضاً".

وكان السيد نصرالله في كلمته أمس الخميس في مهرجان "الوفاء للقادة الشهداء" في الضاحية الجنوبية قد انتقد إلقاء سعيد لرسالة المجاس الوطني السوري قائلاً "إذا كان طلوع المجلس الوطني السوري المعارض أن ينطق باسمه فارس سعيد فهذا جيد جداً".

وقال جعجع "فرضاً، صح كل ما اتهمت فيه "القوات" في أيام الحرب عن المجازر، وهو ليس نقطة مما يتهم به "حزب الله" في أيام الحرب، وليس نقطة في المحيط الذي يتهم به حزب الله خلال السلم".

وأضاف "يرمون اتهامات فبركوها هم، وأنا في سابع زنزانة تحت الأرض، وهذا أمر مرفوض، وفي كل الأحوال الذي بيته من زجاج لا يرمي جاره بالحجارة".

وحول شرعة الحزب السياسية قال جعجع "عندما نصبح بنظام ديمقراطي كما سيجري في "القوات" اللبنانية، التصرف بمسؤولية يصبح ضرورة قصوى، لأن المسؤولية تتوزع على الجميع، الديمقراطية دون مسؤولية تعني خراب، وأتوجه لكل الرفاق، مع انتهاء بنياننا الحزبي بشكل كامل يجب أن نتصرف بشكل كامل أيضا لان مجرد وجود نظام داخلي لا يعني أن الأمور ستسير بمفردها".

التعليقات 57
Thumb benzona 15:19 ,2012 شباط 17

I wonder who's got most Lebanese blood on his hands. dr Geagea or Saint Hassan Nassralah. Probably both equally ... But Geagea served time in jail and partially redeemed himself. Nassrallah is still at large yet he belongs to a Guantanamo-like cell. Why!? Because he still terrorizes the Lebanese citizens.

Thumb jabalamel 01:06 ,2012 شباط 18

the filthy zionist media terrorists hallucinate about lebanese blood on their hands.

well, technicaly you are right. there were a lot SLA dead. they were citizens once. but who cares.

Default-user-icon Mazen (ضيف) 06:45 ,2012 شباط 18

I often see you comment on Naharnet articles and in every one you start with "filthy zionist media" or something similar, always claiming propaganda or disinformation. Don't you see that everything from the structure of your sentences to the content is exactly how propaganda is written and disinformation wars waged? You start with discrediting the source (filthy media,) associate it with the enemy (zionist) and then claim any information given is false while never offering constructive argument or validated points. I say this without agreeing or disagreeing with you. I only wanted to point out the laughable hypocrisy and incredible irony.
Elevate yourself brother. Think, research and debate with intelligence and an open mind at all times.

Thumb benzona 12:37 ,2012 شباط 19

I read you list, indeed, He's got blood on his hands. But Saint Hassan Nasrallah has over 1000 lives on his conscience alone for the 2006 war he caused when he entered the zionist entity and kidnapped a Tsahal solider. Not to mention the billions of dollars it cost us in infrastructure. Billions that Iran didn't cash out for its Lebanese friends... And that's just for 2006....

Thumb thepatriot 15:34 ,2012 شباط 17

“How are we the one placing preconditions when Nasrallah has refused to discuss the party’s possession of arms?” he asked.

hehehe...clever...and correct!

Thumb jabalamel 01:07 ,2012 شباط 18

the filthy zionist media terrorists hallucinate about lady gaga being clever and correct

only in your twisted mind

Thumb thepatriot 12:17 ,2012 شباط 18

Ohhhh...I see... well... your posts aren't exactly Nobel Prize material ya cookie sweaty thrower, and this multiple identity inferiority complex of yours should be checked out... you're a poor lame pathetic creature my dear... :)

Missing realist 22:23 ,2012 شباط 18

hizbala also was involved in a horrible inter war with amal where the brother killed the brother.. no one is innocent in lebanon flamethrower really. I agree with yuo that gaga is no angel but also the hizzies are no angels either and they have assasinated many political figures starting with the she3a who were anti iran back in the 80's and ending with rafic hariri and the rest. No one is innocent in lebanon.

Default-user-icon private conversation (ضيف) 16:09 ,2012 شباط 17

FPM's Farid Al Kazen: "Nasrallah lied during the national dialogue when he vowed to maintain the peace" ..

Nabih Berri: "We can never sit down at the table with Nasrallah again, we think he lied to us.."

Thumb jcamerican 16:24 ,2012 شباط 17

I think the best solution is to wait things out. Let us see what happens in Syria. If Syria regime falters, then Hizballah might be pressured to disarm. If the Syrian regime doesn't, who is going to protect the Lebanese from the Syrians. Just for your thoughts.

