الحريري وأوغلو يشددان على أن تطبق سوريا "كل بنود" المبادرة العربية ومنها وقف "المجازر"

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أكد رئيس الحكومة السابق سعد الحريري ضرورة أن يكون "كل لبنان تحت سيطرة الدولة والجيش" لافتا إلى وجوب التزام سوريا بكل بنود المبادرة العربية "وليس فقط بند المراقبين"، في حين كشف وزير الخارجية التركي أحمد داوود أوغلو أن تركيا "ستبذل أقصى جهودها" للعمل على انجاح هذه المبادرة "ووقف المجازر".

وقال الحريري في مؤتمر صحفي مشترك مع أوغلو من أنقرة بعد لقائه أيضا رئيس الحكومة رجب الطيب أردوغان، أن توقيع سوريا وقعت البروتوكول "فقد تزامن ذلك مع تسريع آلة القتل".

كما شدد على أن "التوقيع على المبادرة هو توقيع على بنودها جميعا أكان المتعلقة منها بوقف القتل او اطلاق المعتقلين وغيرها، حينها تكون هناك فعليا خطوات ايجابية ولكننا لا نرى هذه الخطوات".

وبعد 10 أشهر على الإحتجاجات الشعبية ضد النظام السوري والتي أوقعت أكثر من 5000 قتيل حسب الأمم المتحدة وأكثر من ذلك حسب ناشطين، وقعت سوريا الإثنين المنصرم على مبادرة عربية لوقف العنف وتقضي إحدى بنودها بإرسال مراقبين ستصل طلائع منهم غدا الخميس.

وفي الشأن الداخلي اللبناني قال الحريري "أننا سنتشاور مع حلفائنا في هذا الشان ويكون لنا موقف واضح منه.

وتابع "انا اقول ان لبنان كله يجب ان يكون تحت سيطرة الدولة والجيش اللبناني بالتعاون مع الافرقاء السياسيين. يجب ان يعرف الجميع ان هذا البلد لنا جميعا ولا يمكن لاحد ان يستقوي على الاخر او ان يلغي الاخر" داعيا "الى تطبيق اتفاق الطائف".

من جهته أشار أوغلو ان "البروتوكول بحد ذاته له عدة ابعاد مهمة، منها إرسال المراقبين واطلاق سراح السجناء ونامل النجاح لكل بنود المبادرة" كاشفا أن "تركيا ستبذل اقصى جهودها للعمل على انجاح هذه المبادرة التي هي في الحقيقة مبادرتنا نحن ايضا وسندعمها وندافع عنها وسنراقب تنفيذها".

وأسف أوغلو أنه "حتى بعد التوقيع على البروتوكول قتل المئات من ابناء الشعب السوري" جازما أن هذا "أمر غير مقبول".

وذكر أن "مهمة الجامعة هي وقف اراقة الدماء وهذه هي المهمة الاساسية الاولى والملحة" مستدركا "لكن حتى بعد التوقيع لا تزال اعمال القتل مستمرة".

كما شدد وزير الخارجية التركي أن "تركيا ستكون بتصرف الجامعة العربية في ما تطلبه وسنعمل سويا ونامل ان تتوقف هذه المجازر ليس باسرع وقت ممكن بل فورا".

وقد وصل الحريري مساء أمس الثلاثاء إلى العاصمة التركية أنقرة.

التعليقات 15
Thumb leblover 13:04 ,2011 كانون الأول 21

what about the lebanese prob? what about the electricity,telecomunication,salaries, jobs?

or you are now just pay attention for the syarian people?

Default-user-icon jamhouri (ضيف) 13:27 ,2011 كانون الأول 21


Hariris only worry now is to bring the suunis to power in Syria so he can reunify Lebanon to its greater Syrian sunni motherland.

Missing allouchi 14:45 ,2011 كانون الأول 21

Most of you M8 supports are Sunni haters and I truly don't understand why? How can you hate a whole religious sect (Women, Children, old, young etc…) are you so brain dead to support your leaders so blindly. Sheikh Saad loves Lebanon and his loyalty is to all Lebanese not like the Syrian and Iranian boot lickers. You are jealous of success and patriotism. MANY Lebanese hold dual citizenships but most still are loyal to Lebanon. M14 never ruled alone and Hariri's mistake was that he believed the M8 cheaters and back stabbers and shared power. There is no sharing next time. It is time to look to the future and not live in the past. M8 is crippling the country they fight each other even with guns in the streets and in government. What a punch of thugs and haters with no agenda. WAKE UP before it's too late. Very pathetic bunch indeed.