Missing jan_sundby 17:13 ,2012 شباط 17

On the contrary, if the syrian regime falls, hezballah would radicalize itself and really take over lebanon. They would never sit back and watch as salafites take charge next door as that could lead to a civil war between shiites and salafites in lebanon.

Thumb jcamerican 19:05 ,2012 شباط 17

I agree with you. No matter what the results are in Syria, there will be trouble for Lebanon. I think the Lebanese should open their eyes and avoid a disaster, instead of attacking each other. Now it is done by speeches, soon will be on the street. But hopefully not.

Missing realist 20:47 ,2012 شباط 17

i would like to agree with you jc but i am pessimistic.. i think the hizzies will keep their arrogance and i think that a fundamentalist suni armed party would emerge in the north with syrian support (syria would be in chaos for many years to come even with the fall of the regime). The only way to avert such a nightmare is for hizzies to give in the suspects and enter a meaningful dialogue with the moderate sunis (the will not).

Thumb jabalamel 01:12 ,2012 شباط 18

now they have a new tune, about future trouble in lebanon.

why don't you send your incompetent miltia to speed things up?

Missing realist 20:45 ,2012 شباط 17

i dont think hizbula would have much choice but politics and negotiations at that point jan. Hizbula monopoly over weapons would be over by the fall of the regime and the sunis would get weapons and crazy people from across the border. Fighting such a war would be suicidal for the hizbala in the longer run, the sunis in the region are very many.

Thumb jabalamel 01:14 ,2012 شباط 18

the filthy zionist media terrorist, calling himself peace, have a new hallucination: now it's not syria anymore, but our glorious resistance will get scared because of some salafis in the north and that will make them give up their weapons.


Thumb jabalamel 01:11 ,2012 شباط 18

the filthy zionist media terrorists are on the loose from official policy. they don't agree with each other about the future. there is more and more "if" in their posts.

some are still very sure in their hallucination, predicting the end of our glorious resistance in 3 months, than weeks, and look, now some of them are not sure...

the shadow of doubt has been cast and uncertainty has slowly entered into zionist ranks.

Missing realist 20:43 ,2012 شباط 17

it is hard to imagine the syrian regime surviving.. even aleppo and damascus have entered the chaos. I think it will be long and bloody (100-200 thousands killed) but the end of the regime as we know it is a mathematical certainty, it will convert to a militia and the civil war will go on but the regime will be over.

Thumb jabalamel 01:16 ,2012 شباط 18

the filthy zionist media terrorist still holds to a official policy of his department: 100-200 thousands killed, the end of assad, civil war and such.

this particular zionist media terrorist has been ordered by his boss to counter the doubts expressed by some other members of zionist information war department.

Missing realist 03:30 ,2012 شباط 18

The fithy zionist habal amel propaganda machine.. the same people who threw rice on the israelis in 1982 in south lebanon..the same people who support the murder of sunis in syria.. the same people brainwashed to hate the sunis as soon as they are born as they hallucinate that they killed hussein.. and they hallucinate that mahdi is coming back on a white horse.. u like lol?

Thumb jabalamel 01:08 ,2012 شباط 18

oh look that's another doubt!!

the filthy zionist information war department is getting unsure about situation in syria. it took the more than one year to realize that things in syria might not go their way.

your boss will be furious.

Missing realist 03:31 ,2012 شباط 18

Your boss in da7iye does not have a breve degree lol

Missing realist 03:35 ,2012 شباط 18

the filthy zionist media terrorists in da7iye and tehran and tel aviv unanimously support bashar assad in his barbaric war against the sunis who are the common enemy. They are hallucinating that the revolution will be over soon lol.

Missing vaclav_havel 16:26 ,2012 شباط 17

Personnellement je le trouve très serein ayant des principes clairs coïncident avec les miens... Donc j'approuve

Thumb benzona 17:28 ,2012 شباط 17

Entre nous, mon cher Vasek, il n'y a aucun politicien intègre. Mais alors, vraiment aucun... Tous volent et certains d'entre tuent en prime. Concernant le vol et l'abus de pouvoir, c'est une généralité mondiale, une banalité mais pour le terrorisme et la mort je certains sèment, ils font très fort au Liban.

Thumb benzona 17:29 ,2012 شباط 17

'que' certains sèment et non 'je' , vous m'aviez compris :-)

Missing vaclav_havel 17:48 ,2012 شباط 17

Oui Benzona je suis d'accord dans une certaine mesure. Mais moi j'ai des principes et lorsque je trouve que le politicien en question défend ce principe je l'approuve!