Default-user-icon Isomablu (ضيف) 15:02 ,2011 كانون الأول 21

So mini-he who is incapable of discussing anything with anybody for more that 2 minutes of his attention (according to his master and commander Jeffy Jeff) wants us to believe that he is a player on the regional and international scene. Yeah, sure, cheikh Tweety.

Default-user-icon fal yakot wa7ed min fok (ضيف) 15:27 ,2011 كانون الأول 21

Why is he is Ankara, he should be in Beirut acting more like Amal and Hezbala on one hand have their ministers vote for the government's pay hike bill and then support the strikes against it that's what "responsible governance look like" I am surprise not everyone has the creative stinking smelly_demon has.

Thumb anonymouslb 16:24 ,2011 كانون الأول 21

Hopefully the syrian people will soon be able to get rid of the baath tyranny...

The Lebanese people should also wake up and get rid of the M8/ M14 dictatorship.
They divided us to better control us, steal from us, and perpetuate their privileges. Aoun Geagea Hariri Nasrallah Berry Jumblat, Frangieh Gemayel... so many faces, one sick political body...

Default-user-icon Hassouni (ضيف) 18:13 ,2011 كانون الأول 21

we want hassouni as president and prime minister, we are the majority and will remain so, if you dont like it, you can leave!

Thumb shab 19:51 ,2011 كانون الأول 21

We want a secular Lebanon like Turkey

Default-user-icon Truly Lebanese (ضيف) 01:57 ,2011 كانون الأول 22

sweating Demon...no real Lebanese hate the Shiaa especially when families like El Assad, Osseirane, Hamade,... even Moussa Sadr helped build modern Lebanon.
On the contrary before the Iranian revolution Shiaa were moderators between Maronites & Sunnis and nobody is disguising their contribution to Lebanon.

What we do not like is an armed militia stronger than our state that do the interests of other states.
Unfortunately Iranian money has flooded the South and brainwashed poor people
If it was a REAL resistance its loyalty would be to Lebanon and it will resist all invasions to Lebanon including Syrian occupation.
A REAL resistance do not choose between one occupation and the others, the mujaheddin did not choose between USSR & USA they fought whomever invaded their country

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 03:47 ,2011 كانون الأول 22

@sweat_rat, & Hassouni: You have the Jewish state in the South, and a terrorist regime in the North that have tried for 50 yrs to undermine our Country. How? Ask your grandfather what used to happen when Syria's government since 50 yrs ago needed something from Lebanon how they used to shut the borders to force their ideology or ruling on Lebanon and this is before the Palestinian problem or 1975 war. What Harriri could have been doing with Turkey is to create an economic bridge since we are at war with the Southern state and a civil war or border shutdown might occur in the North, it's called politics with your neighboring friends and I do not think Turkey is Zionist as M8 might try to label any side that is anti-syrian/iranian. Why harriri is not in Lebanon and acting like the shabiha (Amal & Hizb) it's because he's ideal to travel to all the countries to bridge the gap that the current shabiha has created. (i.e. No STL, No United Nations and etc..)kill them all zionists.

Default-user-icon Dingobat (ضيف) 05:26 ,2011 كانون الأول 22

Call it the meeting of the miscalculators.
Davutoglu to Saad: Chic Saad, how much is 2 x 3?
Saad to Davutoglu: Can I Tweet the question to my buddies?
Davutoglu to Saad: You can, but you only have 1 minute to give me an answer.
Saad to Davutoglu after 53 seconds: The answer is 18!!!
Davutoglu to Saad: 18 you son of a gun? 2 x 3 = 18?
Saad to Davutoglu: Yes, and my smart Twitter buddies all gave me this answer.
Davutoglu to Saad: No my friend. The answer is wrong. The correct answer is 12. 2 x 3 = 12. (What an idiot son of a gun!!!)

Thumb thepatriot 15:26 ,2011 كانون الأول 22

Is it supposed to be funny?? What are you? A retard??

Thumb thepatriot 15:35 ,2011 كانون الأول 22

Stop making a fool of yourself. Not only M14 rejected Mr Bassil's plan. At the end it went through only conditioned by some auditing. That's indeed the only example you can come up with...

You must have forgotten that your friends... (those who resign, and resign again, block the parliament, pull up barricades, burn tires, shoot civilians, block the BCD , threaten, intimidate,...) have no clue about civil opposition, and only know the way of the gun, and other thug behavior! You have a lot of nerve... and a lack of memory...

Thumb thepatriot 15:39 ,2011 كانون الأول 22

Obviously, and given the level of your intellect, should all Lebanon be like you, we would be living in the 17th century, and playing with our toes...

Default-user-icon Watab (ضيف) 16:21 ,2012 كانون الثاني 06

Lebanon is part of the Syrian Sunni Arab motherland. The Armenians, Maronites and Iranians should go back to their own nations.