Thumb jabalamel 01:17 ,2012 شباط 18

the filthy zionist media terrorist speaks same stupidites just in french.

he hallucinate that his stupidities will get international significance.

Missing vaclav_havel 18:15 ,2012 شباط 17

monsieur je t'ai déjà dit que " j’aimerais s’il te plait que tu ne m’adresses pas la parole parce que tu as montré une grande vulgarité et arrogance. Tu m’as considéré entre autre « d’ignorant » alors je ne suis pas à ton niveau." Ceci dit, si jamais tu veux descendre à mon niveau on pourra dialoguer. j'ai dû mal à dialoguer et confronter mes idées avec une personne arrogante et vulgaire lançant des phrases "bateau". j'ai mon point de vue, tu as le tien et en plus tu as l'air de tout comprendre donc s'il te plait ne m'adresse pas la parole. Le jour où tu trouves ta modestie, le respect des autres points de vues et surtout le jour ou tu auras des principe je serais très heureux d'échanger avec toi!

Default-user-icon Kalkan Balphas (ضيف) 19:00 ,2012 شباط 17

Tu parles de Hassan nasrallah ou de bashar el Assad?

Default-user-icon fred (ضيف) 16:49 ,2012 شباط 17

the only scum on the face of the earth is people like you Galiboun.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 17:16 ,2012 شباط 17

i dont find any misbehaviour or political mistake from hakeem since he left prison....bravo hakeem..way to go.

Missing allouchi 18:35 ,2012 شباط 17

Nousrallah and M8 are blinded by hate and they cannot comprehend that Al Hakeem is a man of vision and peace. He hit a nerve by the saying the truth..may god bless ya Hakeem and keep you the voice of truth and wisdom for true and free loving Lebanese.

Thumb jabalamel 01:19 ,2012 شباط 18

the filthy zionist media terrorist talks about lady gaga being man of vision and peace.

his vision will be a peace in which he serve as puppet to his zionist masters while they plunder all lebanon from oil and water.

some vision.

send your incompetent militia to lebanon to make his vision come true.

Missing realist 03:32 ,2012 شباط 18

the flithy zionists are allies with hizbala and iran to kill as many sunis as they can in syria

Default-user-icon Eli in Aus (ضيف) 05:53 ,2012 شباط 18

U SURE R AN IDIOT your comment is nonsensical

Thumb beiruti 19:59 ,2012 شباط 17

Geagea is the only political match for Nasrallah in Lebanon. Only Geagea effectively calls Nasrallah out on his obvious contradictions and hypocracy.

Geagea should serve the country in some official capacity, as President if the presidency could again come to be meaningful.

Thumb benzona 20:59 ,2012 شباط 17

Haven't you noticed that all presidents of the past two decades as well as prime ministers were puppets lacking of personality? That's no coincidence... Even Hariri... because I don't want to stigmatize the pro or the anti-Syrians. Former Slain PM was a skilled businessman but an average politician. Aoun is a skilled military man but a poor politician shooting [barking] at anything he dislikes. Nasrallah? He's got some complex and believes he's got the divine mission to anihilate the Jews no matter what it costs. That's just a few sample that applies to all local actors.

Thumb jabalamel 01:28 ,2012 شباط 18

the filthy zionist media scum hallucinate about nasrallah wanting to anihilate "all jews" (meaning all across the globe).

such is their fear. good.

Missing realist 03:32 ,2012 شباط 18

the flithy zionist da7iye department is hallucinating that the sunis might take over in syria and make them lose their control over lebanon..good.

Thumb cedar 06:04 ,2012 شباط 18

hahaha nice benzona :P ... the nasralas got a complex line made me laugh, actually your whole post is correct.

Thumb jabalamel 01:27 ,2012 شباط 18

the filthy zionist media terrorists hallucinate about lady gaga being political match for nasrallah.

we see that by number of votes.

also, the zionist would like to see pre - civil war situation in lebanon, with their puppet on the most powerfull function in lebanon.

that's the problem with you zionists. you always see past, never predict future.

Missing realist 03:34 ,2012 شباط 18

the filthy zionist propaganda machine in da7iye is hallucinating that the revolution in syria will be crushed lol.

Thumb jabalamel 13:21 ,2012 شباط 18

the filthy zionist media terrorists hallucinate that there is a revolution in syria in the first place.

Missing realist 22:26 ,2012 شباط 18

the filthy zionist propaganda machine in da7iye think that nothing is happening in Syria and all the dead sunis do not count since they are sunis, the filthy zionist propaganda machine in da7iye is like an ostrich with its head in the ground.

Default-user-icon Franko Garibaldi (ضيف) 20:29 ,2012 شباط 17

If talking is to take place, then the talking will be with the Israeli and not their stooges in Lebanon, this if the Israelis will be around for much longer. Simply put, no talking with the enemy and consequently no talking with their agents, wel sama zar2a

Missing hasanzibowawa1 23:17 ,2012 شباط 17

Well said Geagea. During the civil war we were on opposite ends of the spectrum. But I respect people who re-assess the situation and seek forgiveness by promoting a strong Lebanese State for all under the protection of the legitimate Lebanese Army and Security Forces! Yes Dr. Geagea, you did get rich during the war and after selling your weapons. But they kept getting rich after the war ended and still accept bribes! You can't build anything in the Shiiaa areas without giving a cut to Hizballah or Berri! And their followers gladly oblige. They are submissive!

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 00:51 ,2012 شباط 18

@galiboun/Cookie kid: Nahr el Bared is a red line and when the Leb Army get the job done after many of our families and heroes are killed what happens to the Army General that was in charge of the clean up? he is assassinated by the Mossad? The Secret service who discovered the Harriri killers contacts Hezbollah leadership and days later he is assassinated? again who did it? GeaGea and the Mossad? should I continue to show you how blind you are? Should we talk about the Harriri-Bashar meeting prior to his assassination in 2005? I will let you go research what happened in that meeting.

Thumb jabalamel 01:31 ,2012 شباط 18

the filthy zionist media terrorists unanimously support lady gaga, each with his own hallucination.

Default-user-icon عمر ميرزا (ضيف) 02:39 ,2012 شباط 18

كل ردود سيمر جعجع كانت في محلها وبعضها مفحم للسيد وحلفائه ! وقد تهكم البعض بموضوع المجازر وذكّروا سمير جعجع بأفعاله أيام الحرب الأهلية وهذا مردود عليه بأكثر من نقطة، فلنبدأ بعون الله -تعالى-: أولا أيام الحرب ولّت وكل الفرقاء ارتكبوا جرائم يندى لها الجبين بالإضافة إلى الفلسطينيين هذا يشهد عليه التاريخ ونقلة التاريخ وكل الوثائق المرئية والمسموعة والمكتوبة ! وحركة أمل بقيادة نبيه بري حليف حزب الله الأول وأخته في المذهب والمشرب ارتكبت مجازر فظيعة بحق الفلسطينيين تفوق ما فعلته قوات جعجع بهم إبان حرب المخيمات !يتبع...

Thumb cedar 05:50 ,2012 شباط 18

I say let HizbAllah keep the weapons. they protect lebanon in a way at the moment.

The Hizb weapons allow israel to think twice about attacks on Lebanon.
The Leb army allows 20% protection to Lebanese incase Hizb does anything crazy.
Saudi arabia controls the Sunnis who will fight the Hizb shiites incase Hizb goes crazee so that alliance is temporarely OK - if Hizb keeps its weapons.
and Iran Backs the Shiites who back the Hizb.
Aoun Backs the Shiites coz theyr not as evil as the sunnies who want to take over lebanon in a fast way.
Gemayel and Geagea back the Sunnies coz they are afraid of Hizb taking power if they beat Israel in a war.

I think everyting is just fine

Missing realist 22:28 ,2012 شباط 18

What war with israel? not a single shot since 06 and all the shots have been against the non-she3a lebanese since that day. The resistance used to be supported from all the arabs pre-2005 until it converted to become a purely iranian sectarian tool. How can someone stand against israel and claim to be pro palestenian people and at the same time support the murder and genocide of the syrian people. It is really purely sectarian.

Default-user-icon Enough (ضيف) 05:53 ,2012 شباط 18

You can not compare Nasrallah to Geagea... Geagea fought like a man, Nasrallah hides like a rat.

Default-user-icon canada (ضيف) 06:38 ,2012 شباط 18

Bubbaman u are right, everyone in the world knows who hassan the terrorist is.

Thumb jabalamel 13:11 ,2012 شباط 18

what a stupid line of sectarian non-thought.

Missing realist 22:29 ,2012 شباط 18

the filthy zionist propaganda machine in da7iye running out of ideas on naharnet lol.

Thumb beiruti 16:38 ,2012 شباط 18

Geagea is playing a vital and necessary role in the manner in which the Syrian revolution plays itself out. Should the Syrian people win, and they eventually will win, those who have allied themselves with the murderous regime will be at risk for receiving retribution for their aid and comfort given to the Assad Regime.
Jumblatt has sought to insulate the Druze from this retribution. Geagea, by his stance and that of the Christians of M14 have done the same for the Christians of Lebanon. Given Aoun's actions and the dangerous gamble he has taken which has exposed the Christians, thank goodness for Geagea and this essential role that he is playing.